16 January 2020
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in Ukraine: Recommendations for a Better Cash Response
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) became a cornerstone of the humanitarian response after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, providing critical support to over 6.1 million war-affected individuals in 2022, and 5.3 million in 2023. CVA support is provided to people affected by war-related idiosyncratic shocks. Unlike in-kind assistance, such as food or blankets, CVA empowers people to purchase...
October 2024
Alignment and Complementarity Between Humanitarian Cash Transfers and the Social Protection System in Ukraine
There are significant similarities between humanitarian cash transfer programmes and the social protection system in Ukraine, but key obstacles impede leveraging the social protection system to deliver humanitarian cash transfers. This report examines the alignment and complementarity between humanitarian cash transfers and Ukraine’s national social protection system in meeting the needs of...
29 August 2024
Refugee Debt and Livelihoods in Northern Kenya
While humanitarian assistance to refugees has increasingly focused on fostering self-reliance, refugees are highly exposed to economic shocks that make self-reliance difficult to achieve. With limited access to employment and low wages, refugees are rarely able to put aside savings in case of emergency. Those who have recently fled their country of origin may have no assets to sell if needed....
June 2024
From Emergency to System Strengthening: WFP Caribbean cash transfer responses through social protection (2018-2023)
This document presents an overview of the World Food Programme’s efforts from 2018 to 2023 in the Caribbean, focusing on enhancing social protection systems through cash transfers in response to emergencies, highlighting key lessons learned and the path forward. This paper provides an overview of WFP Caribbean’s journey supporting shock-responsive social protection from evidence and...
April 2024
Impact Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers on Food Security and Gender Equality in El Salvador
1. Gender inequality is pervasive, particularly in developing countries such as El Salvador, and its potential welfare implications are concerning. In El Salvador, only 45.4 percent of women participate in the labour market, in contrast to 74.4 percent of men. 2. Economic development, gender equality in labour market opportunities, and gender equality in autonomy are all strongly linked, but...
December 2023
Unified Cash+ Framework of Bangladesh: For anticipatory action and response
This document presents a proposal for a harmonised inter-sectoral approach to cash+ (cash and other forms of support) in anticipation of rapid onset hazard events as well as the response phase. The formulations are based on the HCTT pre-crisis survey conducted in June 2023 and the workshop on the 22nd of June where the initial proposal was formulated. The aim of this initial proposal is to be...
October 2023
Pre-crisis Assessment of Monsoon Flooding in Bangladesh
Shifting the focus from response to anticipation of monsoon floods, the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator (RCO) and Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) with support from NORCAP/CashCap implemented a pre-crisis survey to understand at-risk people’s perceptions and preparations for monsoon flooding and help define a unified intersectoral cash+ approach for Anticipatory action and...
28 September 2023
Uneven Market Speeds: Exploring the potential for cash programming after the earthquake
The Kahramanmaraş earthquake had a devastating impact on Türkiye’s South-East Anatolia region. In an area within Türkiye already reported as economically vulnerable, the earthquake severely impacted people’s livelihoods, as well as the resilience of markets through the destruction of essential infrastructure, transportation systems, supply chains and storage facilities. This market...
September 2023
Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) – Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance
Starting August 2022, WFP collaborated with the Ministry of Social Policy (MoSP) to serve people who had registered for humanitarian assistance through the E-dopomoga platform. Using the E-dopomoga registry, WFP oriented its cash assistance towards parts of the country closest to the frontline and most impacted by the war as well as towards groups of people with specific vulnerabilities. This...
August 2023
Impact Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers and Gender in Kenya: Inception report
Guidelines and Tools
Gender inequality in economic autonomy is pervasive, particularly in developing countries, and its potential welfare implications are concerning. The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Gender Gap Report for 2022 ranks Kenya as 57th for the Gender Gap on Economic participation, and an opportunity index score of 0.729, suggesting that this is an area for improvement. Economic development,...
18 July 2023
Joint Market Assessment Report
This report assesses the feasibility of implementing Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), specifically Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), to support individuals impacted by the recent earthquake. The evaluation focuses on the availability of items, price increases, access to shops, and acceptance of cash and credit cards in the affected areas. The market assessment reveals that essential items...
10 July 2023
Cash and Voucher Assistance to Improve Maternal and Child Nutrition Outcomes in Emergency Contexts of Nigeria
In Nigeria, nearly 12 per cent of children under 5 years are wasted according to the National Food Consumption and Micronutrient Survey (2021). Wasting is largely concentrated in the North with 58 per cent of all cases residing there. In the Northeast and Northwest regions of Nigeria, the prevalence of wasting is 17 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively. In 2023, it was projected that nearly...
July 2023
WFP Cash Policy: Harnessing the power of money to help people survive and thrive
WFP’s new cash policy centres on people’s experiences, their stories and hopes for the future. By sending people cash, we can effectively and efficiently support them to meet their food, nutrition, and other essential needs, while at the same time bringing unique benefits that can help people break the vicious cycle of poverty and vulnerability and bring multipliers for local...
29 June 2023
Market Functionality Index: Assessing the functionality of selected markets for cash-based assistance
Markets are functional. While there remain variations from market to market, Sri Lanka’s markets currently have a wide range of products, adequate physical availability of essential goods, a resilient supply chain and sufficient levels of hygiene and cleanliness. Overall market functionality remains conducive to the use of cash-based transfers, while mitigation measures are essential to keep...
June 2023
Direct and Indirect Benefits of Food and Cash Assistance in Uganda
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has the vision to escalate Cash Based Transfers (CBT) initiatives in coordination with the Government of Uganda. This study aims to gain a better understanding of the direct and indirect benefits of food and cash transfers to refugees and asylum seekers within WFP’s General Food Assistance (GFA) operations in the country. Based on the modality of...
May 2023
Cash Working Group De-activation in Iraq
The humanitarian context in Iraq has evolved significantly in the past years, advancing towards recovery and sustainability for the conflict-affected population. During 2022, the humanitarian coordination structure worked on a process to phase out, in line with the transitional context. Clusters and the Cash Working Group (CWG) designed exit strategies that concluded with their de-activation...
