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Tracking Cash & Voucher Programming Workshop

2018 — By The Cash Learning Partnership, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

The Tracking Cash & Voucher Workshop, convened by the CALP Network and DG ECHO, was held on June 6th 2018. The main objectives of the workshop, as defined by the co-leads, were as follows:

  • Provide a forum to identify best practices and understand mutual objectives regarding measuring Cash and Voucher Programming (CVP), identifying areas of agreement and mutual commitments
  • Outline a road map (short, medium, longer term) for the Tracking CVP workstream
  • Make progress on how (what, who, when) to address these specific technical/policy topics in practice:– Disaggregation of cash and vouchers
    – Tracking of multipurpose and sector-specific cash transfers
    – Disaggregation of conditional and unconditional programmes
    – Expanding disaggregated reporting to other modalities (in-kind, service provision)