ACTION PLAN: Initiating Linkages between Humanitarian Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) and MoLSA’s Social Protection Network (SPN) in Iraq
On 17-18 April 2018, a two day workshop was held in Baghdad aimed at strengthening linkages between Cash Working Group (CWG) humanitarian multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) and the Government of Iraq’s Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) Social Protection Network (SPN). The event occurred under the auspices of His Excellency Mohammed al-Sudani, Minister of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, was funded by DFID, and co-facilitated by UNHCR and the World Bank. Participants included members of the CWG, including UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR, the Cash Consortium for Iraq (CCI), and REACH, along with donors (DFID, ECHO, OFDA/FFP), OCHA, and staff from relevant MoLSA directorates and governorate directorates (Ninewa, Anbar, and Salah Al Din).
The workshop served as an opportunity for MoLSA and humanitarian partners to present their programs and build a common understand of the tools, platforms and processes they use. The final session of the event provided an opportunity for in-depth group discussions on the key topics of: eligibility criteria, information management, and referrals. Possible ways to strengthen collaboration were identified, with a focus on short to medium term actions. The main discussion and action points presented by each group and agreed by participants are presented below, along with the highlighted need for enhanced coordination mechanisms to take actions forward in the future. Some recommended actions go beyond the mandates of the CWG/SPN participants but are included for broader engagement of other stakeholders. A longer-term Road Map or shared vision of direction and transition would be needed once progress is made on the below initial actions.