May 2023
Mapping of Sectoral CVA Interventions – Iraq
Guidelines and Tools
After the de-activation of the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) led by UN OCHA in 2022, in January 2023 the Cash Working Group (CWG) transitioned into the Iraq Cash Forum (ICF), a technical advisory and coordination platform for cash partners in Iraq. The ICF sits under the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) and has a broader mandate compared to its predecessor encompassing cash activities...
May 2023
A Minimum Guideline for Implementers: Cash for work
Guidelines and Tools
This guide is to be used as a recommended practice for CfW programming and mainstreaming gender and protection measures, based on global best practices and the Philippines’ context. It should be used as complementary to the DSWD Cash-for-Work guidance. The details outlined in this guide pertain to CfW activities to be delivered during the Early Recovery phase and post-disaster.
March 2023
Cash Transfers and Digital Financial Inclusion: Regional evidence from the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal
The study examines the barriers and opportunities to strengthening digital financial inclusion for cash transfer recipients in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia and Nepal. Specifically, it maps the existing evidence on the landscape of digital financial inclusion and cash transfer programmes in the region, and explores the perspectives and experiences of cash...
February 2023
New cash coordination – Frequently asked questions
All your questions answered about the new cash coordination model, the new Cash Advisory Group and how they both relate to Cash Working Groups.
Doing Cash in a context of economic volatility: What to do and what to keep in mind
Guidelines and Tools
This interim WFP guidance was issued in 2022 to provide support to cash operations in contexts of economic volatility, be it when there is inflation, depreciation or currency volatility, parallel exchange rates, liquidity issues and changes in financial regulation, among others.
December 2022
Inter-Agency Humanitarian Cash for Work Guidelines: Afghanistan
Guidelines and Tools
Forty years of war, recurrent natural disasters, chronic poverty, drought, and the COVID-19 pandemic have left more than 24 million people in Afghanistan in need of humanitarian assistance . Over the years Afghanistan has experienced massive destruction of basic infrastructure, health and educational facilities, commercial buildings, private houses, and agricultural assets. Several assessments...
September 2022
Improving the Prospects for Peace in Nigeria: Spotlight on cash-based transfers
This report aims to provide a better understanding of how the World Food Programme’s (WFP) cash-based transfer (CBT) interventions in Nigeria make peace contributions and looks at how these contributions could be further enhanced. The findings are based on a desk review of programme documents, in-depth interviews with various stakeholders and project site visits by locally-based researchers...
September 2022
The Changing Landscape of Cash Preparedness: Lists, Risks and Relationships
What are feasible lead times to deliver CVA to recipients in the Horn of Africa? What are the barriers and enablers to ensuring a timely and high quality humanitarian response? What does it take for organizations to be effectively prepared?
August 2022
Impact Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers on Food Security and Gender Equality in El Salvador
The El Salvador impact evaluation aims to understand the impacts of food-assistance for assets (FFA) programming targeting women on both income and asset loss, while also aiming to understand the longer-term implications of the response on gender equality and women’s social and economic empowerment Main direct outcomes of the intervention are increasing women’s earnings and supporting her...
August 2022
Geotargeting Analysis for Seasonal Assistance: Case study Chad
This paper describes the methodology that was developed to address targeting gaps using remote sensing data, presents the results obtained using the methodology, and discusses the challenges in its utilisation.
1 June 2022
Operational Research on the WFP Cash Transfer Programme in Cambodia
Operational research that generates and documents key learnings regarding the WFP cash transfer programme in Cambodia In line with this research question, the objectives of the research are to: Investigate the design and implementation features of the WFP cash transfer programme that are the same as or similar to government social assistance programmes and other government sources; y Distil...
March 2022
Shock-Responsive Social Protection in the Caribbean Handbook
Guidelines and Tools
This handbook provides theoretical background and practical guidance for using social protection programmes and systems to respond to shocks in the Caribbean, including related to cash transfers. It is informed by eight case studies, a regional review of experiences and government-to-government learning events. The handbook includes a strong focus on preparedness. While aimed at persons...
28 January 2022
Burkina Faso: Providing cash transfers for vulnerable people living with HIV and key populations
In 2020, WFP and UNAIDS piloted a joint initiative to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on marginalized populations often left behind by providing cash transfers to vulnerable people living with HIV, key populations and their households in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger. The regional synthesis and case studies showcase the valuable lessons learnt from this...
Cameroon: Providing cash transfers for vulnerable people living with HIV and key populations
In 2020, WFP and UNAIDS piloted a joint initiative to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on marginalized populations often left behind by providing cash transfers to vulnerable people living with HIV, key populations and their households in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger. The regional synthesis and case studies showcase the valuable lessons learnt from this...
Niger: Providing cash transfers for vulnerable people living with HIV and key populations
In 2020, WFP and UNAIDS piloted a joint initiative to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on marginalized populations often left behind by providing cash transfers to vulnerable people living with HIV, key populations and their households in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger. The regional synthesis and case studies showcase the valuable lessons learnt from this...
Côte d’Ivoire: Providing cash transfers for vulnerable people living with HIV and key populations
In 2020, WFP and UNAIDS piloted a joint initiative to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on marginalized populations often left behind by providing cash transfers to vulnerable people living with HIV, key populations and their households in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger. The regional synthesis and case studies showcase the valuable lessons learnt from this...
Providing Cash Transfers for Vulnerable People Living with HIV and Key Populations
In 2020, WFP and UNAIDS piloted a joint initiative to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on marginalized populations often left behind by providing cash transfers to vulnerable people living with HIV, key populations and their households in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger. The regional synthesis and case studies showcase the valuable lessons learnt from this...
Slides for the Global CWG meeting – Oct 2021
The enclosed slides for the 28 October meeting feature presentations from WFP, the Uganda and CAR CWGs and GSMA , as well as key links to key resources discussed.
29 October 2021
UN Common Cash Statement Progress Report – September 2021
This report outlines key progress and challenges under the UN Common Cash Statement (UNCCS) and the vision and priorities ahead. It builds on more than two years of implementation, the UNCCS Q&A and a number
of surveys and lessons learned workshops conducted with countries in 2021. While the focus has largely been on implementation in the seven focus countries, the UNCCS continues to grow...
