Niger: Food Security and Safety Nets
From the perspective of social protection, this study is designed to synthesize considerable existing analysis, review food and nutrition security policies and programs in Niger, and provide an action plan for strengthening the existing system and developing an effective food security and safety net strategy, in the context of the Government’s poverty reduction strategy.
This report adds value to the ongoing policy discussions in two ways:
- First, it presents new empirical analysis of: i) food insecurity and vulnerability of households during the period of food crises as well as during the normal period; ii) the structure and integration of cereal markets within Niger and with markets in neighbouring countries; and iii) causes of the 2005 food crisis, and lessons learned on the implications of various levels of cross-border flows between Niger and Nigeria.
- Second, it provides concrete short- and medium-term recommendations for helping the government to improve the performance of existing programs to increase food security, particularly related to preparedness for and responses to food crises, and to design efficient safety nets mechanisms for vulnerable populations. The policy options provided in this report are aligned with the strategies proposed in the SDRP2 and RDS and complement the Government national contingence plan (le Plan National de Contingence sur la Securite Alimentaire) (November 2007). They are also aimed to help the Government respond to the recent and future high food world prices, which may contribute to higher domestic prices and reduce availability of food aid to supplement Niger’s domestic food supply.