Tracking Cash and Voucher Assistance: Agreements, recommendations and minimum requirements from the Grand Bargain cash workstream
This document comprises the key outputs of the work undertaken through the Tracking Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Working Group from 2017 to 2019. The Tracking CVA Working Group was established as the
platform for engagement and decision-making for the sub-workstream on Tracking CVA, which is part of the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream. The Tracking CVA sub-workstream was co-led by the the CALP Network and the European Commission Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), and included multiple donors, NGOs, UN agencies and data specialists among its members. This report is the final product of the Tracking CVA sub-workstream, which has been merged with the Cost Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness in Humanitarian Assistance (CE2HA) sub-workstream into the new Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money sub-workstream although specific activities and objectives related to Tracking CVA are retained in the joint workplan.