September 2021
World Food Programme Strategy for Support to Social Protection
In July 2021 WFP launched its Strategy for Support to Social Protection. It explains how WFP will contribute to the development of high quality national social protection systems and programmes in contexts of food insecurity, as a complement to its work responding directly to food security-related emergencies. It sets out WFP’s priorities in social protection – supporting the ability of...
1 July 2021
Forecast based financing – lessons learned on early actions with cash transfers
The objective of the document is to present the lessons learned related to the implementation of early actions with cash transfers as part of the forecast-based financing mechanism implemented by the World Food Programme in the Yaque del Norte watershed in the Dominican Republic.
27 May 2021
Cash and Voucher Assistance Guidelines for Lao PDR
Guidelines and Tools
Cash and voucher assistance is becoming increasingly popular in Lao PDR in delivering humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and development focused projects. In supporting the cash and voucher assistance agenda in Lao PDR, the Cash Working Group was established as a working group for local and regional stakeholders dedicated to cash and voucher programming in Lao PDR. One key priority...
1 January 2021
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the R4v?
2. Is there any Cash Working Group under the R4V?
3. Why is it important?
4. How can I contact the Coordination team? How frequently do members meet? How can I subscribe to the e-mailing list?
5. Who is a member of the RCWG?
6. How does the RCWG link up with other Platforms?
7. Which are the next steps and priorities?
28 September 2020
Preguantas De Uso Frecuente
1. ¿Qué es R4v?
2. ¿Existe un GTM regional para R4V?
3. ¿Por qué es importante tener un GTM?
4. ¿Cómo puedo contactar al Equipo Coordinador? ¿Con qué frecuencia se reúnen? ¿Cómo me puedo suscribir a la lista de difusión? 5. ¿Quién es miembro del GTM Regional?
6. ¿Cómo se vincula con otras Plataformas?
7. ¿Cuáles son los pasos siguientes?
28 September 2020
Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance
The increasing reliance on cash as a transfer modality to refugees and other vulnerable populations potentially exposes them to higher risks of abuse of power by Financial Service Providers (FSP) in such programmes. Regular customers can usually choose between several providers. People assisted by humanitarian agencies do not have this freedom of choice and cannot use this as a leverage to...
12 August 2020
Cash Transfer Models and Debt in the Kalobeyei Settlement
The use of cash transfer programmes in humanitarian contexts is growing. In comparison to in-kind assistance, cash transfers are widely praised for enhancing autonomy, reducing costs, and boosting local markets. There are various modalities of cash transfer, from food vouchers to mobile money, and cash. Yet, evidence on the relative merits of these models is scarce. Using first-hand data from...
4 August 2020
10 Things you Wish you’d Always Known About Shock-responsive Social Protection
Guidelines and Tools
Download the publication file and the one-page summary here Improving the ‘shock-responsiveness’ of social protection—in other words, its relevance to large-scale natural, economic and political shocks—is an appealing prospect both for governments and for their partners working in social protection and humanitarian assistance. The approach has entered the mainstream in recent years and...
15 June 2020
LOUISE Learning Review
This report presents the outcomes of the learning review on the Lebanon One Unified Inter-Organizational System for E-cards (LOUISE) platform commissioned by UNICEF on behalf of the LOUISE agencies (WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF) in 2019 to build on the LOUISE experience and conduct a stock-taking exercise. The study documents the development of the LOUISE operational model and processes, and develops a...
15 April 2020
WFP – Guidance for Cash-based Transfers in the Context of the Covid-19 Outbreak
Guidelines and Tools
The objectives of this document are:
1- Provide guidance and advice on operational continuity while reducing the risk of contamination.
2- Communicate clear changes/simplification in required procedures for planning, designing, implementing, sustaining and scaling up CBT operations in the field (With a higher-level risk acceptance approach)
3- Ensure continued CBT expertise and support for...
27 March 2020
South Sudan Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI)
In an effort to better inform cash-based interventions and understand market dynamics in South Sudan, the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) was created by the South Sudan Cash Working Group (CWG) in August 2019. The initiative is guided by the JMMI Technical Working Group (JMMI-TWG), led by REACH and supported by the CWG members. It is funded by WFP.
Marketplaces across South Sudan are...
23 January 2020
Multi-purpose cash assistance and health: Evaluating the effect of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme on access to health care for refugees in Turkey
This policy brief provides a summarizations of a 2019 analysis of data collected by WFP between 2017 and 2019 on refugees in Turkey including the Comprehensive Vulnerability Monitoring Exercise (CVME) in addition to longitudinal data from Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme applicant households collected during the Pre-Assistance Baseline and six subsequent rounds of Post-Distribution...
18 December 2019
Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance – 4 pages
UNHCR and WFP are implementing a joint project to identify and mitigate risks of abuse by private sector service providers in their delivery of cash assistance to vulnerable populations. The project involves work with financial service providers, traders and other private sector stakeholders, as well as awareness raising of cash recipients about their rights and capacity-building on basic...
November 2019
Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance in Afghanistan
This document outlines lessons learned from a joint UNHCR-WFP project in Afghanistan aimed at identifying and mitigating the risks of abuse of power in cash assistance. The cash transfer mechanisms discussed during the mission were cash distribution through Hawalas, mobile token, mobile e-vouchers and bank cheques.
July 2019
Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance in Rwanda
This document outlines lessons learned from a joint UNHCR-WFP project in Rwanda aimed at identifying and mitigating the risks of imbalance of power in cash assistance. The cash transfer mechanism reviewed during the project was a bank card, proposed to the overwhelming majority of refugees receiving cash assistance.
March 2019
The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment – Summary Report of the Multi-Country Study
The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE were experienced, the study sought to understand women’s and men’s perceptions of how and...
February 2019
The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE were experienced, the study sought to understand women’s and men’s perceptions of how and...
February 2019
Cash Can Contribute to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
In 2018, WFP conducted a multi-country study that demonstrated that interventions – programmes, projects, operations etc. – using cash-based transfers (CBTs) as an assistance modality can promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. The countries in which case studies were conducted were Bangladesh, Egypt, El Salvador, Jordan, Mali and Rwanda. Empowering impacts are achieved when an...
