Cash Transfer Programming Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (CTP OCAT) To Support The Institutionalization Of Cash Transfer Programming
Since the inception of CTP in emergencies, organizations have looked individually and collaboratively to put systems in place and share good practices for quality CTP. While the CALP Network has been supportive on the uptake of CTP broadly and the development of tools, organizational capacity building has not yet been approached in a strategic manner, with a comprehensive assessment tool that would provide a holistic picture on the level of cash institutionalization. More often than not, capacity building has been limited to HR development and the provision of trainings.
The purpose of this tool is to provide institutions with a solid methodology and supportive instruments to assess their institutionalization of CTP and thus their capacity to deliver quality CTP in a significant scale, and come up with a capacity building workplan. It also aims at addressing barriers that have or may exist for CTP adoption within organizations, by pointing out the areas where further support is needed. A shorter version of the assessment aims at providing quick criteria to decide on an organization capacity to perform a rapid cash response in an emergency context and is
closer to setting up minimum standards.