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Monitoring and Evaluation

The flexible and multisectoral nature of cash presents unique challenges when it comes to monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of humanitarian responses. Agreeing and using common indicators will help to ensure we are working together to improve the quality of cash and voucher assistance (CVA).

Most M&E challenges, such as a lack of sufficient investment and capacities, are not specific to CVA. But those that are relate primarily to monitoring outcomes for unrestricted transfers. The flexibility of cash transfers can make it difficult to determine appropriate outcome indicators, as they may involve a combination of sector-specific and cross-cutting indicators. At the same time, there are limitations on gathering accurate data on how cash transfers are spent.

Grand Bargain signatories have committed to ensuring relevant M&E mechanisms are in place for cash, and increasing understanding of the costs, benefits, impacts and risks of cash relative to other modalities. Building on this, the GB cash workstream has action points including the development of common outcome indicators for multipurpose cash, and metrics for analysing value for money. Systematic value for money analysis has been limited by factors including a lack of agreed upon approaches, the need for quality outcome data, and the intensive nature of the analysis.

Current priorities

As part of the Grand Bargain cash commitments, the CALP Network has co-led (with USAID and CRS) the development of Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators. The draft for testing is currently available in English, French and Spanish via the library.


Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan


A presentation from the CALP Network’s former focal point Loreto Palmaera on ‘Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan’


Cash and Vouchers in Emergencies


This HPG discussion paper examines all aspects of using cash and vouchers to assist people in emergency situations. It provides a background to the literature and theory around cash and vouchers, looks at the current picture through selected examples and examines the decision making process on the...


CCT Programmes and Women’s Empowerment in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador


Latin America’s efforts to alleviate poverty have resulted in reducing poverty in twelve countries, most strikingly in Mexico and Brazil. The adoption of Cash Transfer programmes in much of the region is credited with helping to bring this reduction about. These programmes are widely promoted as a cost...


Unconditional cash transfer in Emergency Lessons learned from Plan in Vietnam


A presentation from the the CALP Network Global Learning Event, BKK 16-17 February 2011. Topics covered include: Implementation process Findings after intervention Strengths and weaknesses Lessons learned Presenter: Nguyen Trong Ninh – Plan in Vietnam


Evaluation and Review of the Use of Cash and Vouchers in Humanitarian Crises


This report is the second of two reports commissioned by DG ECHO to support the development of a coherent policy regarding the use of cash and vouchers in humanitarian crises. The first report evaluated DG ECHO’s partners’ use of cash and vouchers. This second report reviews cash and voucher...


Cash Preparedness in Vietnam


A presentation from the the CALP Network Global Learning Event, addressing Save the Children’s Preparedness in Vietnam Bangkok, February 16-17, 2011. Topics include: Emergency preparedness Cash intervention design Lessons learned


ATM cash assistance: Does it work?


This 2-page article describes UNHCR’s cash assistance to almost 5,000 vulnerable Iraqi refugee families in Jordan.  It looks at the key questions asked in UNHCR about implementing cash-based assistance, and highlights findings about cost-effectiveness and beneficiary well-being.


DFID Cash Transfers Literature Review


This paper provides a synthesis of current global evidence on the impact of cash transfers in developing countries, and of what works in different contexts, or for different development objectives. Cash transfers are direct, regular and predictable non-contributory cash payments that help poor and...


Delivering Cash Through Cards – A Quick Delivery Guide (booklet)

Guidelines and Tools

A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cards (magnetic stripe or smart cards).  Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques.  It also provides practical implementation tips. This version...


Determining the Value of Cash Transfers – Preliminary Insights from LIME


In 2009, the multi donor funded Protracted Relief Programme (PRP) adopted LIME (Longitudinal approaches to Impact assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation) as the approach to be used both for establishing a PRP baseline and for on-going analysis of monitoring data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of...


Support to IDP Education and Pupils Transition from ABE to Formal School in Puntland


This report discusses the findings and recommendations from the final evaluation of a pilot project that aimed at: (i) enabling 1,000 displaced and other vulnerable children in IDP settlements around Bossaso, Puntland, to access quality primary education and (ii) improving the learning environment in 10...