February 2019
3rd Grand Bargain Cash Work Stream Workshop – Co-Conveners’ Report
The third Grand Bargain (GB) Cash work stream Workshop was held at WFP Headquarters in Rome on 16th-17th May 2019, hosted by WFP and DFID. Over 85 participants attended the workshop, representing 60 donor and humanitarian organisations and multilateral agencies, and including representatives from the global clusters, research institutes and specialist agencies and organisations. The workshop...
Global Cash Policy Network Call: the UN Common Cash System
On 5 December, Principals of UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP and OCHA announced the launch of a joint system for the design, delivery and monitoring of cash assistance. This is a welcome step towards improved collaboration between United Nations agencies, with the potential to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of UN cash operations and better support those affected by humanitarian...
14 December 2018
Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance – Workshop Nairobi, Kenya
UNHCR and WFP are implementing a joint project to identify and mitigate risks of abuse of power by private sector service providers in the delivery
of cash assistance to vulnerable populations. The workshop, held in Nairobi on 10-11 December 2018, followed visits to the first two pilot countries, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Cameroon. It aimed to build further on initial...
December 2018
Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance in Cameroon
This document outlines lessons learned from a joint UNHCR/WFP project in Cameroon with the aim to, with Financial Service Providers (FSPs), identify and mitigate the risks of abuse of power in cash assistance, including through mobile money, e-vouchers and cash in hand.
December 2018
Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in the Democratic Republic of Congo
This document outlines lessons learned from a joint UNHCR/WFP project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with the aim to, with Financial Service Providers (FSPs), identify and mitigate the risks of abuse of power in cash assistance, including through cash in hand, pre-paid cards and mobile money.
November 2018
How Cash and Food Transfers and Asset Creation Can Contribute to Women’s Empowerment: Learning from Niger, Kenya and Zimbabwe
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash based assistance in humanitarian...
September 2018
Evaluation of the 2017 Somalia Humanitarian Cash-Based Response
After several years of poor rainfall, the humanitarian community responded to a famine alert issued in January 2017 with a significant scale-up of funding and programmes. Having originally published a 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in November 2016, by May 2017, the Somalia Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) revised the HRP upwards to target 5.5 million people needing assistance. The UN,...
August 2018
Joint Emergency Cash Transfer for Dominicans Most Affected by Hurricane Maria Stocktaking Exercise Report
A workshop was organized in Roseau, Dominica on 3-4 May 2018, to bring together all the stakeholders involved at different levels and stages in the joint Emergency Cash Transfer programme that was implemented from December 2017 to March 2018 as part of the emergency response to Hurricane Maria. The report takes stock of key achievements and challenges, identify best practices and lessons...
Assessment of the Geographical and Community-based Targeting of WFP’s Cash and Food for Assets Programme in Kenya
This report provides an in-depth assessment of the targeting mechanisms used for the cash and food for assets programme by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA). Assessment of the Geographical and Community-based Targeting of WFP’s Cash and Food for Assets Programme in Kenya aims to answer the following questions: How effective are the targeting...
Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System
This report, commissioned by the World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) seeks to examine the current transfer values of Kenya’s tax-financed social security schemes and assess whether they are set at an appropriate level. Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System, authored by Bjorn Gelders and Stephen Kidd from Development Pathways,...
Impacts of Cash on Nutrition outcomes
Following the presentation of the Grand Bargain agreement at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, the use of cash transfers has become a key component of humanitarian assistance and humanitarian actors and policy-makers increasingly recognize the need for more evidence-based interventions to support their programmes and policies. Action Against Hunger, in partnership with the World Food...
Human(itarian) Capital? Lessons on Better Connecting Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection
Governments in low- and middle-income countries are increasingly investing in social protection, and also address many of their own people’s “humanitarian” needs themselves. For their international partners, who may have an important role in filling gaps when household needs exceed national capacity to meet them, support for the strengthening of national systems—combined with a shift...
Somalia Databases and Beneficiary Registries for Cash Transfer Programming
A report by WFP on Somalia Databases and Beneficiary Registries for Cash Transfer Programming. An ECHO-funded technical assistance facility, managed by the WFP, aims to explore how social protection systems can be strengthened in fragile and forced displacement contexts, with a view to contributing to the global learning agenda on when and how these can be used to address humanitarian needs in...
Reviewing the Linkages between Gender, Market Assessments and Market-based Interventions
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash based assistance in humanitarian...
Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts
Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash based assistance in humanitarian contexts is poorly understood. All too often, interventions are designed based on assumptions...
Addressing food insecurity: Does the choice of transfer modality matter?
This operational study analyses the impact of multipurpose cash (MPC)—associated with a nutrition-sensitive training—on the food security and nutrition of the households affected by the drought in the Salvadoran Dry Corridor. Three quantitative and qualitative surveys—with a strong gender component—were conducted on different cohorts of beneficiaries receiving the assistance through...
Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya
Kenya’s Social Protection Secretariat has highlighted new evidence showing the need for a universal child grant for Kenyan children. The evidence in Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya highlights that targeting social protection at orphans, 7.5% of Kenya’s children, with a Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children inadvertently leads to the exclusion of other...
Cash and Markets Monthly Dashboard DRAFT April 2017
Guidelines and Tools
• The cash and markets, monthly dashboard presents current data on market prices of key commodities and the cost of the minimum expenditure basked (MEB) across Somalia. In addition, it also provides key highlights relevant to cash and market interventions.
• Page one presents the cost of the food MEB and the total MEB for the months of March and April, showing the change in cost over one...
April 2017
Food – Restricted Voucher or Unrestricted Voucher Cash? How to Best Support Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon?
The World Food Programme (WFP) plays a pivotal role in the food security of Syrian refugees within the Syria +5 region. WFP periodically reviews its operational approach, so it is timely to consider what the best modality for the next phase of the response might be, including the pros and cons of delivering assistance through unrestricted cash as opposed to food-restricted value vouchers...
