Gedeo and West Guji Multi-Sector Cash Based Response Guidance Note
With about 850, 000 people displaced in Gedeo zone (SNNP region) and another 200,000 in West Guji zone (Oromia region), at its height, the Gedeo-West Guji conflict was an unforeseen crisis that in its onset, overwhelmed local authorities and humanitarian partners. Despite the Government-led return program, which began in mid-August, leading to some 470,000 returns, the needs are many, varied and require immediate humanitarian assistance across all sectors. Needs in both current areas of displacement and those of return range from shelter, to rebuild homes and decongest current displacement sites, nonfood items including clothing, food and nutrition, water, personal hygiene and sanitation, and health services including for those IDPs suffering from trauma. In addition, some of these zones are productive coffee growing areas providing most households with income, requiring livelihood interventions for those whose crops were destroyed. With returns ongoing and the urging of Government for humanitarian partners to now target areas of return, partners are faced with the additional challenge of retargeting and unclear IDP figures.