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Oriente Medio y Norte de África

La CALP Network ofrece apoyo técnico, de coordinación y de políticas a las organizaciones que implementan, o están considerando implementar, programas de transferencias monetarias en la región. La oficina regional de CALP Network se encuentra en la sede de Oxfam International en Amman, Jordania.

3341 – 3360 of 3546 resultados

DG ECHO perspectives on Cash Transfer Programming


A presentation accompanying the CALP Network global learning event, Bangkok 16th February 2011, covering the following topics: DG ECHO position on the use of Cash &Vouchers (C&V) Trends in funding C&V projects Using C&V at scale: the case of Haiti Capacity building priorities


Evaluation and Review of the Use of Cash and Vouchers in Humanitarian Crises


This report is the second of two reports commissioned by DG ECHO to support the development of a coherent policy regarding the use of cash and vouchers in humanitarian crises. The first report evaluated DG ECHO’s partners’ use of cash and vouchers. This second report reviews cash and voucher...


Risk Analysis of Water Access via Voucher

Guidelines and Tools

The “Water access by voucher” approach was endorsed by the meeting, as it targets people in need, and uses local mechanisms. Meeting participants identified risks, as well as mitigating factors to reduce or remove the risks, as per the table in document.


Informe de Buenas Prácticas (GPR) 11: Programas de transferencias de efectivo para emergencias


Este GPR sintetiza directrices sobre transferencias de efectivo previas, concentra conclusiones extraídas de ciertas investigaciones y evaluaciones y añade ejemplos prácticos de intervenciones basadas en efectivo. Una de las dificultades que entraña escribir sobre respuestas basadas en efectivo es...


Determining the Value of Cash Transfers – Preliminary Insights from LIME


In 2009, the multi donor funded Protracted Relief Programme (PRP) adopted LIME (Longitudinal approaches to Impact assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation) as the approach to be used both for establishing a PRP baseline and for on-going analysis of monitoring data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of...


Gender issues in Cash transfer programmes


Purpose of the study: To assess the changes in gender power relations within households and in the community, as a result of emergency cash transfer programmes. To review the processes followed by agencies in emergency cash transfer programming and analyse their adequacy from a gender perspective


ATM cash assistance: Does it work?


This 2-page article describes UNHCR’s cash assistance to almost 5,000 vulnerable Iraqi refugee families in Jordan.  It looks at the key questions asked in UNHCR about implementing cash-based assistance, and highlights findings about cost-effectiveness and beneficiary well-being.


The Voucher programme in the Gaza Strip – Mid-term review


The WFP voucher project is part of the emergency operation (EMOP 10817.0) to assist the recovery of the population affected by the conflict in Gaza Strip. WFP emergency operation has the following objectives: Meet urgent needs and improve the food consumption for conflict-affected people targeted...


Cash Transfers in Emergencies Good Practice Review: Presentation


Powerpoint presentation on the then-forthcoming Good Practice Review on cash transfer programming in emergencies.