Social Protection
The State of the World’s Cash 2020 report found:
- Working with, through and alongside social protection systems is now considered key to strengthening the humanitarian-development nexus and humanitarians are increasingly active in this space
- Practitioners find that the three biggest challenges to effective linkages are: (i) lack of coordination between the actors involved, (ii) social protection systems are not designed to respond to crises, (iii) humanitarian practitioners lack expertise in social protection
- Critically, there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to linking CVA and social protection. Trade-offs between efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and sustainability must be considered to ensure the best outcomes for people living in crisis and depends on context, existing systems, and timeframe. Linking will not always be appropriate and social protection systems may not meet all needs. In many contexts, in the short to medium term at least, humanitarian programming will be required to fill gaps.
Current Priorities
The CALP Network has invested intensely in this thematic area over the last few years. We will continue to work closely with the SPIAC-B Working group on linking humanitarian (cash) assistance and social protection (formerly the Grand Bargain Sub-Workstream on Social Protection) and with the platform and the Online Community Social Protection in Crisis Contexts to develop evidence, produce capacity building materials and provide technical support to coordination actors.
Community of Practice hosts a dynamic and collaborative online community of practice (CoP) bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds interested in expanding social protection in crisis-prone areas. The CoP offers a space to exchange documents, insights, and news in order to progress and learn together. Its inclusive and member-led approach offers organisations and individual members a forum to increase learning and outreach, facilitating the exchange of experiences and expanding knowledge. A discussion group hosted by complements these activities by connecting users rapidly via email.
There are a wealth of relevant resources from ‘Social Protection Approaches To Covid-19: Expert Advice’ (SPACE) published in the CALP library.
Featured content
Linking Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance
There is a growing momentum and body of work around the idea of developing stronger links between humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and social protection (SP). This Briefing Paper for the CALP Network, based on a literature review, a survey, and interviews, is intended to inform the CALP Network’s overall approach in this area, and subsequently its capacity building and...
Linking Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash
Blog Post
The case for social protection to help people cope with shocks has always been clear and never more obvious than during the current Covid-19 crisis. These issues are currently playing out in real time as governments, donors and aid agencies scramble to find ways to get more help to more people to cope with the economic consequences of illness and lockdown. As the virus starts to take hold in...
Linking Social Protection and humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) – what do we really know and where to start? Findings from the CALP Network commissioned high level briefing paper at the time of COVID-19
State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 8 summary: Linking CVA and social protection
Longstanding efforts to strengthen links between humanitarian CVA and social protection have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with significant progress since the last report. CVA should aim to complement robust social protection systems where they exist and contribute to their strengthening where they are weak or early-stage. This chapter asks: ‘What opportunities and challenges...
Supporting the Linkages Between Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance and National Social Protection Systems
This tipsheet aims to support country-level coordination efforts to strengthen the engagement between humanitarian coordination groups that implement cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and existing social
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Case Studies
Linking CVA and Social Protection in the MENA Region – Crib sheet
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Linking CVA and Social Protection in the MENA Region – Iraq Case Study
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Linking CVA and Social Protection in the MENA Region – Lebanon Case Study
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Linking CVA and Social Protection in the MENA Region – Yemen Case Study
Case Study
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Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Social Protection – Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT): Country Summary
This country summary is part of a larger resource set, providing practitioners with examples of different approaches to linking CVA
and social protection.
Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Social Protection – Turkey: Country Summary
This country summary is part of a larger resource set, providing practitioners with examples of different approaches to linking CVA
and social protection.
Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Social Protection – Lebanon: Country Summary
This country summary is part of a larger resource set, providing practitioners with examples of different approaches to linking CVA
and social protection.
Thematic lead
Briefing Note on Panel Discussion between DCF and Partners on Exchange Rates and Cash Assistance
Meeting minutes
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Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance with Social Protection: A case study in Gaza
Case Study
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Delivering Better Together: Standard Operating Procedures for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
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Social Protection and Humanitarian Action: An Overview of Oxfam’s Approach
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Digital Feast and Famine: Digital Technologies and Humanitarian Law in Food Security, Starvation and Famine Risk
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Technical brief: Key Principles and Recommendations for Inclusive Cash and Voucher Assistance in Ukraine.
Guidelines and Tools
A technical brief on inclusive cash and voucher assistance in Ukraine, developed together with the European Disability Forum. The brief is intended to provide general guidance for humanitarian agencies operating in Ukraine on how to implement Disability Inclusive CVA.
Exercise to identify linkages of CVA to the social protection system
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Social Protection: An operational tool for the humanitarian, development and peace nexus – Linkages between cash-based interventions and social protection in humanitarian and non-humanitarian settings
Policy paper
This paper explores linkages between Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs) and social protection in humanitarian and nonhumanitarian settings, focusing on linkages between humanitarian aid and sustainable social protection for migrants, including communities affected by forced displacement such as IDPs and...
Presentation: Launch of ECHO Cash thematic policy
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Webinar Recording: Launch of ECHO Cash Thematic Policy
Webinar recording
This is the recording of the launch of ECHO’s Cash Thematic Policy, which provides guidance to DG ECHO partners and staff on the use of cash transfers. The launch event had the following objectives: Highlight key elements of the policy – emphasising what’s new. Equip a wide cash audience on how to...
Flood Response Multi-purpose Cash, Delivered through Leveraging Nepal’s Social Security Allowance Programme: A case study of shock-responsive social protection in practice: October 2021, western Nepal floods
Case Study
This case study documents the actions of the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), with support from the Danish Red Cross (DRC) and in collaboration with local government, in response to the October 2021 floods in Kailali District, Nepal. Specifically, the content describes NRCS’ multi-purpose cash (MPC)...
Cash and In-Kind Transfers in Humanitarian Settings: A review of evidence and knowledge gaps
Policy paper
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Guarantee 360-Degree Satisfaction in Cash Interventions
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DG ECHO Thematic Policy Document on Cash Transfers
Policy paper
DG ECHO released its Thematic Policy document on Cash Transfers in March 2022. The document provides guidance primarily to DG ECHO’s partners and staff, but also to the wider cash community with the objective of collectively enhancing the quality and efficiency of cash programmes and of humanitarian...
Gender Responsive social protection post- Covid 19
Policy paper
See the publication here Social protection has been a key policy response to address pandemic-related social and economic crises; however, attention to gender has been insufficient. Less than one in five global social protection measures during COVID-19 has addressed gender, such as supporting women in...
Honduras Case Study
Bono Único - Deepening Preparedness In Social Protection Programs Using Cash and Voucher Assistance for Future Emergency Assistance
Cash & Voucher Assistance Within Social Protection Preparedness in Central America, Mexico, and The Dominican Republic
This report:
• Explores how humanitarian CVA adds value to and strengthens Social Protection programs while contributing to disaster preparedness in Mexico, Central America, and the Dominican Republic.
• Draws out real examples of best practice through two case studies from Honduras and the Dominican...
Operational Research on the WFP Cash Transfer Programme in Cambodia
Case Study
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2021 Cash And Voucher Programming (CVP) Roadmap Milestones Achieved
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Cash and Livelihoods in Contexts of Conflict and Fragility: Implications for social assistance programming
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