Oriente Medio y Norte de África
3321 – 3340 of 3516 resultados
Ukraine Red Cross cash transfer case study
This case study examines the first ever Red Cross cash transfer initiative in the European Zone of the International Federation, as part of a home restoration programme in Ukraine following a devastating storm. The report details response analysis, rationale, programme summary, perceived impacts and...
Integrated Community Based Response for Vulnerable Conflict and Flood Affected Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan
A presentation discussing objectives, modalities, target beneficiaries and best practices of integrated community-based response for vulnerable conflict and flood-affected population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.
Cash Learning Bulletin August 2011
This newsletter includes articles and updates on: Smart cards used for the first time in Zimbabwe cash transfers Philippines cash learning group starts up Technical forum on cash transfers in Kenya & Somalia CALP Ivory Coast cash guidelines and details of forthcoming research for the period.
Q&A – Cash Transfers in South Central Somalia.
Context: In recent months, it has become clear that many populations in Southern Somalia are under increasing and severe food access stress. The situation has been further exacerbated by the absence of large-scale food aid, as well as rising global food prices, the worsening drought and its impact on...
Cash Transfer Guide for Western Ivory Coast
This document provides locally-adapted guidelines for cash transfer programming for the Western region of Ivory Coast. Developed by the CALP Network focal point in June-July 2011, these guidelines include: Context Stakeholder analysis Challenges & risk management options Response options Assessments &...
Market Analysis in Emergencies
This study represents the first phase of a broader research to understand how to strengthen interventions by using market analysis and what is needed to conduct market analysis well.
Gender Tip Sheet for UNICEF’s Cash Transfer Programme in the Horn of Africa Crisis
Guidelines and Tools
The content for this note was drawn primarily from Walking the Talk: Cash Transfers and Gender Dynamics, prepared by Carol Brady, commissioned by Concern Worldwide and Oxfam GB, 12 May, 2011. Drafted for UNICEF staff, this note outlines gender-related lessons learned from past CTPs and provides tips on...
Public Health Agencies and Cash Transfer Programmes: Making the case for greater involvement
This report examines the case for greater involvement by public health agencies in cash transfer schemes, a form of welfare assistance. It seeks to identify opportunities, obstacles and actions that might support greater involvement. The issue arises because cash transfer schemes are an increasingly...
Cheques: A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cheques. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Niger: Unconditional cash transfers in Tanout
This case study documents the one time unconditional cash transfer programme carried out by the British Red Cross, for households vulnerable to food insecurity, as part of its overall emergency and recovery project following the 2004/5 Food crisis in Niger. It details the context, situational analysis,...
Hard Cash in Hard Times: Cash transfers versus food aid in rural Zimbabwe
This case study looks at Concern Worldwide’s pilot project to provide cash, instead of traditional food aid, to food insecure communities in Zimbabwe. The document briefly describes the conditions making it suitable for such a response, positive outcomes for the cash recipients, the cost effectiveness,...
Financial Considerations in Cash Transfer Programming
OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION • Finance considerations and challenges in CTP • Delivery Mechanisms used in the Flood Response. • Oxfam’s Experience with Order Cheques – Challenges and Innovation. • Delivery Mechanism’s – the selection dilemma.
Cash Learning Bulletin: East Africa drought special edition
A CALP Network bulletin with articles and information on: Cash transfer programming in the drought response Kenya Cash Transfer Working Group Somalia Cash Transfer Working Group Training on Cash Transfers in Emergencies and a list of appropriate links and resources.
Cash-Based Safety Nets for Livelihood Support in Northeastern Somalia: A Feasibility Study for Save the Children UK and Horn Relief
This study looks at the need for and feasibility of cash-based safety net programming within the operational areas of Save the Children UK and Horn Relief in Northeastern Somalia. The success of recent emergency cash transfer programs in Somalia permit the question of whether cash-based programs are...
Delivering Cash through Cards: A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cards (magnetic stripe or smart cards). Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Water Access by Voucher
This document presents an overview of the use of vouchers to connect vulnerable people in Somalia with water during an emergency response. The document provides thorough and practical guidance to implementing a water voucher programme, covering all phases of the project cycle including: programme...
Direct cash – A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money directly (‘direct cash’ or ‘cash in envelopes’). Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using direct cash. It also provides practical implementation tips.
WFP’s Current C&V Portfolio
A presentation aimed at solidifying a common understanding of where WFP is and where it is going. Topics include: Shift from food aid to food assistance From pilots to scale Portfolio trends since 2009 Global C&V by programme category.
The CALP Network Newsletter supplement Zimbabwe cards Aug 11
Supplement to the CALP Network August 2011 newsletter, focusing on the topic of ‘Reconnecting Zimbabweans to financial services through cash transfers’. Includes sections on: Piloting of smart cards in Zimbabwe Combining cash transfers for basic needs with livelihood support
Somalia CBGWG Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Somalia Cash Based Response Working Group.