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Evaluation of Concern’s Post Election Violence Recovery (PEVR) programme

February 2010 — By Ian MacAuslan

Concern’s Post Election Violence Recovery (PEVR) Programme was a cash transfer programme operating in areas of Kenya (Nairobi, Nyanza, and the Rift Valley) affected particularly badly by the violence that followed the announcement of the national election results in late 2007.

Building on several other cash transfer programmes in post-emergency and emergency settings, the PEVR programme:

  • Provided a food security grant and a livelihoods grant at the same time, to enable households to meet their food needs and invest in rebuilding their livelihoods.
  • Indexed the value of the cash transfer to local food prices and household size ensuring that a constant real value of cash was provided.
  • Delivered the cash transfer through MPESA, a mobile phone based system that delivered cash straight to recipients’ phones.
  • Worked through partner organisations who knew the areas in which they were working.