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Market Analysis for Preparedness: The urban informal settlements of Nairobi

January 2013 — By Carol Brady, Sumananjali Mohanty

The last few years have seen a significant change in the way humanitarian organisations approach response design. Partly spurred on by the growth in cash transfer programming and market-based programming, the practice of working through and supporting local markets is now widely considered best practice in the humanitarian field.

Undertaking market analysis as part of preparedness and contingency planning could significantly improve the readiness to respond to crises. This market assessment was focused on the informal settlement of Mukuru, an urban area in Kenya that has current Oxfam programming. The objectives of the assessment were to:

  • To identify through a rapid market analysis appropriate responses (cash/in-kind/market support/advocacy)to meet emergency and early livelihood-recovery needs.
  • Strengthen Oxfam GB’s national capacity in market analysis and in its use in response analysis and design as well as disaster risk reduction, preparedness and contingency planning;
  • To build Oxfam’s understanding of existing coping mechanisms and to inform programming on ways of reinforcing these mechanisms.