Shelter and Cash and Voucher Assistance
How can Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) support shelter outcomes? Please find a brief summary below, and for the very latest information, refer to the Shelter and Cash Working Group.
Shelter is regarded as a critical, life-saving need. It is where families are protected from the elements, eat, sleep, study, raise a family, socialise and undertake income generating activities. For many people, housing is their most significant financial asset in which they continuously invest time, money and energy to improve. In humanitarian emergencies,
CVA presents opportunities for meeting shelter needs, assuming local markets are able to respond appropriately to changes in demand and supply.
During the acute phases of a crisis, rapid provision of CVA can allow people to find short-term rented accommodation as well as help with purchases of basic non-food items such as blankets, tarpaulins, tools and materials, before supporting the (re)construction of permanent housing.
For more information and resources on CVA in relation to shelter please visit the Global Shelter Cluster’s Shelter and Cash Working Group web page.
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