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Mainstreaming disability inclusion into humanitarian CVA

13 March 2023 — By Holly Welcome Radice, Adva Rodogovsky, Gordon Rattray, Julie Gjerlufsen

What is a rights-based approach to disability? How can disability inclusion be mainstreamed to ensure more inclusive and effective CVA humanitarian responses?

To answer these key questions, CALP, CBM Global, European Disability Forum and International Organization for Migration (IOM), came together to organize the webinar “Mainstreaming disability inclusion into humanitarian CVA”, with the participation of the following speakers:

  • Adva Rodogovsky, Senior Programmes Officer, CBM Global
  • Gordon Rattray, Programme Coordinator, European Disability Forum
  • Julie Gjerlufsen, Cash-Based Interventions Officer, IOM
  • Holly W. Radice, Regional Representative-Americas, CALP Network

During this event, they discussed:

  • A rights-based approach to disability
  • The fundamentals of a CVA inclusive project cycle management
  • How to remove barriers to access and use of cash.

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This event was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the CALP Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.