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Ecuador CCD Multi-Sectorial Needs Assessment

1 October 2018 — By Ecuador CCD - Save the Children, CARE, World Vision, Mercy Corps, NRC, IRC

Ecuador CCD Multi-Sectorial Needs Assessment

Key Findings and Advocacy Messages

  • High food insecurity amongst Venezuelan population: 50% had experience moderate to severe hunger in the past months. 23% of PLW had experienced sever hunger.
  • Important proportion of Venezuelans living in public spaces, including women and PLW, notably in border areas, with associated protection and health risks.
  • High risks of exploitation and human trafficking, especially for women and children
  • Limited access to health and Education services for Venezuelan households
  • More than 55% of Venezuelan population is not able to generate income and meet their basic needs.
  • Urgent need for humanitarian intervention to support Venezuelan households meeting their basic needs
  • Urgent need for advocacy to fasten and ease the regularization processes in Ecuador, to facilitate access to safe income generating opportunities and basic services