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Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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4781 – 4800 of 4814 resultados

Market Analysis in Emergency Food Security Assessments

Guidelines and Tools

This document provides a generic overview of market analysis as an integral part of an emergency food security assessment. The main objective is to provide a basic understanding of markets, including how to gather market information, conduct a situation analysis, and
interpret the analysis to inform...


Market Analysis Tools in Rapid-Onset Emergencies: Phase one report


This report was commissioned by Oxfam’s Emergency Food Security and Livelihood (EFSL) team as part of a larger exercise to develop a market analysis toolkit for rapid-onset emergency situations. The impetus for this arose from the recognition by Oxfam, other humanitarian agencies and donors that the...


Impact of Microfinance Programs on Children: An annotated survey of indicators


The purpose of this study is to ascertain what indicators have been used by multisectoral, child-focused non-governmental organizations (NGOs), microfinance practitioners and social performance researchers to assess processes that address children’s concerns in operations and the impact of microfinance...


Cash Grants and Microfinance in Livelihood Recovery: Experiences from tsunami-affected areas of Sri Lanka


The devastating tsunami that hit Sri Lanka on 26 December 2004 killed over 35,000 people, making it the worst natural disaster in the country’s recorded history. Over 200,000 people were estimated to have lost their livelihoods, half of them in the fishing sector. The major objectives of the study is...


Market-Based Food Assistance Pilot Project Pidie and Lhokseumawe Districts, Banda Aceh: Report of Final Evaluation


This report represents the findings of a final evaluation undertaken for Save the Children Indonesia/Banda Aceh of its Market-based Food Assistance (MBFA) Pilot Project carried out in Pidie and Lhokseumawe districts in early 2006. For 3 months, from February-April 2006, SC/BA implemented a pilot project,...


Mapping the Risks of Corruption in Humanitarian Action


The issue of corruption in emergency relief and rehabilitation is a key concern for practitioners, who invest considerable resources and energy in trying to minimise it. However, it has barely been discussed in policy terms, and little researched. This paper aims to map the risks of corruption in the...


Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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