Upcoming events
Payment Solution Seekers – Hearing from WFP Feb 2025
Members event
Juhi Kumar, from WFP, a payments group veteran is going to take us through WFP's search, assessment and contracting for their Global payments procurement. Why is this important? An increasing number of agencies (DRC just last week) are looking for global payment solutions, and WFP being one of the biggest implementers by scope and volume meaning there is a lot we can learn.
To protect...
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training
Past events
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341 – 350 of 350 results
Webinar: Help shape the Future of Financial Assistance report
This webinar presented the scenarios and key issues arising from the CALP Network and IARAN's analysis and invited participants' input, ahead of the publication of the Future of Financial Assistance report
Highlights from Bioforce Institute Graduation Event in Dakar
On Thursday 13th June 2019 the CALP Network was part of a graduation event hosted by the Bioforce Institute, one of our training partner organisations. This event celebrated the graduation of all the Bioforce students that followed the CALP Network’s CVA fundamentals course, which was delivered by our...
Webinar: Asia-Pacific Regional CWG & the CALP Network Webinar on Beneficiary Data Protection in Asia
On March 7, 2019 the CALP Network and the Asia-Pacific Regional Cash Working Group hosted a webinar on beneficiary data protection in Asia. Panelists from within Asia shared experiences on steps they've taken to practice responsible data management and ways you could get started at your own organization.
Cash Week 2018: Networking, Learning, Visioning
Cash Week 2018 was a series of events that took place in London from 15-19 October 2018, to advance issues, reflect and prepare for the future of cash and voucher assistance (CVA).
Communicating about Cash and Voucher Assistance: Workshop for Communications Staff
Micro-level Changes in Market Recovery and Growth: The Ebola CTP experience
Following our Ebola dissemination event in Dakar, the CALP Network hosted a webinar looking at the micro level effects of cash transfers on local economies during the Ebola crisis. Listen to the recording here.
The CALP Network East Africa Members Consultative Discussion
State of the World’s Cash Report Launch Events
Global Cash Forum
Webinar Best Practice for Contract Valuations for Financial Service Providers