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SPACE Value for Money of Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Context of COVID-19

30 September 2020 — By Emily Wylde, Courtenay Cabot Venton, and input from experts on the Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19: Expert Advice Helpline (SPACE)

Social protection and humanitarian cash responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have emerged globally within the last few months, with more responses to come as the early phases of lockdowns have in many places been replaced with the beginnings of L-shaped recessions and on-going extreme economic hardship for tens of millions globally.

While the value for money (VfM) of social protection and cash transfers is already well established, and existing guidance already plentiful, the COVID-19 context raises some particular issues from a VfM perspective. This short note addresses these issues and is aimed at economists, social protection and humanitarian specialists within development partner organisations, as well as policy-makers in government – anyone tasked with designing social protection responses and assessing different options, whether in concept notes, business cases, or budget submissions.