CALP is Growing…
We’re entering an exciting new phase of development at CALP. The use of CVA is increasing, the network is expanding and there is much to do to improve the quality and scale of cash assistance. It’s a great time to join us and to drive even more change.
As we move forward with our exciting new strategy, we’ve made some adjustments to roles and we’re adding some new positions to the team as well. We’ll be giving more focus to network development, creating spaces for vibrant and inclusive discussions and developments.
We’re strengthening the connections between policy, evidence and learning – with exciting plans that will help us capitalize, even more, on the enormous skills, knowledge and experience of the team and the network as a whole. We’ll be investing in strengthening digital platforms, so the CALP Network can function even better as global a network. Our communications will be strengthened, including investing in the development of the library, enhancing digital content and amplifying the learning that is generated by members across the network. To underpin this, we’ll also be strengthening our finance, HR and IT functions. Some roles are morphing, some are new. Exciting times!
In the coming months vacancies will be arising in various locations and across all of CALP’s teams which now comprise of: Network Development, Policy, Evidence and Learning, Communications and Digital Platforms and Operations.
We’ll be looking for new ‘CALPies’ to fill new roles such as Deputy Regional Representative in each of the the CALP Network regions, a Planning and Reporting Officer, a Digital Platforms Manager, IT and HR Business Partners and more! So, if this all sounds interesting to you, then please do polish up your CV and get ready to apply.
Finally – want to get an insight into what it’s like working with the CALP Network? Take a look here at the experiences of two CALPies who were with us for ten years combined.
All the best,
Karen Peachey.