DFID Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems research: Literature review
DFID has commissioned research into Shock-Responsive Social Protection systems, to further understand the nature of the interaction between social protection, humanitarian and disaster risk management systems and ways in which long-term social protection systems can be scaled up to
provide support in humanitarian emergencies. This literature review is a deliverable under the project and consolidates current thinking and emerging evidence on this topic.
This literature review is intended to be of use to all stakeholders contributing to policy-making, programme implementation or research on the nature of the interaction between social protection, humanitarian and disaster risk management (DRM) systems, and on the ways in which long-term social protection systems have been used to scale up in response to humanitarian emergencies, be they slow- or rapid-onset shocks, one-off or cyclical, natural, political or economic crises. It has arisen from analysis carried out in the inception phase of the DFID research project on Shock Responsive Social Protection Systems, for which the team gathered and reviewed documentation that has amounted to about 400 papers to date. Some of these are peer-reviewed journal papers and many are open-access documents issued by donor agencies and research organisations.