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Cash and Voucher Assistance for Protection Outcomes in Mine Action Tip Sheet

January 2024 — By Global Protection Cluster

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be an effective means, where feasible and appropriate, to improve protection outcomes for individuals, households and communities affected by the presence of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW). However, use of CVA within humanitarian Mine Action (MA) sector has been relatively limited to date, with only a few instances of use in i) clearance, to add value to cleared land; ii) Victim Assistance (VA) to improve access to medical services; and iii) risk mitigation by supporting alternative livelihoods. Emerging and promising practices exist, but there are several barriers to wider adoption, such as an assumption that CVA is not a suitable modality in MA overall, siloed working between MA and CVA actors, a lack of requisite capacities in the part of MA stakeholders and a lack of evidence base to support the use of CVA for protection outcomes specifically in MA.

This tip-sheet includes key terminology and messages, a summary of the latest available evidence and various tips on strategy, resource mobilization and programme cycle management in respect of using Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) as an assistance modality for protection outcomes in Mine Action (MA). The relevance of CVA under specific MA pillars is then explored and a list of key related resources provided. It considers only CVA for protection outcomes in MA, as opposed to MA-related considerations in other CVA programmes or other sectoral programming in MA, unless it is considered relevant to the mitigating protection risks or enhancing protection benefits.