Sector-specific Cash and Voucher Assistance
CVA can help people in crises address their needs within a specific humanitarian sector, such as water, food, health, shelter, livelihood, or protection. Sector-specific CVA can be restricted or unrestricted, and conditional or unconditional, and will typically be provided as part of a comprehensive package which may also include in-kind and service-based assistance.
Each sector has to consider different questions, challenges, advantages and risks when it comes to supporting people’s recovery within their area of expertise. This requires evidence, tools, guidance and capacity. Meeting sector-specific outcomes through CVA also requires a multi-sectoral understanding of needs and of household economic security – see Multipurpose Cash Assistance. While some sectors are very experienced in implementing CVA and have done so for many years, others are now catching up. Most humanitarian sectors are committed and have been increasing their efforts on sector-specific CVA. The Global Cluster Coordination Group (GCCG) is also coordinating cross-cluster work to improve the sectoral used of CVA.
Current priorities
The CALP Network works closely with the cash technical groups/task teams within the global clusters, who have been defining their 2020 priorities and workplans during their regular meetings. A general overview and specific details of these priorities across each global cluster is available here.
Sector-specific CVA subpages
Camp Coordination, Camp Management and Cash and Voucher Assistance
Find out more about Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) in relation to Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). For the most up to date information visit the Global CCCM Cluster’s website.
Education and Cash and Voucher Assistance
A brief introduction as to how Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can support education outcomes. For the most up to date information please visit the Global Education Cluster’s website.
Food Security and Cash and Voucher Assistance
A brief introduction as to how Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can support food security outcomes. For the most up to date information please visit the Food Security Cluster Cash and Market Working Group web page.
Health and Cash and Voucher Assistance
The content on this webpage has been developed with the Global Health Cluster.
Nutrition and Cash and Voucher Assistance
Malnutrition continues to pose a major challenge to human well-being around the world. In 2020, an estimated 144 million children under five suffer from stunting (i.e. chronic malnutrition) , 47 million children under five were wasted (i.e. acute malnutrition) , of which 14.3 million were severely wasted, and an additional 340 million suffered from micronutrient deficiencies (UNICEF/WHO/WB...
Protection and Cash and Voucher Assistance
How can Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) support protection outcomes? Please find a brief summary below, and for the very latest information, refer to the Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Cash for Protection.
Shelter and Cash and Voucher Assistance
How can Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) support shelter outcomes? Please find a brief summary below, and for the very latest information, refer to the Shelter and Cash Working Group.
WASH and Cash and Voucher Assistance
How can Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) support WASH outcomes? Please find a brief summary below, and for the very latest information, refer to the WASH Cluster’s Cash and Markets Technical Working Group.
Feasibility study on cash and voucher assistance programming in the Borena zone, Oromia, and Zone One, Afar regions in Ethiopia
OCHA reports close to seven million people living in the lowlands of Oromia, Somali, SNNP and Southwest regions continue to experience the effects of drought (including 3 million people in So-mali Region, 2.4 million in eastern Oromia and 1 million people in southern Oromia).
Following three consecutive...
Executive Summary of the Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) Endline in Yemen
Case Study
From September 2021 to April 2022, Save the Children Yemen implemented the RF4BN project to support pregnant and lactating women (PLWs), children under 2 (CU2), and other vulnerable households. The project aimed to improve their access to food, water, hygiene, health, and nutrition services through the...
Multipurpose cash outcome indicators and guidance
Guidelines and Tools
The indicators in this document, developed by the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream, focus on the primary objectives of humanitarian Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC), and the outcomes to which MPC can most strongly contribute in a given context.
Biweekly Factsheet on the Cash for Protection Taskforce (C4PTT) in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries
This Fact sheet collates key updates, findings and resources as drawn from Humanitarian Impact situation Reports; minutes from the Cash Working Group (CWG), Protection cluster and sub-cluster/AoR meetings; IOM; UNHCR and other UN sources. It is produced on a bi-weekly basis for protection and cash and...
CVA for Health Services Guidance Note
Guidelines and Tools
Guidance on the use of CVA for Health Services in Iraq, developed in collaboration with the CWG, the Health Cluster, the Protection Cluster and with the technical support of CashCap
Presentation: Launch of ECHO Cash thematic policy
This is the presentation of the launch of ECHO’s Cash Thematic Policy, which provides guidance to DG ECHO partners and staff on the use of cash transfers. The launch event had the following objectives: Highlight key elements of the policy – emphasising what’s new. Equip a wide cash audience on how...
Webinar Recording: Launch of ECHO Cash Thematic Policy
Webinar recording
This is the recording of the launch of ECHO’s Cash Thematic Policy, which provides guidance to DG ECHO partners and staff on the use of cash transfers. The launch event had the following objectives: Highlight key elements of the policy – emphasising what’s new. Equip a wide cash audience on how to...
