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Operational Models

Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) can be delivered to people in crises more efficiently, effectively, and with more accountability, if responding agencies work together. But we need to generate evidence around which operational models work best for collaboration in different contexts.

The CALP Network’s State of the World’s Cash Report identifies different types of operational model, including consortia and alliances, shared cash delivery mechanisms, single agency cash delivery, and integration of systems.

“The overall structure through which agencies work jointly…to deliver cash and voucher programming…in situation response and analysis, program design and implementation.”

Our working definition of an operational model.

Scaling up CVA offers opportunities to transform how humanitarian aid is delivered. It has implications for the roles of different agencies within various operational models, and the potential for models to link to social protection systems. It will also impact the nature of partnerships with financial service and technology providers, and how different models interact with other forms of assistance, beyond cash.

Current priorities

Since late 2016, the CALP Network has been coordinating a learning agenda to help answer these questions:

  1. What operational models are available to agencies implementing CVA?
  2. How do different models improve the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of CVA in different contexts?
  3. Which operational models are most appropriate in which contexts?

We will continue to collate and disseminate the evidence base for operational models.

We are also a partner in the Cash Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning Organizational Network (CAMEALEON) consortium, led by Norwegian Refugee Council, which is responsible for independent monitoring and evaluation of WFP’s Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) in Lebanon. This includes research and analysis regarding value for money and accountability in the operational model.


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