Karamoja Market Assessment
A market assessment of the feasibility of cash transfers in the Karamoja region – Executive summary
Cash-based transfers. Analytical Paper on WHS Self-Reporting on the Agenda for Humanity
Forty-three stakeholders reported on World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) commitments related to cash-based transfers (CBT). Self-reports indicate that cash is increasingly a preferred option, when appropriate, taking into account context and feasibility considerations. Cash programming is being streamlined through inclusion in organizational strategies and the retooling of internal reporting...
Collecting Prices for Food Security Programming
Guidelines and Tools
As a contribution towards standardizing price data collection, this paper aims to explore the core issues related to setting up a price monitoring system, also in countries where no such system currently exists. It describes the factors a country office needs to consider when designing such a system, namely: The objective of the price monitoring and its sustainability Selection of...
The Potential of Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) to Empower Women and Improve Women’s Nutrition: a five country study
From June 2016 to April 2017, a five-country study to explore the potential of WFP’s Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) programmes to empower women and improve women’s nutrition was conducted by WFP. The purpose of the study was to:
1. Assess changes (outcomes or impacts) that relate to women’s socio-economic
empowerment (WSEE) and women’s nutrition (WN), and to what extent they
Economic Impact of Refugees
In 2015, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees accommodated over 15 million refugees, mostly in refugee camps in developing countries. The World Food Program provided these refugees with food aid, in cash or in kind. Refugees’ impacts on host countries are controversial and little understood. This unique study analyses the economic impacts of refugees on host-country...
14 July 2016
End-line report on the impact of Cash Based Transfer in Tharparkar, Umerkot and Sanghar
The Food for Assets through Cashed Based Transfers was implemented in three drought affected districts of Sindh namely Tharparkar, Umerkot and Sanghar during the period from July 2015 to January 2016 covering 17,000 beneficiaries. The programme engaged beneficiary households in Cash for Training activities where they were paid PKR 5400 per cycle (for 4 cycles in total) for attending specified...
June 2016
Livelihoods & Persons of Concern
Nearly half of refugees in world today are caught in protracted situations with bleak durable solutions Increase in new conflicts and natural disasters Humanitarian imperative to actively seek self-reliance strategies Reappraise protracted refugee settings through a self-reliance lens Create enabling environment – working with governments of countries of asylum to expand opportunities for...
Gender and Markets in West Africa – Secondary Data Review
The secondary information and data review presented here covers all gender and markets assessments conducted by WFP in West Africa, and market assessments conducted by key partners in the region over the past 5 years. The quality of the compiled assessments is reviewed to identify data and information gaps and target areas for improvement. Information needs of WFP programmes and modalities...
Cash/Food. A Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food assistance modalities in refugee settlements
A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food and cash assistance modalities for household food security in refugee settlements
Cash or Food A Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food assistance modalities in refugee settlements
A comparative analysis on the effective of food and cash transfer modalities for household food security in refugee settlements in Uganda.
Economic Impact of Refugee settlements in Uganda
Uganda is home to close to 800,000 refugees, mostly from South Sudan, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It also has one of the most favorable and progressive refugee assistance programs in the world, with freedom of movement, work rights, and land officially set aside for refugees to farm. These policies potentially affect the welfare of refugees as well as the impacts of refugees...
Research: Refugees Can Bolster a Region’s Economy
The world’s refugee population has increased sharply in recent years, leading governments to argue over which countries should take in people displaced by war or other calamities. At the core of this debate is cost: refugees are usually considered an economic burden for the countries that take them in. Thus the argument usually comes down to one side arguing that the cost is too great, and...
Supporting Dignified Choices ‘Paper Plus’ Cash Voucher Programming in Camps in Jordan
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Jordan has directly assisted close to 400,000 vulnerable Syrian refugees in both formal camps and host communities since it began operations in November 2012. NRC is the lead partner of UNHCR in Zaatari and Azraq camps in providing refugees with shelter and the management and distribution of nonfood items (NFIs). In the second half of 2014 NRC began...
1 May 2015
Protection Outcomes in Cash-based Interventions: A literature review
This literature review examines existing research to determine whether the use of cash and vouchers is contributing to the promotion of protection and gender outcomes for beneficiary communities, following the WFP and UNHCR 2013 study on gender, protection and cash. This literature review focuses on these four topics: How do programmes using cash or voucher transfers articulate protection and...
8 April 2015
Summary Evaluation Report of WFP’s Cash and Voucher Policy (2008-2014)
The WFP’s Summary Evaluation Report on cash and voucher policy (2008-2014) was commissioned by WFP’s Office of Evaluation in order to assess the quality and results of the policy and its implementation. The evaluation found that although the policy does not represent WFP’s current best practice for policies, it served its purpose in establishing the basis for authorizing use of...
9 January 2015
Mozambique, Country Programme 200286: An evaluation of WFP’s operation (2012-2015) – Management Response
The final evaluation covers WFP’s country programme (CP) 200286 (2012-2015). It was intended for both accountability and learning purposes and focuses on assessing: the appropriateness and coherence of the operation its results the factors explaining the results. The evaluation assessed the following activities: school meals, social protection (unconditional food/cash transfers and...
Part 1.2 The Minimum Expenditure Basket
The Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) is defined as what a household requires in order to meet basic needs – on a regular or seasonal basis – and its average cost. Determining the MEB serves three functions: a) it is a holistic reflection of need as perceived by crisis affected populations, including those needs that fall outside of traditional sectors, e.g. communication, transport, etc),...
Guide for Protection in Cash based Interventions
Guidelines and Tools
This guide identifies minimum necessary information and key resources needed to help humanitarian practitioners ensure that protection risks and benefits are considered and monitored throughout the cash-based interventions (CBI) program cycle, using a community-based approach and participatory methods as much as possible. It can help to inform CBI in any program context: protection...
Feasibility of cash transfer modalities in refugee settlements
The main objective of this market assessment was to determine market functionality and the feasibility of cash transfer modality (and use of mobile money) among refugee settlements (Kyangwali, Kyaka II, Rwamwanja and Koboko) proposed for the cash transfer scale up in 2016. Survey households were randomly selected from a zone list obtained from the refugee settlement, while traders were...
The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Cash-Based Approaches in Emergencies: A Systematic Review
To access a document detailing the background, literature review, and objectives related to this review, please click here. Cash-based approaches have been used for development purposes for a number of decades, particularly within social protection interventions in low- and middle-income countries. Over the past decade, cash transfer programs that were used in development contexts have...
