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المساعدات النقدية 101: شرح المساعدات النقدية والقسائم

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نتائج 161 من 180 – 598

SPACE Overcoming barriers to coordinating across social protection and humanitarian assistance – building on promising practices

Policy paper

The importance of strong coordination between actors preparing, designing and implementing shock responses is well accepted. This has been highlighted specifically concerning shock responsive social protection (SRSP) as well as linking humanitarian action and social protection (HA-SP). However, despite...

30 يونيو 2021

SPACE Deciding when and how to link humanitarian assistance and social protection: guidance and tools for response analysis

Policy paper

This short paper presents two complementary ‘Tools’ to guide thinking and decisionmaking on humanitarian programme design, providing the basis for conducting a comprehensive response analysis to inform decisions on linking HA-SP. These can be used to determine the likely feasibility and...

30 يونيو 2021

Integrating gender and inclusion in social protection response to COVID-19: What have we learnt?

Policy paper

COVID-19 has exacerbated existing inequalities for women and girls and persons with disabilities. During the pandemic, women have been more likely than men to drop out of the labour force, have shouldered an unequal burden of unpaid care work, and are facing increased threats from gender-based violence...

30 يونيو 2021

Transfers with Impact – Pathway to Link Humanitarian Cash to Social Protection through Social Accountability

Policy paper

In response to the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, governments have introduced over 1,600 social protection measures in almost all the world’s countries and territories. Cash assistance – a critical intervention in supporting the world’s most vulnerable people – also grew by 240% during...

24 يونيو 2021

Documento de sistematización Evento Regional de Aprendizaje: Vinculando las transferencias monetarias con los sistemas de protección social


El presente documento tiene por objetivo documentar el proceso de organización del Evento Regional de Aprendizaje de “Vinculando las transferencias monetarias con los sistemas de protección social”, convocado por REDLAC y el Grupo de Trabajo de Transferencias Monetarias -R4V para el 20 de Mayo,...

11 يونيو 2021

SPACE Gender and Social Protection in the COVID-19 Economic Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges

Policy paper

This paper analyses the potential contribution of social protection to a gender-transformative economic recovery over the medium term, defined as running from the present to the end of 2022. It builds on the existing Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 Expert (SPACE) advice publication; SPACE Social...

31 مايو 2021

What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection? A technical primer

Guidelines and Tools

This paper aims to advance these discussions in a number of ways. As ‘financing for SRSP’ is understood differently by different people, it starts by providing greater clarity on what this term constitutes, and its relation to disaster risk finance. It acknowledges the broad potential remit of...

31 مايو 2021

Social protection and climate change: scaling up ambition

Policy paper

Social protection can be a strategic tool for climate risk management and provides an important answer to the current calls for climate action and for increased resilience as we recover from COVID-19. The Paris Agreement demands rapid action to keep the average temperature from rising above 1.5 degrees,...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Summary Brief: What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection?

Guidelines and Tools

This paper, and the longer Technical Primer that accompanies it, are designed to inform discussions around financing shock-responsive social protection (SRSP). It starts by clarifying terms and providing a framing to guide approaches to SRSP financing. It then provides a high-level overview of current and...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Social protection and climate change: scaling up ambition (Summary Brief)

Policy paper

Climate change, once perceived as a long-term environmental issue, is now an immediate threat to safety and prosperity, especially for the most vulnerable people that are hit hardest by increasing weather extremes. The impacts cannot be managed just by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or by small tweaks...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Drivers of Timely and Large-Scale Cash Responses to COVID-19: what does the data say?

Guidelines and Tools

This note compares the experiences of 53 low- and middle-income countries to identify drivers of timely and large-scale government social assistance responses to COVID-19. The analysis covers cash responses only and focuses on the capacity of the social protection sector and beyond. It compares response...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Better responding to shocks through social protection: COVID-19 insights on identifying and responding to dynamic poverty

Policy paper

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected substantial proportions of the population raising questions about how social protection systems could be used to respond. One of the key policy questions emerging is how to deal with a sudden, large-scale increase in poverty levels. This paper relies on pre-existing...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection? (Summary Brief)

Policy paper

This paper, and the longer Technical Primer that accompanies it, are designed to inform discussions around financing shock-responsive social protection (SRSP). It starts by clarifying terms and providing a framing to guide approaches to SRSP financing. It then provides a high-level overview of current and...

31 مايو 2021

Forecast based financing – lessons learned on early actions with cash transfers


The objective of the document is to present the lessons learned related to the implementation of early actions with cash transfers as part of the forecast-based financing mechanism implemented by the World Food Programme in the Yaque del Norte watershed in the Dominican Republic.

27 مايو 2021

FbF – Aprendizajes sobre las acciones anticipadas con transferencias monetarias en República Dominicana


El objetivo del documento es presentar los aprendizajes relacionados con la implementación de las acciones tempranas con transferencias monetarias, como parte del mecanismo de financiación basada en pronósticos implementado por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos en la Cuenca Yaque del Norte en la...

24 مايو 2021

Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic


Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic: In every context, strengthening the links between cash transfers, savings groups and digitisation contributes to resilient recovery from COVID-19. Representatives of...

17 مايو 2021

Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Social Protection – Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT): Country Summary


This country summary is part of a larger resource set, providing practitioners with examples of different approaches to linking CVA
and social protection.

May 2021

Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Social Protection – Turkey: Country Summary


This country summary is part of a larger resource set, providing practitioners with examples of different approaches to linking CVA
and social protection.

May 2021

Transfer Values: How Much Is Enough? Balancing social protection and humanitarian considerations

Policy paper

This Operational Guidance paper follows on from two blogs published by SPACE on the subject of transfer values across the social protection and humanitarian nexus (here and here). This note dives even deeper into the topic, highlighting some key elements that could be considered when setting transfer...

30 أبريل 2021

المساعدات النقدية 101: شرح المساعدات النقدية والقسائم

استكشفوا المساعدات النقدية 101