Flood Response Multi-purpose Cash, Delivered through Leveraging Nepal’s Social Security Allowance Programme: A case study of shock-responsive social protection in practice: October 2021, western Nepal floods
Case Study
This case study documents the actions of the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), with support from the Danish Red Cross (DRC) and in collaboration with local government, in response to the October 2021 floods in Kailali District, Nepal. Specifically, the content describes NRCS’ multi-purpose cash (MPC)...
Expanding the Evidence Base on Cash, Protection, GBV and Health in Humanitarian Settings Findings from Northwest Syria: A Comparison of Individual Protection Assistance and Dignity Kits
Case Study
As part of 2021 programming in northwest Syria, UNFPA and its implementing partners provided dignity kits (hygiene and sanitary products) and individual protection assistance (IPA, a one-off unconditional cash transfer) to those in need. The two interventions were intended to provide immediate assistance...
The Use of Cash Assistance in DEC’s Coronavirus Appeal: Key Learning, Best Practices and Recommendations
The purpose of this report is to provide insight into the learnings, future improvements and best practices in cash programming. The 2020 DEC Coronavirus Appeal was analysed to determine the opportunities for collective learning about cash programming. The countries investigated include, Afghanistan,...
DG ECHO Thematic Policy Document on Cash Transfers
Policy paper
DG ECHO released its Thematic Policy document on Cash Transfers in March 2022. The document provides guidance primarily to DG ECHO’s partners and staff, but also to the wider cash community with the objective of collectively enhancing the quality and efficiency of cash programmes and of humanitarian...
Economic Resilience “On-the-Move” – New Tools to leverage local markets for basic needs through conflict-sensitive approaches
Guidelines and Tools
See the publication here A special look at Cash and Local Markets for Social Cohesion Local market actors affected by (natural) disasters, pandemic lockdowns with movement restrictions and income loss – generally in Fragile Contexts – play a critical role in contributing towards communities’ basic...
Financial Services In The Uganda Refugee Response – An Assessment Of Users’ Perspectives
This assessment of user experiences and perspectives on digital financial services and assistance mechanisms aims to inform actors in Uganda’s humanitarian response and other stakeholders. The data collected is representative at the settlement level for refugees and at district level for refugee hosting...
Uganda Refugee Response Cash And Voucher Assistance (CVA) User Perspectives – Research Brief
This brief presents the summarised findings of the study on Financial Services and Humanitarian Mechanisms in the Uganda Refugee Response: An Assessment of User Perspectives in Uganda.
The assessment intends to inform actors and key stakeholders in Uganda’s refugee response about peoples’ existing...
Women and Girls Choose: Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management Saves Lives
Policy paper
As part of a coordinated response to gender-based violence (GBV), UNFPA and its partners provide a structured GBV case management process to survivors that can include referrals to medical, legal and other specialised services. This process provides a follow-up to challenges that a survivor may be facing,...
The Role of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Increasing Equity and Inclusion for Girls and Children with Disabilities in Education in Emergencies
The Global Education Cluster (GEC) has been working to build the evidence base around cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in education in emergencies (EiE), resulting in the publication of the “Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies Synthesis Report and Guidelines” in 2019. This report...
2021 Cash And Voucher Programming (CVP) Roadmap Milestones Achieved
Summary Report of World Vision’s global progress report and milestones (against WV’s global Cash Roadmap Strategy) in Cash Voucher Assistance (Cash Voucher Programming-CVP) facilitated by World Vision in over 44 countries, reaching more than 6.7 Mio vulnerable people (78 % in Fragile Contexts) in...
Case Study: Cash Response Team
This case study explains well the role of a CashCap Response Team member. They are readily available to quickly scale up support for cash and voucher assistance where needed. This is especially crucial for a response to a rapid-onset disaster, or if there is a critical capacity gap supporting a Cash...
Applying the Common Approach ‘Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition’ in Humanitarian Responses. Cross-Country Learning Report
From 2021 to 2022, Save the Children implemented ‘Cash + for Nutrition’ in programming in three countries at risk of famine: Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Yemen.
With funding from Save the Children Italy and technical support from Save the Children UK and the consulting firm InformEd International,...
Enablers and Challenges when Integrating Cash, Nutrition and WASH Interventions in Humanitarian Contexts: A case study from South Sudan
Case Study
This case study is one of a series of three. They were produced by Save the Children UK within the cross-country learning initiative on ’Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) in humanitarian settings’, implemented in 2021 and 2022 in Afghanistan, South Sudan and Yemen.
Focused on South...