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نتائج 41 من 50 – 50
Cash-based programming to address hunger in conflict-affected South Sudan: A case study
For some time aid agencies and donors have recognised the benefits of utilising markets to deliver food assistance. And for almost as long, cash-based programming has been effective in doing this by improving people’s ability to purchase sufficient nutritious food. Addressing hunger through cash...
Markets in Crises: South Sudan case study
Not long after achieving independence, South Sudan descended into conflict, which has fuelled displacement and food insecurity.Although markets continue to function in the country, humanitarians have paid relatively little attention to market-based responses to the crisis. Looking primarily at Juba, this...
Humanitarian Response to Urban Crises: Workshop Report
The UK government’s Humanitarian Emergency Response Review recognised that ‘the concentration of populations in urban areas will change the nature of many humanitarian disasters.’ii DFID is exploring how it can increase understanding, confidence and capability to prepare for and respond to urban...
Disaster Response: Mobile Money for the Displaced
Advances in mobile technology have opened up new opportunities, not only for communication, but also for using the mobile handset as a platform for a range of applications. The introduction of data transfer facilities and the rise of mobile financial services around the world have allowed mobile money...
South Sudan: Cash grants to support income generating activities
In response to chronic malnutrition, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in Twic and Gogrial West Counties of Warrap State, South Sudan, using group cash grants to promote income generating activities. The programme addressed chronic livelihood vulnerability, which is a contributing factor to global...
An Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis study Market Support in South Sudan
Abyei is a relatively small and disputed area of land on the border of North and South Sudan that has, in recent years, experienced much turmoil. Historically, both the governments of South and North Sudan have claimed Abyei and tensions that have existed since before the first Sudanese Civil War...
Comparing the Efficiency, Effectiveness and Impact of Food and Cash for Work Interventions: Lessons Learned from South Sudan
In addition to food aid, which used to be the standard response to food emergencies, alternative instruments of food assistance such as cash and vouchers have increasingly been applied in emergency and transition situations in recent years. The subject of the present study was a comparative analysis of...
An Evaluation of Save the Children’s Cash Transfer Project in Aweil East County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, South Sudan
Since April 2009, Save the Children have been implementing an ECHO-funded cash transfer project in Baac Payam, Aweil East County. The specific objective of this project has been to improve dietary diversity and nutritional outcomes among the targeted households that inhabit a part of Sudan which has some...
From Food Crisis to Fair Trade: Livelihoods analysis, protection and support in emergencies
This document aims to collate and analyse experiences of livelihoods programming in emergencies. It provides an overview of what livelihoods programming is and gives examples of the range of interventions that are possible in emergencies. Different types of livelihoods programmes are then described...
Seed vouchers and fairs: A manual for seed-based agricultural recovery in Africa
Guidelines and Tools
This manual describes a new (2002) approach to post-emergency seed distribution in Africa, where farmers receive not free seed but vouchers that can be exchanged for seed at a specially organized seed fair. Seed fairs rely on commercial seed firms (where they are in operation), as well as local seed...