Guidelines and Tools
Q&A from the CALP Network Webinar: Lessons on the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for the Caribbean Atlantic hurricane season
Q&A from the CALP Network Webinar: Lessons on the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for the Caribbean Atlantic hurricane season
Key messages:
- Given the enabling infrastructure, markets, local capacities and interest of key stakeholders, the
Caribbean region offers significant opportunities to scale up CVA. - International humanitarian actors supporting the response need to take a very localised approach
due to the small island context, the generally strong roles of government and local organisations in
response (and varying government position vis-à-vis CVA), diverse cultural influences and the
challenges of reaching undocumented and other marginalised populations. - Effective CVA as an emergency response tool and/or as part of shock-responsive social protection
systems require significant investments in preparedness.