Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC)
16 January 2020
Examining Barriers to Family Planning Information, Products, and Services among Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Poland: Findings from mixed methods research to inform cash and voucher assistance programming
The study aimed to understand the FP needs of newly arriving Ukrainian refugee women in Poland and to assess the feasibility of using CVA to support access to FP services to inform the design, coordination, and funding of future CVA programming for SRH, specifically FP service provision, in the refugee response in Poland. In order to capture both the market and barriers to FP, the study was...
August 2024
Good Practice Brief: 8 key actions to implement adolescent-responsive cash and voucher assistance
Guidelines and Tools
Adolescents are chronically overlooked in humanitarian responses. While humanitarian practitioners are increasingly accountable to adolescents, adolescents continue to be forgotten or neglected because they don’t fit neatly into child- or adult-focused assistance. Neither child nor adult programming offers the tailored supports that are required to address adolescents’ age-specific needs...
26 October 2022
Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-based Violence Case Management to Support GBV Survivors and Individuals at Risk in Jordan Snapshot
Jordan is home to the second largest refugee population per capita in the world. The country’s population of 10,571,602 includes more than 760,000 refugees registered with the UN refugee agency. More than 80 percent live in urban areas rather than in refugee camps.
A recent assessment by CARE Jordan found that the lack of income opportunities, COVID-19, and community conflict were the most...
October 2022
Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Case Management to Support GBV Survivors and Individuals at Risk in Jordan
With support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and CARE are leading an initiative on behalf of the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) Task Team on Cash for Protection (TTC4P) to expand access among field-level
practitioners to the requisite knowledge, skills, guidance, and tools to integrate cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and...
October 2022
Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-based Violence Case Management: Learnings from Colombia, Ecuador, and Northwest Syria
In 2020-2022, WRC partnered with CARE in three locations, Ecuador, Colombia and Syria, to better understand the use of CVA in GBV case management. In Guayaquil, Ecuador, WRC and CARE worked with
three Ecuadorian organizations to strengthen the capacity of GBV service providers to use CVA within case management in response to intimate partner violence for migrant, refugee, and local...
October 2022
Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Case Management to Support Survivors in Ninewa, Iraq
With support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and CARE are leading an initiative on behalf of the Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Cash for Protection (TTC4P) to expand access among field-level practitioners to the requisite knowledge, skills, guidance, and tools to integrate cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and gender-based...
August 2022
A roadmap for collective action to enhance the integration of cash and voucher assistance within gender-based violence programming in Northwest Syria
This case study highlights the practical importance of coordination between CVA and GBV actors at all levels and shows how working in silos is detrimental to assisting to the fullest extent possible women and girls affected by GBV. It documents the conditions that led to the creation of a joint taskforce (TF) in Northwest Syria (NWS) to tackle this gap and the challenges faced by the TF, as...
June 2022
“Case Management Integrated with Cash Transfers is one of the Best Responses we can Use”
With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), CARE, and the Corporación de Profesionales para el Desarrollo Integral Comunitario [Corporation of Professionals for Comprehensive Community Development – CORPRODINCO] partnered to deliver gender-based violence (GBV) case management to...
June 2022
Integrated Cash and Gender-Based Violence Programming for IPV Survivors in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Migrant and refugee women and girls are vulnerable to a range of risks before, during, and after humanitarian crises. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a type of gender-based violence (GBV) and is among the many protection-specific risks they face. As a result of the conflict in Venezuela, an estimated 800,000 Venezuelan migrants and refugees are in Ecuador as of May 2022. Eighty percent have...
June 2022
Use of cash and voucher assistance for the wellbeing of adolescent boys and girls in crisis
Adolescents – young people between the ages of 10 and 19 – have specific needs that are distinct from those of younger children and adults. This transitional and developmental period is increasingly seen as an “age of opportunity” globally and in humanitarian settings, because of the significant individual and intergenerational implications of adolescent development.
During crises,...
25 February 2022
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Protection Outcomes in Mine Action
Despite growing evidence that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be a useful tool, where appropriate, to enhance the protection and resilience of individuals, households, and communities affected by crisis, Cash and Voucher Assistance is not widely used within Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA). This study investigates the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Humanitarian Mine Action and...
29 December 2020
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Adolescents: An evidence review of how cash and voucher assistance can achieve outcomes for adolescents in humanitarian settings
During crises, the institutions, systems and community cohesion that normally support adolescent development break down. Humanitarian response often fails to take the necessary steps to mitigate and counteract the disadvantages that adolescent girls and boys in crisis face – including access to education and livelihoods opportunities – and the challenges faced by, in particular, adolescent...
