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Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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341 – 360 of 377 resultados

Prévenir la corruption dans les opérations humanitaires : Guide de poche des bonnes pratiques


L’aide humanitaire vise à sauver des vies et soulager la souffrance des populations en temps de crise. Pourtant, ces nobles ambitions n’immunisent pas les réponses d’urgences contre les cas de corruption. Pour répondre à cette inquiétude, TI a lancé en 2005 un programme dont l’objectif est...


Prevención de la Corrupción en las Operaciones Humanitarias: Guía Resumida sobre Buenas Prácticas


El objetivo de la asistencia humanitaria es salvar vidas y aliviar el sufrimiento de las personas en los momentos de crisis. No obstante, estos nobles propósitos no implican que las respuestas de emergencia sean inmunes a la corrupción. En respuesta a esta problemática, en 2005, TI lanzó un programa...


Dawn in the City: Guidance for achieving urban refugee self-reliance


More than 50 percent of refugees live in urban areas. Eighty percent are hosted by developing nations, in cities ill-equipped to guarantee their protection. The majority are marginalized due to their legal, economic and social status. They frequently lack sufficient legal and social...


Helpdesk Research Report: Beneficiaries’ perspectives in research on cash transfer and social protection programmes


Query: What research, academic, NGO or government, has included the perspectives of beneficiaries of cash transfer or social protection programmes in developing countries and what results have emerged and how robust has been this participatory qualitative evidence? Are there any lessons learnt from the...


Helpdesk Research Report: Financing and Cost-effectiveness of Cash Transfer Schemes


Query: What does the evidence base on the costing, financing and cost effectiveness of cash transfer schemes tell us? Cash transfers are a form of social assistance in which money or cash-like instruments (e.g. vouchers) are distributed to vulnerable individuals or households. They can vary in targeting...



Guidelines and Tools

Protection mainstreaming is a practical, efficient and effective means to maximise the protective impact of aid programming. Through incorporating protection principles into aid design and delivery, humanitarian actors can:
Promote the human rights of affected populations
Enhance affected populations’...


Helpdesk Research Report: Political Economy of Cash Transfers


Cash transfers are a form of social assistance in which money or cash-like instruments (e.g. vouchers) are distributed to vulnerable individuals or households. They can vary in targeting (eligibility requirements, such as age, poverty, and disability) or conditionality (specific actions required to...


Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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