The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Cash-based Approaches in Emergencies: A Systematic Review (Background and Objectives)
This document provides the background, literature review, and objects of the review itself, which is available here. Cash-based approaches have been used for development purposes for a number of decades, particularly within social protection interventions in low- and middle-income countries. Over the past decade, cash transfer programs that were used in development contexts have increasingly...
Exploring Food Assistance Programmes: Evidence for Lebanon
The purpose of this study is to analyse how markets in Lebanon have responded to the increased demand from the Syrian refugees. More specifically, the study focuses on the micro-level impacts of market-based food assistance on the market supply chains and market performance. It explores the pros and cons of alternative food assistance transfer modalities. Finally, this report is intended to...
Kit for Autonomous Cash transfer in Humanitarian Emergencies (KACHE)
Guidelines and Tools
The present document reports the development of the Kit for Autonomous Cash transfer in Humanitarian Emergencies (KACHE), built upon Red Rose ONE system© supported by the WFP’s Cooperating Partners’ Innovation Fund (CPIF). Firstly, it gives a brief description of the main features of the kit. Secondly, it describes the process ACF went through within the innovation cycle....
Evaluation of the OneCard Pilot in Lebanon
The OneCard pilot is part of the WFP-UNHCR Joint Plan of Action for Cash and Vouchers (2014), which aims to implement cash and vouchers using common e-delivery mechanisms. The objectives of the OneCard pilot were: To test the programmatic, technical, and financial efficiency and feasibility of the OneCard system to deliver assistance to selected Syrian refugee-families; To evaluate the...
Key Recommendations for Protection in Cash-based Interventions
Guidelines and Tools
This document outlines the key recommendations to ensure that protection is mainstreamed throughout the project cycle for cash-based interventions.
Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Guidelines and Tools
This operational guidance and toolkit brings together worldwide expertise on cash-based interventions (CBIs). It provides comprehensive and practical guidance for humanitarian actors to assess the feasibility, conceptualise the design and structure the implementation of MPGs. The guidance focuses on MPGs whose primary objective is to meet basic needs as defined by affected people...
Protection Risks and Benefits Analysis Tool
This tool provides global evidence on the protection risks and benefits of cash-based interventions, divided into key protection areas. It outlines the key questions that practitioners should explore to reach a context-specific, participatory identification of protection risks and benefits of a given intervention. It can be used for design or monitoring. The tool includes a blank template for...
Tips for Protection in Cash based interventions
Guidelines and Tools
This document presents a set of general tips to identify, monitor and mitigate protection risks and maximize protection benefits of cash-based interventions.
Bangladesh Cash Working Group: Lessons Learnt From Early Recovery CTPS For Flood Response
The DeSHARI Consortium, NARRI Consortium, German Red Cross, WFP and bKash brought their learning from implementing 3-month-long Cash Transfer Programmings for early recovery for flood response in NW and
Hatiya. From the onset of disaster 13 agencies sought to coordinate under the Cash Working Group in terms of location, rate and market monitoring. In total 64,682 families received...
January 2015
Against the Grain: The cereal trade in Darfur
WFP began to pilot food vouchers in Darfur in 2010 as an alternative to general food distribution. The main purpose of the voucher program is greater cost-efficiency for WFP, increased choice for beneficiaries, and strengthening of markets. It is also expected to create market multiplier effects and stimulate production (WFP, 2014c). The appropriateness and feasibility of food vouchers needs...
December 2014
Economic Impact Study: Direct and indirect impact of the WFP food voucher programme in Jordan
The intent of this study is to estimate the economic benefits of the food voucher programme implemented by the World Food Programmeme (WFP) for Syrian refugees in Jordan. The study employs a two pronged approach whereby the first component provides an analysis of the supermarkets that participate in the food voucher programme. It was estimated how the cash flow from the voucher programme is...
Cash and Vouchers Manual – Second edition
Guidelines and Tools
This second edition of the Cash and Vouchers Manual captures the latest corporately endorsed business processes and procedures, providing the most up-to-date tools (i.e. analytical, assessment, monitoring) that have been developed through close intra-departmental collaboration between Headquarters divisions, in particular Resource Management and Accountability and Operations Services, and...
Food Aid Flows 2012 Report
In 2012 global food aid deliveries totaled slightly more than 5 million mt. The World Food Programme (WFP) remains the primary means for delivering food assistance: 58 percent of global food aid was provided through WFP in 2012. Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa were the main recipients of food aid in 2012, with deliveries marginally (67,000 mt) higher than the previous year. The top 8 recipient...
Economic Impact Study: Direct and Indirect Effects of the WFP Value-Based Food Voucher Programme in Lebanon
This study examines the direct and indirect impacts of WFP’s e-card programme on the Lebanese economy. It is part of a broader United Nations initiative to assess the economic impacts of humanitarian assistance in Lebanon. The e-card programme is an important element of the international humanitarian response for Syrian refugees. It is expected to transfer US$345 million to over one million...
Response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)
When used appropriately, cash-based interventions can have
multiplier effects in helping to meet peoples’ needs in food,
shelter, non-food items, health, nutrition and education, protecting
or rebuilding livelihoods, facilitating the return and reintegration of
displaced people, and stimulating the rehabilitation of markets.
Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) has been used in the
December 2013
Impact Evaluation: Evaluation of the impact of food for assets on livelihood resilience in Nepal
This evaluation, conducted by an independent team between January and July 2013, assessed the outcomes and impacts of the food-for-assets (FFA) components of two WFP programmes in Nepal: country programme (CP) 100930 (2002–2007) and protracted relief and recovery operation (PRRO) 106760 (2007–2010). The PRRO included some cash-for-assets (CFA) activities.
October 2013
Examining Protection and Gender in Cash and Voucher Transfers
With cash and voucher transfers increasing as a form of humanitarian assistance, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) teamed up to study the potential protection and gender impact of such transfers. While much research had been done about economic and market impacts of cash and voucher transfers, there has been less focus on the human dimensions of such transfers:...
