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Women’s WASH Platforms in Bangladesh and Cambodia

2011 — By Karen Greene, Gaetano Romano, Golam Morshed

Oxfam’s multi-country portfolio is located in more than 100 remote rural communities in six countries and is funded by AusAID’s Civil Society Organisation WASH Fund.

The water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects in Bangladesh and Cambodia deliver multiple outcomes including improving water and sanitation, encouraging safe hygiene behaviour and mobilising village Women’s WASH Platforms (WWPs). These volunteer groups of women receive small grants for their own projects, training in gender and leadership, share lessons and advocate for themselves with government officials and/or non-government organisations (NGOs). The project seeks to increase the WASH capacity of the WWP members and leaders and decrease gender inequities by reducing the time women and girls spend on WASH-related chores and by supporting women to be decision-makers in local community development.

While WASH-focused, this case study illustrates how cash transfer programmes can be used in the WASH sector by delivering cash grants through village committees.