Development of Training Modules on the Fundamental Concepts of Cash and Voucher Programming
The CALP Network is in its first year of a 5 year strategy. The first year has been marked by opening up the CALP Network’s membership to its wider community of practice, with a significant growth in membership expected in 2016,
the development of a Board of Directors, made up of up to 13 representatives and an ambition for a ‘step change’ to the CALP Network’s approach. In capacity building this means a step change from reaching approximately 200 humanitarian actors annually with training, to reaching close up 1,000s through a dynamic shift in the CALP Network’s capacity building approach. In response to learning and demands from the community of practice, the CALP Network will operate a number of parallel programmes that aim to meet the needs of humanitarian practitioners of large and small agencies, including senior, middle and junior level practitioners and policy writers from the CALP Network’s
wide community of practice (CoP) including NGOs, States and Donors, UN agencies, Private Sector etc.
This process will be built on the foundation of a modular training scheme. In order to develop this, the CALP Network are looking for an experienced training development consultant to pilot this approach through the conversion
of components of the CALP Network Level 1 Training Course onto a modular format. The successful applicant/team will work with the CALP Network’s existing global technical and capacity building staff to drive forward the implementation
of the modular training approach. This will include reviewing existing training materials, and will link to and build upon previous work on a framework for the modular training approach completed in 2015.