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Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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261 – 280 of 495 resultados

Renforcer L’Utilisation des Transferts Monetaires Multisectoriels en Afrique de L’Ouest


En décembre 2017, le CALP Network et IRC se sont réunis pour organiser un atelier d’apprentissage de deux jours afin d’harmoniser et de partager les expériences des pays travaillant sur la définition du panier de dépense minimum et de combler les lacunes existant sur l’analyse de marché, qui...


Informe de Evaluación Rápida de Mercados (RAM) – Pedernales, Ecuador, Terremoto 16 de abril 2016


Este análisis se enfocó principalmente en un producto – la caña guadua. Este producto se seleccionó, ya que dado sus características sismo-resistentes se prevé un posible aumento en la demanda de caña guadua para la construcción, reparación y reforzamiento de viviendas en las zonas afectadas....

5 diciembre 2016

Multi-Sector Market Environment Analysis – Haiti. To what extent can markets meet the basic needs of the population affected by Hurricane Matthew


Relief interventions in Haiti, including those to the 2010 earthquake, have been criticised for their (potential) harmful effect on the national market systems (ALNAP 2011 Humanitarian Coalition 2012). This multi-sector report intends to strengthen the understanding of the market environment in the...

October 2016

Cash Transfers in Remote Emergency Programming

Guidelines and Tools

In emergencies with significant access challenges for humanitarian actors, the use of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) has great potential to help provide life-saving support to the most vulnerable people. CTP may not require a heavy and consistent staff presence, is not subject to the same logistical...

August 2016

Economic Impact of Refugees


In 2015,  the United Nations High Commission for Refugees accommodated over 15 million refugees, mostly in refugee camps in developing countries. The World Food Program provided these refugees with food aid, in cash or in kind. Refugees’ impacts on host countries are controversial and little...

14 julio 2016

Cash Transfers: An Effective Tool for International Development and Humanitarian Aid


In the last 20 years direct payments to recipients have emerged as an effective way to deliver aid to vulnerable people. Evidence from 200 studies shows that direct cash transfers (CTs) have a strong impact on poverty reduction, and that they are particularly efficient in emergency situations. This...

11 julio 2016

Future of NGOs: Smaller, more specialised, and more efficient

Blog Post

The WHS was far from a revolution. Yet the unprecedented place occupied by cash at the WHS shows the ball is rolling. Nigel Timmins, Oxfam International’s Humanitarian Director, reflects on what underlies our attitudes and how NGOs will need to focus on a set of core activities that reflect their...

1 junio 2016

Cash-based approaches in humanitarian emergencies A systematic review. April 2016


Humanitarian actors have a responsibility to ensure that assistance is provided in a way that minimizes risks and maximizes benefits to people affected by crisis. However, there are many challenges in evaluating ‘what works’ in addressing the needs of crisis-affected populations, and translating...

April 2016

The Use of Cash Transfer for Livelihoods: Considerations and lessons learned

Blog Post

As the use of cash transfer programming increases, questions of how it can be used both to meet short-term relief needs and to contribute to recovery and longer-term development become more pertinent. In particular, the use of cash transfers to meet livelihoods objectives can be a highly effective means...

31 marzo 2016

Revisado Análisis del Mercado Previo a la Crisis (PCMA)

Guía y herramientas

Este documento proporciona las directrices para que los profesionales lleven a cabo el análisis de mercado antes del inicio de una crisis prevista utilizando una adaptación de las herramientas existentes para la evaluación del mercardo después de la crisis. Las recomendaciones que se derivan de...

February 2016

Gender and Markets in West Africa – Secondary Data Review


The secondary information and data review presented here covers all gender and markets assessments conducted by WFP in West Africa, and market assessments conducted by key partners in the region over the past 5 years. The quality of the compiled assessments is reviewed to identify data and information...


Labour Market Analysis in Humanitarian Contexts. A practitioner’s guide

Guidelines and Tools

The world and the scale of complex crises are rapidly changing, thus calling for new tools and fresh approaches. This guide aims to help humanitarians conduct better labour market analyses (LMA) to inform the design and delivery of livelihoods and market strengthening programmes in emergency crisis and...


EMMA on CGI Sheets in Eastern Samar, Philippines


Super Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda) made landfall on the 8th of Nov’13 and left a trail of destruction along its path. It is estimated that 14 million people were affected and 4.1 million were displaced in the Philippines as a result of this super typhoon.Eastern Samar province of the...


What to know: working with humanitarians on e-cash programs


International humanitarian assistance rose to a record US$24.5 billion in 2014. The 2015 Global Humanitarian Assistance Report indicated that over US$200 million of this was used in cash and voucher programs. An increasing number of humanitarian actors have begun to deliver cash electronically, through...


Outil d’analyse des risques et bénéfices en matière de protection

Guides et outils

Outil d’analyse des risques et bénéfices en matière de protection.


Global Shelter Cluster Position Paper: Cash & Markets in the Shelter Sector


The use of direct cash payments to support communities impacted by crisis is becoming increasingly commonplace as a response to humanitarian situations – and with good reason. Cash can often be faster and more cost-efficient to deliver than in-kind assistance and most importantly increases choice,...


Why not cash? The case for cash transfers for refugees in Mozambique


There are two areas where cash transfers could play a role in humanitarian assistance in Mozambique: in response to natural disasters and in support of the long-term refugee population. This working paper focuses on refugees. Why not cash? The case for cash transfers for refugees in Mozambique is one of a...


Karamoja, Uganda: Enhanced Market Analysis


The Market Fundamentals reports serves as starting points for providing efficient and effective market-based response decision support for both emergency and development programs in Karamoja Region of Uganda. It examines the appropriateness and feasibility of modality response options for the region.


Pre-Crisis Market Analysis: Credit, Drinking Water and Wheat Flour Market Systems


Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, was captured by ISIS in June 2014 and remains under their control. The Iraqi army has vowed to recapture Mosul and the speculation is that a counter-offensive is imminent – a military operation which could have dramatic humanitarian implications. A large influx of...


Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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