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Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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241 – 260 of 383 resultados

Transferts Monétaires en Contextes Difficiles: Étude de cas sur les risques liés aux transferts monétaires au nord Mali


Cette étude de cas a été commanditée par le CALP Network comme première activité de son orientation stratégique 2018-2019 autour des risques liés aux Transferts Monétaires (TM). L’objectif de cette étude est de contribuer à la documentation sur le sujet; et de tirer des enseignements sur...


Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Tchad du 05 octobre 2017


5 octubre 2017

Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Tchad du 15 juin 2017


15 junio 2017

Cash Transfers for Food Security in Epidemics


The report is divided into five chapters. The introduction provides a brief overview of the study’s objectives, data collection methods and a snapshot of the context in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The second chapter describes USAID/FFP’s response to the Ebola crisis with a particular focus on CTP....

June 2017

Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Tchad du 29 juin 2017


June 2017

Renforcer L’Utilisation des Transferts Monetaires Multisectoriels en Afrique de L’Ouest


En décembre 2017, le CALP Network et IRC se sont réunis pour organiser un atelier d’apprentissage de deux jours afin d’harmoniser et de partager les expériences des pays travaillant sur la définition du panier de dépense minimum et de combler les lacunes existant sur l’analyse de marché, qui...


Nigeria Acceptance And Safety Assessment

Guidelines and Tools

This review seeks to provide an overview of i) the Government of Nigeria’s attitude towards cash being used as a modality of assistance, as well as to ii) outline particular protection concerns and potential corresponding mitigation measures relating to the use of cash transfer programmes in the


Digital Cash Transfers in Liberia. A case study from Save the Children’s Emergency Food Security Program (2015- 2016)


Through its USAID-funded Emergency Food Security Program, Save the Children was the first organization to implement cash transfers through mobile money at scale in Liberia, where mobile money services are nascent. From liquidity management to incentivizing agents, the challenges, lessons, and...


Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Democratic Republic of Congo


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is at a crossroads with regard to cash transfers. On the one hand, cash has been accepted by most donors and aid agencies as an appropriate response, with solid evidence underpinning its use. Aid agencies have driven important innovations in an environment where...


Improving Uptake of Multi-Sector CTP in West Africa: Learning Event Report


In December 2017, the CALP Network and the IRC came together to organize a two-day learning event to align understanding and share experiences of countries working on the definition of Minimum Expenditure Baskets, and to contribute to bridging capacity gaps in Market Analysis, a critical step for CTP...


Rapport Atelier Mobile Money ELAN


Dans une étude récente menée par NetHope sur les paiements mobiles en masse, il est estimé que les programmes humanitaires de cash transfert pourraient potentiellement générer chaque année entre USD$19 et 37 millions en frais de transaction pour les prestataires de services financiers.

26 abril 2016

Cash Working Groups: A preliminary mapping


Brief overview of the state of cash working groups in emergency settings.

February 2016

Dynamique de L’Intérieur des Ménages et la Conception des Programmes de Protection Sociale: le Cas des Ménages Polygames au Nord du Burkina Faso

Case Study

Un récent examen des programmes de protection sociale de la Banque mondiale et de la problématique de genre met en évidence la nécessité d’accorder une importance accrue aux dynamiques intra-ménage dans la conception des programmes de protection sociale (Bardasi, 2014)1 . Lors de la conception des...


Learning Event Report " Getting ready for cash transfer programming"


Despite the rapid, dynamic evolution of cash transfer implementation in West Africa, actors’ lack of preparation means that the tool cannot fulfil its potential. As a result, the scope of interventions remains limited, the combination of different methods is not often envisaged, the most...


Les modèles de coordination des transferts monétaires en Afrique de l’Ouest : Mali et Mauritanie


The CALP Network, basé sur son expérience dans les pays et les réalisations des différents groupes – dont la vitalité peut évoluer rapidement au fil des mois – a choisi de documenter particulièrement l’expérience de coordination des TM du Mali, qui est actuellement l’un des CWG les plus...


Testing new ground. Multisector cash interventions in Mangaize refugee camp Niger


In the midst of the Mali refugee crisis in Niger, UNHCR implemented one of the first multisector cash transfer projects in Mangaize refugee camp in 2015, providing refugees with grants covering non-food items, hygiene, shelter and livelihood needs. The cash project came on the heels of a successful food...


Data Protection Case Study: Nigeria


In March 2016, the Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) brought together Mercy Corps’ and Catholic Relief Services’ Nigeria teams to discuss data protection in their electronic voucher programs and overall operations. Because data protection relies so heaviliy on context (e.g.,...


What to know: working with humanitarians on e-cash programs


International humanitarian assistance rose to a record US$24.5 billion in 2014. The 2015 Global Humanitarian Assistance Report indicated that over US$200 million of this was used in cash and voucher programs. An increasing number of humanitarian actors have begun to deliver cash electronically, through...


Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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