Grand Bargain Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream – Closing document
The sub-workstream of gender and cash, composed of NGOs, UN agencies, donors and research institutions, met over the span of three years as peers to collaborate on encouraging and equipping the humanitarian sector to embrace and increase capacities in integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as the prevention and mitigation of and response to GBV, when using CVA in crises and humanitarian settings. Contributions to these actions were significant across different members. The group consulted, informed, and provided guidance to the Cash Workstream of the Grand Bargain.
Over a period of three years, the sub-workstream facilitated learning, information sharing, and served as a convener on discussions about gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (GEEWG) and gender-based violence (GBV) in CVA, all while contributing to the Cash Workstream’s thought leadership to ensure gender was systematically discussed, mentioned, and featured in activities and events. Events were held with the aim of strengthening the field’s commitment to incorporating gender in CVA, with a focus on improving practice, research, and policy. The development of guidance materials on CVA and gender and the culmination of webinars, trainings, and workshops are a byproduct of interagency collaborative efforts, and this ultimately aided in providing resources in multiple languages broadening potential reach and working towards language inclusivity.