22 December 2020
Cash. Dignity. Agency.
Watch the videos here Displaced people face higher rates of gender-based violence before, during, and after they are forced to move. The Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) explores how cash transfers can be used in response to gender-based violence and its potential to help displaced persons, including gender-based violence survivors, around the world. This video focuses on Ecuador. Closed...
22 December 2020
Cash transfer and child protection: An integrated approach to address the needs of unaccompanied and separated adolescents in the Central African Republic
This report assesses Plan International’s Monetary Transfer and Child Protection Project in Central African Republic. It aims to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the programme, including implementation challenges and successes, benefits and associated risks for beneficiaries,and to identify priorities for continued capacity building. Plan International – with support from the...
22 December 2020
Cash Transfer and Education: Supporting basic education for Syrian refugees and Egyptian host communities
This report assesses Plan International’s Tawasol: Learning for Coexistence Project in Egypt to understand its strengths and weaknesses, including implementation challenges and successes, risks and benefits for beneficiaries, and any needs for continued capacity building. Plan International – with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and in partnership with...
22 December 2020
Gender Based Violence and Cash and Voucher Assistance: Tools and guidance
Guidelines and Tools
There is increasing momentum among Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) actors in the humanitarian sector to consider linkages between GBV and CVA in all CVA projects at all stages of the project cycle.
Integrating gender and CVA was set as a priority action under the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream in 2018. During the 2020 Grand Bargain meeting, gender...
28 October 2020
Utilizing Cash and Voucher Assistance within Gender-based Violence Case Management to Support Crisis-Affected Populations in Ecuador
With support from Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Women’s Refugee Commission and CARE partnered to advance the Call to Action Roadmap by strengthening the capacity of GBV and CVA service providers in Ecuador to leverage CVA within case management services in the prevention of and response to GBV for crisis-affected populations. The project was in Ecuador targeted Venezuelan migrants...
1 May 2020
Can cash transfers in humanitarian contexts help prevent, mitigate, and respond to gender-based violence? A review of the evidence
Today, approximately 10 percent of humanitarian assistance globally is delivered via cash transfer programming (CTP) and cash is increasingly being scaled across the humanitarian system. Yet the use of cash within the protection sector trails behind the use of cash in all other sectors. Refugee and internally displaced women and girls face risks of and incidents of gender-based violence (GBV)...
Guide to Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-based Violence Resources
Guidelines and Tools
This one-page guide helps practitioners understand how three complementary resources support the integration of CVA and GBV prevention, mitigation and response to strengthen humanitarian response. It aims to help users make decisions on when to use each resource at different stages of work and compares:
– Explanation of type of resource
– Publication date
– What area of protection does...
Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts
Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash based assistance in humanitarian contexts is poorly understood. All too often, interventions are designed based on assumptions...
Toolkit for Optimizing Cash-based Interventions for Protection from Gender-based Violence
Guidelines and Tools
Efforts to prevent and respond to GBV should be a priority for all actors in all humanitarian response operations from the very start. By mainstreaming GBV considerations in CBIs throughout the program cycle and by utilizing cash within GBV case management services, cash can be optimized as a tool to enhance the protection of crisis- and conflict-affected populations and to mitigate risks of...
Tackling the Integration of Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response and Cash-Based Interventions
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash based assistance in humanitarian...
Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming and Gender-based Violence Outcomes: Evidence and Future Research Priorities
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash based assistance in humanitarian...
Optimizing Benefits and Mitigating Risks of Integrating Cash-Based Initiatives and GBV Programming: Case Studies from Irbid and Mafraq, Jordan
This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities
conducted by Mercy Corps and the International Rescue Committee in partnership with the Women’s Commission to:
a. mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in cash-based interventions
b. utilize cash within a GBV case management approach to support survivors.
This case study describes key findings,...
Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Zinder, Niger
This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children to mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in Save the Children’s cash-based intervention (CBIs) in Zinder. Key findings, learning and recommendations are captured with implications for Save the Children’s CBIs across Niger.
Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Lower Juba, Somalia
This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities
conducted by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Adeso to mainstream GBV considerations within Adeso’s CBI in Lower Juba.
Protection in Cash-based Interventions Training: Building capacity to maximize benefits and minimize risks
Guidelines and Tools
This participatory curriculum is based on the inter-agency Guide for Protection in Cash-based Interventions (CBIs). The one-day training provides practical instruction for analysing and monitoring protection risks and benefits in CBIs. Slides, facilitators’ guide, case studies, and other materials for independent training delivery are available here: Slides Facilitator’s guide Risk...