September 2013
Examining Protection and Gender in Cash and Voucher Transfers – Case studies of the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
In any humanitarian intervention – including those using cash and vouchers – assistance agencies need to identify the most appropriate, effective, and efficient way of helping crisis-affected households meet their needs. In doing so, they need to consider the protection and gender issues surrounding any intervention strategy. Over the years, many aspects of cash and voucher transfers have...
March 2013
Enhancing WFP’s Capacity and Experience to Design, Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate Vouchers and Cash Transfer Programmes: Study summary
With support from the Government of Spain, and in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) evaluated four pilot projects to assess the comparative performance of cash transfers, food payments, and vouchers on household food security and other outcomes of interest to WFP. The studies in Ecuador, Uganda, Niger, and...
Markets dynamics and financial services in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
Guidelines and Tools
The Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) team of WFP recently finalised a market study on the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya. The study explores market dynamics and financial service access for pastoral communities. This executive summary shortly presents the findings of this study. The full report will be released in early May. For more information, you may contact Diego...
Impact Evaluation of Cash and Food Transfers for the Seasonal Emergency Safety Net in Hajjah and Ibb Governorates, Yemen Endline Report
This report is the final impact evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Cash and Food transfer program in Yemen. The program operated in Hajjah and Ibb governorates within the larger Emergency Safety Net (ESN), which provides assistance to qualifying households in rural Yemen. The report details the relative effectiveness of each modality at alleviating food security among the targeted...
Cash Voucher Programme: Review of voucher assistance as a safety-net transfer modality in the Gaza Strip
This review commissioned by Oxfam GB and WFP, looks at the effect of the Cash Voucher Project of WFP / Oxfam / Ma’an (CVP) on beneficiaries in Gaza. The review studies the impact on beneficiary diets and interviews beneficiaries to obtain their opinion on cash vouchers over in-kind food aid. The review also looks at the overall economic effect of cash vouchers on the beneficiaries, their...
Executive Brief: Engaging with markets in humanitarian responses
In late 2012-early 2013, WFP and Oxfam collaborated on a piece of research that aimed to understand how humanitarian agencies are currently engaging with markets and how this work might evolve. The research culminated in the writing of this brief.
Comparative Review of Market Assessments Methods, Tools, Approaches and Findings
Guidelines and Tools
Against a backdrop of climate change, global economic crises and commodity market volatility, food security experts are increasingly interested in deepening their understanding of how markets work. In 2011, the CALP Network commissioned this study, which aimed to assess how we are currently analyzing markets and where we could improve. The study’s specific aims were twofold: To examine the...
World Food Programme Afghanistan: Effectiveness study
This document presents the findings of a comparative cost effectiveness analysis of four WFP hunger reduction activities. It can be seen as a follow up on the Country Portfolio Evaluation 2012. This study has been conducted using the existing WFP operational costing data and assessing costs benefits through an analysis of data gathered at the regional and provincial levels. Through the review...
Shifting Food Assistance in Kenya to E-Payments
The shift away from in-kind aid as the preferred mechanism for humanitarian assistance has contributed to the rise of cash transfers in Kenya. In 2008, the World Food Programme (WFP) for the first time shifted strategically from a food aid to a food assistance strategy, recognizing new and diverse ways in which the organization could address global hunger. Already looking for fertile ground...
Impact Evaluation of Cash and Food Transfers at Early Childhood Development Centers in Karamoja, Uganda
This report is a revised draft of the Final Impact Report of an impact evaluation study of the World Food Programme (WFP) project to provide food and cash transfers to households with children participating in Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers in the Karamoja sub region of Uganda. The analysis reported here provides evidence on the relative impact of these food and cash transfers on...
Final Evaluation Report of the Wet Feeding and Cash Transfer Project in Southern Somalia
This evaluation report details the achievements of the ECHO funded Wet Feeding and Resource Transfer project implemented by Danish Refugee Council in Mogadishu and ended on March 30th. This synopsis precedes the details of the project and the evaluation as contained in the report. The wet feeding component was a six (6) months’ continuation of preceding phases implemented since November...
An Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis study Changing Responses to the Haiti Earthquake
Good practice standards guidelines and evaluations all emphasise the importance of including markets in emergency situation and response analysis. While this approach has become more widely accepted by international organisations in recent years, in practice it is clear that support is still needed to develop the skills of humanitarian workers to ensure that they don’t overlook the role of...
Comparative Review of Market Assessments Methods, Tools, Approaches and Findings – SWOT analysis
Guidelines and Tools
This document makes a comparative review of different market assessments methods, tools, approaches and findings. A SWOT analysis of the Emergency Market Mapping Analysis (EMMA), Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis (MIFIRA) and World Food Programme Trader Survey (WFP TS) is presented as well. The full report is available here: Comparative Review of Market Assessments...
ACF Côte d’Ivoire: Unconditional grants via mobile phones (poster)
This one-pager (poster) provides an overview of ACF’s experience transferring cash by mobile phone in the Ivory Coast (a WFP programme).
How to Conduct a Trader Survey?
Guidelines and Tools
The purpose of this technical guidance sheet is to provide guidance to WFP Country Office and partner staff in conducting a simple trader survey with limited or no external technical support. For complex trader surveys, or in situations where local capacity is insufficient, experienced WFP staff in the food security units at the Regional Bureaux and Headquarters may provide further guidance,...
Impact Evaluation of Cash, Food Vouchers, and Food Transfers among Colombian Refugees and Poor Ecuadorians in Carchi and Sucumbíos
This report is the final impact evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Food, Cash, and Voucher intervention and contains analysis on outcomes including food security, social capital, anemia, and gender issues. Due to the targeting of Colombian refuges and poor Ecuadorians in Northern Ecuador, it also examines whether program impacts varied by nationality. In addition, to the impact...
Unconditional cash transfers in Gaza: an external review
This is a review of small pilot project, which targets extremely vulnerable households with monthly unconditional cash transfers for a limited period. The target population is made up of two groups, one group already receiving assistance through a voucher from WFP but still showing poor food diversity scores, the other initially receiving no other assistance and referred by the Ministry of...
