WVI Cash and Voucher Programming Indicator Compendium
This indicator compendium was designed to support World Vision field offices to design and monitor quality cash and voucher programmes. Specifically, the compendium will enable colleagues responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash and voucher programming to select appropriate indicators to monitor whether or not cash/voucher interventions have the intended outcomes and to monitor the quality and efficiency of the various processes and activities. It provides a comprehensive – but non-exhaustive- list of outcome and output/process level indicators relevant to cash and voucher programming. The compendium also includes brief guidance on:
– What each indicator means;
– How to measure the indicator (including questions to include in monitoring tools);
– How to analyse and report collected data;
– Relevant levels of disaggregation;
– Where to find relevant guidance materials for additional information.
It is also aligned with the Grand Bargain cash work stream’s MPCA outcome indicators.