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المساعدات النقدية 101: شرح المساعدات النقدية والقسائم

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نتائج 281 من 300 – 701

La Provisión de Programas de Transferencias Monetarias en la Respuesta a la Crisis de Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela: Hallazgos y Lecciones Aprendidas – Informe principal


Esta consultoría, para la cual se recopiló información entre marzo y abril de 2020, busca documentar las lecciones y las buenas prácticas sobre la entrega de PTM en Colombia y Ecuador por parte de actores humanitarios y gobiernos, en respuesta a la crisis de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Este...

4 سبتمبر 2020

OCHA internal guidance – cash in HRPs

Guidelines and Tools

The enhanced 2020 Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) approach offers a unique opportunity, through its focus on producing a joint inter-sectoral analysis, to provide a holistic understanding of the relationship between needs in the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). Additionally, the strengthened focus on...

2 سبتمبر 2020

Use of Foreign Currency for Designing of Assistance Packages in Yemen_Fina

Guidelines and Tools

The Yemeni Rial (YER) during the course of 2020 has shown high levels of volatility in its value against foreign currencies, in particular, the United States Dollar (USD). As program budgets are calculated in USD or EUROs, but cash transfers are made in YER, the reduction in the value of the YER against...

1 سبتمبر 2020

Supporting the Linkages Between Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance and National Social Protection Systems


This tipsheet aims to support country-level coordination efforts to strengthen the engagement between humanitarian coordination groups that implement cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and existing social
protection or disaster risk reduction coordination actors and groups. In particular, it seeks to...

September 2020

Apoyo A Los Vinculos Entre Los Programas De Transferencias Monetarias En El Ambito Humanitario Y Los Sistemas Nacionales De Proteccion Social


Esta hoja de sugerencias tiene como objetivo apoyar los esfuerzos de coordinación a nivel de país para fortalecer el compromiso entre los grupos de coordinación humanitaria que implementan los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) y los actores y grupos de coordinación de protección social o...

September 2020

Guía para el manejo de Proyectos de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) por Covid-19

Guía y herramientas

Esta Guía ha sido construida a partir de la experiencia de organizaciones que forman parte del Grupo Multisectorial de Transferencias Monetarias en Guatemala, que realizan acciones de ayuda humanitaria a nivel nacional y que realizan transferencias monetarias a poblaciones particularmente vulnerables por...

31 أغسطس 2020

Annex. Technical Guidance for National Platforms- Cash and Voucher Assistance

Guidelines and Tools

The objective of this guide is to orient the reflection on the role of the Cash Working Groups (CWG) in the 2021
Response Strategy Planning process for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela. It is a living document that will be
nurtured by the experiences and exercises of the 17 countries and the regional...

17 أغسطس 2020

Summary: Lessons and Recommendations on the Use of CVA for the Caribbean Atlantic Hurricane Season


This is a summary document of the CALP Network’s Winds of Change: Lessons and Recommendations on the Use of CVA in the Caribbean and includes a matrix of learning and evidence from the region used to inform the report. This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people...

13 أغسطس 2020

Cash Working Group Leads Meeting Report – July 2020


The meeting was set to enable CWG Leads and Co-Leads reflect on the COVID-19 response, address challenges they face in this regard and look into trends and opportunities the response brings.

7 أغسطس 2020

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Linking humanitarian Cash and Social Protection in practise


This paper seeks to demonstrate practical ways in which NGOs are linking their humanitarian work to social protection and the added importance of this in the context of COVID-19, following from the earlier work of CCD outlining the role of NGOs to
improve the access to and delivery of social protection in...

27 يوليو 2020

Kenya Cash Working Group Achievements | JULY 2020


The Kenya Cash Working Group’s (KCWG) operational information map (4 Ws) shows the various CVA actors’ coverage as of June 2020. Those actors are responding to different emergencies in Kenya including Rapid-Onset flooding, Desert locust invasion and COVID-19 pandemic funded by various donors.

24 يوليو 2020

The Provision of Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Response to the Venezuela Refugee and Migrant Crisis: Findings and lessons learned, Executive summary


This study, for which data was compiled between March and April 2020, seeks to document lessons and good practices in the delivery of CVA in Ecuador and Colombia by humanitarian organisations and governments, in response to migrants and refugees from Venezuela. The purpose of this analysis is...

23 يوليو 2020

La Provisión de Programas de Transferencias Monetarias en la Respuesta a la Crisis de Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela, Hallazgos y Lecciones Aprendidas: Resumen ejecutivo


Esta consultoría, para la cual se recopiló información entre marzo y abril de 2020, busca documentar las lecciones y las buenas prácticas sobre la entrega de PTM en Colombia y Ecuador por parte de actores humanitarios y gobiernos, en respuesta a la crisis de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Este...

23 يوليو 2020

Cash Transfers and Social Protection: From Alignment to Integration

Policy paper

As the use of cash transfer programming grows in response to COVID-19, demands on the aid community’s own interventions and capacity to support state-led measures continue to grow in equal measure. Originally envisioned as a means of better coordinating parallel and remarkably similar humanitarian and...

10 يوليو 2020

Ep. 3. What does the future of financial assistance mean for your work today?


In this episode of the CashCast we speak to Meg Sattler from Ground Truth Solutions, Lars Peter Nissen from ACAPS, and Jenny Caswell from GSMA about the changes we should be seeing today, to effectively meet the humanitarian needs of the future.

Returns from Iran and Pakistan Funding Needs


As of 23 June 2018, 348,506 undocumented Afghan returnees have crossed back into Afghanistan from Iran. The months of April and May have witnessed an average of 20,000 returns each week. The total represents a 50% increase of returns over the same period in 2017. The larger return is associated with a...

5 يونيو 2020

ورقة نصائح تنسيق النقد

إرشادات وأدوات

تحدد هذه الورقة الإرشادية أفضل الممارسات المعمول بها، والتوجيهات والموارد الرئيسية لجميع جوانب التنسيق النقدي، والمقصود منها أن تكون دليلاً واضحًا ومتاحًا وموجهًا...

2 يونيو 2020

المساعدات النقدية 101: شرح المساعدات النقدية والقسائم

استكشفوا المساعدات النقدية 101