The Use of Cash Transfers in Emergencies: A focus on the HoA response strategies
A focus on the HOA drought response strategies
11 August 2011
Sharing What Works – Working with payment service providers (PSPs)
A handy tool on choosing payment service providers for delivering cash transfers developed by WFP Zambia. Mobile money and m-banking are now providing unprecedented opportunities to enhance programming within the WFP through cash and vouchers delivery mechanisms. Often in this context providers are referred to as payment service providers (PSPs) and can come in the guise of banks, mobile or...
August 2011
WFP 2nd Global Workshop on Cash and Vouchers
Executive Summary The 2nd Global Cash and Vouchers Workshop in Rome 22-23 November 2010, was convened jointly by the Programme Division (ODX) and the Policy Planning and Strategy Division (OEDP), one year following the 1st Global Cash and Vouchers Workshop convened in Johannesburg 17-19 November 2009. The overarching aim of the workshop was to consolidate new learning on designing and...
1 April 2011
Local and Regional Procurement of Food Aid in Uganda: The Experience of Maize Traders
Local and regional procurement (LRP), the purchase of foods for food assistance in or near an affected region, is growing in importance in the world of food assistance. Food aid has been traditionally “tied,” which is to say contingent on sourcing in donor countries. The political climate in agricultural policy and food assistance has been changing over the past decade, however, and donors...
March 2011
Cash transfers in Zimbabwe
A background document to Cash Transfers in Zimbabwe, including details of: Zimbabwe Harmonised Social Cash Transfer (ZHSCT) program UN/World Food Program Cash For Cereals (CFC) program The NGO Joint Initiative (JI) in Zimbabwe Protracted Relief Program (PRP) Independent NGO-led Cash Transfer Programs.
Planning and implementing cash transfers in emergencies: Practical insights from Pakistan
Access The Report Here The use of cash transfers and vouchers, or together ‘cash-based responses’, has grown remarkably in recent years. Cash transfers provide beneficiaries with money, while vouchers ensure access to food for a predefined quantity or value in identified outlets. While there is a large body of reviews and case studies of cash-based responses, general program guidance and...
More than roads: Using markets to feed the hungry in Nepal
This report, based on research in Nepal, focuses on the importance of markets and road infrastructure, which could be used to inform longer term food security strategies. The report goes through the basis of the research, the context of the market environment and highlights the services provided and the challenges they face. An overview of WFP’s cash for assets programming in the area is...
Report: ECHO Roundtable "Scaling Up Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies"
This 3-page report sums up the main points raised at the ECHO / WFP hosted roundtable on “Scaling Up Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies”, 23 September 2011. The roundtable focused on the scaling-up of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) in emergencies, more specifically for the provision of Humanitarian Food Assistance (HFA). The roundtable was structured around four panels: i)...
WFP’s Current C&V Portfolio
A presentation aimed at solidifying a common understanding of where WFP is and where it is going. Topics include: Shift from food aid to food assistance From pilots to scale Portfolio trends since 2009 Global C&V by programme category.
Evaluation of Zimbabwe’s Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Programme
Concern Worldwide have been delivering food aid in three rural districts of Zimbabwe (Gokwe North, Gokwe South and Nyanga) since 2002 as part of the World Food Programme’s (WFP) Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) programme. The VGF provided a monthly food bundle of 10kg staple, 1kg beans and 600ml oil per person to cover 80% of their monthly food needs, targeted on food insecure households (in...
July 2010
Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme: Monitoring Consolidated Report, November 2009 to March 2010
Concern Worldwide Zimbabwe together with WFP implemented the Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme in three districts of Zimbabwe as part of the Vulnerable Feeding Group intervention for the food shortages of 2009/2010. In spite of its limited duration (5 months), the ZECT was highly innovative and generated a range of positive effects. Drawing from extensive monitoring...
April 2010
Responding to High Food Prices: Evidence from a Voucher Programme in Burkina Faso
In February 2009, WFP launched its first food voucher operation in Africa, to address food security in an urban environment where food is available but beyond the reach of many because of high food prices. Vulnerable segments of the population, who were spending most of their budgets on food, risked falling into destitution as their purchasing power was weakened by increasing food prices. The...
Comparing Cash and Food Transfers: a Cost-Benefit Analysis from Rural Malawi
The Cash and Food for Livelihoods Pilot (CFLP) project was a cash and food-for-assets scheme implemented in southern Malawi over the eight months from October 2008 to May 2009, benefiting 11,100 households. CFLP was designed to prevent acute hunger and invest in disaster prevention and preparedness measures by providing cash, food and mixed cash/food transfers in exchange for participation in...
Do Cash Transfers Improve Food Security in Emergencies? Evidence from Sri Lanka
In December 2004, WFP launched an emergency operation (EMOP) to assist victims of the tsunami in Sri Lanka. The disaster resulted in more than 38,000 deaths and approximately 7,000 people missing. The government estimated that at least 1 million people were directly or indirectly affected, of whom about 500,000 were displaced. The objectives of the EMOP were to ensure the affected...
WFP Global Workshop on Cash and Vouchers
This document provides a summary and synthesis of key outcomes and emerging priorities. It also provides a summary of the current status of voucher and cash programming in WFP. A discussion of key emerging cross-cutting issues follows. Strategic priorities for WFP voucher and cash programming and policy engagement round out the analysis.
November 2009
Market Analysis in Emergency Food Security Assessments
Guidelines and Tools
This document provides a generic overview of market analysis as an integral part of an emergency food security assessment. The main objective is to provide a basic understanding of markets, including how to gather market information, conduct a situation analysis, and
interpret the analysis to inform response options.
The market situation analysis is an integrated component of food security...
The Use of Cash/Vouchers in Response to Vulnerability and Food Insecurity: Case study review and analysis
This document summarizes the major characteristics and outcomes of 27 recent pilots, projects or programs worldwide that made use of cash and/or vouchers to provide benefits to people in need. The concluding section attempts to synthesize the commonalities and contrasts among those cases, as a first step towards identifying lessons-learnt as well as knowledge gaps that remain.
Learning from cash responses to the tsunami: Issue Paper 2: Disbursement mechanisms
This is the second of six issue papers which form part of a project to document learning around cash-based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide. This 5-page Issue Paper examines the disbursement options available to agencies making cash payments. It discusses key issues such as:...
September 2006