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Cash and voucher in relief and recovery: Red Cross Red Crescent good practices
A two-page brief giving some examples of the Red Cross / Red Crescent movement’s experience using cash grants, vouchers, and cash-for-work in emergency response.
Shop vouchers for hygiene kits in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (the CALP Network Case Study)
In the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Oxfam’s Public Health Promotion team used a voucher programme to provide beneficiaries with essential hygiene items through local shops. The voucher system was chosen so that beneficiaries could access hygiene items in a normal and dignified way, and in...
Women’s WASH Platforms in Bangladesh and Cambodia
Case Study
Oxfam’s multi-country portfolio is located in more than 100 remote rural communities in six countries and is funded by AusAID’s Civil Society Organisation WASH Fund. The water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects in Bangladesh and Cambodia deliver multiple outcomes including improving water and...
Intervenciones de Transferencias Monetarias
Este manual está dirigido principalmente a personas con poca experiencia en el tema de las intervenciones de transferencia monetaria, aunque los implementadores más experimentados la encontrarán igualmente útil. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar una guía práctica para el diseño, la...
External Evaluation: Fresh Food Voucher Project by Action Against Hunger in Dadaab Refugee Camps, Kenya
The town of Dadaab in North Eastern Kenya is home to three refugee camps: Hagadera, Dagahaley and Ifo hosting over 240,000 people. The camps were established in mid-1992 after the closure of the Liboi camp, which was too close to the Kenya/Somali border to ensure adequate security. Continued insecurity in...
DG ECHO perspectives on Cash Transfer Programming
A presentation accompanying the CALP Network global learning event, Bangkok 16th February 2011, covering the following topics: DG ECHO position on the use of Cash &Vouchers (C&V) Trends in funding C&V projects Using C&V at scale: the case of Haiti Capacity building priorities
Red Card: Repair and Development in Chile: the CALP Network Newsletter Supplement, July 2011
This article is a supplement to the Cash Learning Bulletin of July 2011. The article describes how the IFRC used prepaid debit cards to enable earthquake-affected families in Chile to purchase shelter materials.
Cash Learning Bulletin August 2011
This newsletter includes articles and updates on: Smart cards used for the first time in Zimbabwe cash transfers Philippines cash learning group starts up Technical forum on cash transfers in Kenya & Somalia CALP Ivory Coast cash guidelines and details of forthcoming research for the period.
Evaluation of Livelihoods Projects Sri Lanka Tsunami Specific Plan
Spanish Red Cross has wide experience in livelihoods programming mainly in South America and South Africa over the last twenty years. However the projects that were developed in response to the impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami were the first time that the SRC used cash grants as a modality for its...
Evaluación de Proyectos de Medios de Vida Plan Especial Maremoto (PEM) en Sri Lanka
Cruz Roja Española tiene una amplia experiencia en los medios de subsistencia de programación, principalmente en América del Sur y Sudáfrica en los últimos veinte años. Sin embargo, los proyectos que se desarrollaron en respuesta a los efectos del tsunami del Océano Índico fuera la primera vez que...
Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO
An overview of discussions of the Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO – Niamey 09 &10 Dec 2010.
Programme de coupons produits alimentaires frais, dans le cadre de la réponse d’urgence au séisme, Port-au-Prince, Haïti
ACF est intervenue rapidement après le séisme qui a frappé Port au Prince le 12 janvier 2010 à travers une approche multisectorielle Sécurité Alimentaire/Eau & Assainissement/Nutrition pour répondre aux besoins immédiats de la population de Port-au-Prince et des communes environnantes. La...
Evaluation of Zimbabwe’s Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Programme
Case Study
Concern Worldwide have been delivering food aid in three rural districts of Zimbabwe (Gokwe North, Gokwe South and Nyanga) since 2002 as part of the World Food Programme’s (WFP) Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) programme. The VGF provided a monthly food bundle of 10kg staple, 1kg beans and 600ml oil per...
Catholic Relief Services Indonesia West Sumatra Transitional Shelter Program
This evaluation report looks at CRS’ shelter programme in West Sumatra following an earthquake, which used cash grants to assist households to build safe, adequate, comfortable and durable transitional shelters. The report gives an overview of the programme and presents the findings from a comprehensive...
Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme: Monitoring Consolidated Report, November 2009 to March 2010
Case Study
Concern Worldwide Zimbabwe together with WFP implemented the Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme in three districts of Zimbabwe as part of the Vulnerable Feeding Group intervention for the food shortages of 2009/2010. In spite of its limited duration (5 months), the ZECT was highly...
Responding to High Food Prices: Evidence from a Voucher Programme in Burkina Faso
In February 2009, WFP launched its first food voucher operation in Africa, to address food security in an urban environment where food is available but beyond the reach of many because of high food prices. Vulnerable segments of the population, who were spending most of their budgets on food, risked...
WFP Global Workshop on Cash and Vouchers
This document provides a summary and synthesis of key outcomes and emerging priorities. It also provides a summary of the current status of voucher and cash programming in WFP. A discussion of key emerging cross-cutting issues follows. Strategic priorities for WFP voucher and cash programming and policy...
An independent evaluation of Concern Worldwide’s emergency response in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo: Responding to displacement with vouchers and fairs
Case Study
In late 2008, escalated fighting among rebels and the Congolese Armed Forces (FARCD) provoked renewed and widespread displacement in North Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In response to the unfolding crisis, Concern Worldwide implemented the project Emergency Assistance to Newly...
Fresh food vouchers for refugees in Kenya
Read the report here This article in Field Exchange magazine outlines an intervention by ACF in Dadaab to improve the nutritional intake and dietary diversity of the refugee population of Dadaab, Kenya, through a complementary food voucher scheme targeted at malnourished children.
Niger: Food Security and Safety Nets
Case Study
From the perspective of social protection, this study is designed to synthesize considerable existing analysis, review food and nutrition security policies and programs in Niger, and provide an action plan for strengthening the existing system and developing an effective food security and safety net...