Reflections from the Forum on Social Protection in Fragility and Conflict
Key takeaways from this October's Global Social Protection Forum in Rome, which explored how social protection can be a vital tool for addressing acute crises and protracted conflicts.
CALP colleagues recently attended a forum in Rome looking at how we can support social protection in fragile and conflict affected settings.
Key takeaways for CALP included :
- The importance of a social protection first approach – humanitarians need to systematically assess if and how they can build on and strengthen social protection systems however nascent and fragile they may be.
- Governance and policy vacuums in fragile/conflict contexts inhibit coordination between humanitarian and social protection actors. Actors need to be agile in creating spaces within existing forum to work collaboratively and coordinate and align behind legitimate leadership structures.
- Humanitarian CVA practitioners need to do more to share lessons of operating in fragile contexts – including managing risks, working with local actors, approaches to targeting and verification and monitoring approaches; and their added value needs also to be recognized by development/Social Protection stakeholders.
CALP will continue to support the SPIAC-B working group on linking humanitarian cash assistance and social protections and promote the Common Principles.