December 2015
Inclusive Cash for Work Programs: Building A Stronger, Safer Recovery for All
In the aftermath of a disaster, cash-for-work programs are an essential component of relief and early recovery efforts. These programs must be designed and implemented in ways that take gender and protection considerations into account. They must be accessible to women, men and older girls and boys. When women and girls have safe and equal access to cash-for-work, they are much better...
Key Recommendations for Protection in Cash-based Interventions
Guidelines and Tools
This document outlines the key recommendations to ensure that protection is mainstreamed throughout the project cycle for cash-based interventions.
Protection Risks and Benefits Analysis Tool
This tool provides global evidence on the protection risks and benefits of cash-based interventions, divided into key protection areas. It outlines the key questions that practitioners should explore to reach a context-specific, participatory identification of protection risks and benefits of a given intervention. It can be used for design or monitoring. The tool includes a blank template for...
Tips for Protection in Cash based interventions
Guidelines and Tools
This document presents a set of general tips to identify, monitor and mitigate protection risks and maximize protection benefits of cash-based interventions.
Mini Guide: Design an adolescent responsive cash voucher assistance programme
Guidelines and Tools
Use this mini-guide to design an adolescent-responsive cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programme.
December 2014
A Double-edged Sword: Livelihoods in emergencies guidance and tools for improved programming
Guidelines and Tools
This document aims to help economic development practitioners who design economic strengthening projects with the particular aim of improving child wellbeing and for others whose aim is poverty alleviation more broadly. The guidance presented is based on the understanding that: 1. Household economic welfare and child wellbeing are correlated (Campbell et al., 2010; Akwara et al., 2010); 2....
Children and Economic Strengthening Programmes Maximising Benefits and Minimising Harm
Guidelines and Tools
This guide is designed for practitioners designing or implementing economic strengthening (ES) programs in low-income settings that are sensitive to the protection needs and well-being of vulnerable children. The guide provides an overview of key learning about how ES can achieve better outcomes and impacts for children aged 0-18, both within and outside of household care, whether the direct...
Cash and Child Protection: How cash transfer programming can protect children from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence
Guidelines and Tools
This discussion paper examines the links between cash transfers and the positive and negative outcomes for children – in particular, the role cash transfers have played in protecting children from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. It aims to identify ways in which cash transfer activities could be designed to support the protection of children affected by emergencies.
Child Safeguarding in Cash Transfer Programming
Guidelines and Tools
While cash transfers have become a key intervention in emergencies, they also pose increased and additional risks for beneficiaries, compared with other forms of assistance. Children are particularly vulnerable, and even more so in emergencies. The impact of cash transfer programming on children’s well-being must, therefore, be considered at all stages of the project cycle. Child protection...
Integrating Protection/GBV Mitigation into Livelihoods Programmes
Guidelines and Tools
The Women’s Refugee Commission has been researching and promoting how to make economic programs for displaced and returning populations both effective and safe. Our findings have shown that new economic opportunities can increase women’s and girls’ risk of gender-based violence (GBV) but that economic programmers can mitigate many of these risks by understanding how their programs expose...
Child Safeguarding in Cash Transfer Programming Tool
Guidelines and Tools
It is important to recognise that Cash Transfers present increased and specific risks for beneficiaries versus other forms of emergency assistance. Given children’s greater vulnerability, the impact of CTP on their wellbeing must be considered at all stages of the project cycle. This tool provides personnel using Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) with advice on the child protection issues to...
What Cash Transfer Programming can do to Protect Children – Discussion Paper
This discussion paper examines the links between cash transfers and the positive and negative outcomes for children, in particular the role cash transfers have played in protecting children from harm, exploitation, abuse and violence. The objective of this paper is to identify ways in which cash transfer activities could support the protection of children affected by emergencies. This paper...
Dawn in the City: Guidance for achieving urban refugee self-reliance
More than 50 percent of refugees live in urban areas. Eighty percent are hosted by developing nations, in cities ill-equipped to guarantee their protection. The majority are marginalized due to their legal, economic and social status. They frequently lack sufficient legal and social support—education, health care, market access and community networks—to obtain gainful employment or...
Preventing Gender-Based Violence, Building Livelihoods: Guidance and tools for improved programming
Guidelines and Tools
Conflict and displacement destroy livelihoods and force people to adopt new strategies to support themselves. New livelihood strategies can increase the risk of gender-based violence (GBV). Women often have no safety net; they usually flee with few resources and little preparation and may become separated from or lose family members. A lack of access to economic opportunities while...