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Water Trucking Market System in Harshin

2013 — By Oxfam

The Somali region of Ethiopia is an arid area which suffers from a water shortage every year. However, the degree of severity can differ quite markedly from year to year and the existence of microclimates within the region itself means that needs are never uniform. In 2011, the region experienced two consecutive rain failures resulting in one of the driest years since 1950/51. Harshin has now been identified by FEWSNET as a hot-spot for drought-related activities in 2012 as well. During 2011, in addition to other activities, Oxfam took on a significant water trucking operation for three months in Harshin woreda to deliver water to some of the most vulnerable and isolated communities. The programme involved hiring trucks and paying drivers to transport water from existing sources to communities we had identified.

This report includes information on the rationale and methodology for EMMA, the main findings of the project, and response recommendations.