Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
15 January 2020
Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Outcomes in Emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
The main purpose of this document is to provide the nutrition sector with evidence and guidance to more routinely consider and, if appropriate, use cash and voucher modalities in nutrition in emergencies response in order to better address the nutritional needs of vulnerable populations. It consists of the following parts: Part 1 – Evidence Note: Provides an overview on the evidence base on...
August 2020
External Evaluation of SDC/HA Emergency Cash Pilot For Earthquake Affected Households in Bubq, Albania
In November 2019, Albania was hit by a large earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4, causing 51 people to lose their lives and injuring 913 people. Around 47,000 additional people were directly affected by the earthquake. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) immediately deployed a rapid response team to support people affected by the earthquake. Alongside other emergency...
15 April 2020
Evidence-building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies: Practices related to the use of multipurpose cash for WASH outcomes
This report aims specifically to: present current practices (and practice gaps) of the use of MPC for WASH outcomes in emergencies, identifying the contexts and conditions under which MPC is used and highlighting lessons learned in contexts where humanitarian actors use MPC as a tool to meet basic needs, support the involvement of WASH practitioners in the process of designing, delivering and...
Evidence-building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies: Practices in market-based programming in the sanitation subsector
This report presents an overview of practices related to the use of market support and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for sanitation in emergencies. These market-based approaches can have a number of advantages, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency sanitation response while also supporting the existing local market systems that will continue to deliver sanitation...
Evidence-Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies: Practices in market-based programming in the hygiene subsector
This report presents an overview of practices related to the use of market support and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) modalities for hygiene in humanitarian crises. These market-based approaches can have a number of advantages, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency hygiene response while also supporting the existing local market systems that will continue to...
Evidence-Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies: Practices in market-based programming in the water subsector
Humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practitioners are increasingly using market-based programming (MBP) to deliver safe water in emergency response, with interventions that are designed to work through, or support, local water markets. These market-based approaches have a number of advantages, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency water response while...
Scoping study – Emergency cash transfer programming in the WaSH and shelter sectors
Over the past few years, the dialogue on cash transfer programming has progressed beyond initial debates about whether distributing cash and vouchers is a valid response modality at all to a general acceptance of their added value in appropriate contexts. Beyond the livelihoods and food security sectors, cash transfer programming is increasingly being considered as a response to...
Cash in Construction
This Powerpoint was used by SDC during a workshop on CTP and shelter/construction that took place in mid 2014. Click here to download a short introduction Powerpoint on Cash and Shelter from the same event.
Guidelines: How to use Hawala in Somalia
Guidelines and Tools
Money transfer companies, also known as hawala, are an increasingly popular partner chosen by humanitarian agencies to distribute cash in Somalia. This brief will explain what hawala are, how they operate, and provide some brief guidelines on how agencies can partner with them to deliver cash transfers in Somalia.
Cash Transfers in Post-conflict Contexts
This ODI project briefing looks at the implementation for the design of cash programmes in post-conflict or fragile states, compared to those of peaceful and stable countries. It highlights examples from Sierra Leone and Nepal drawing lessons from existing programmes, examines the contribution to poverty reduction and looks at the role of cash transfer programming in the context of new state...
November 2009
Cash transfers in Sierra Leone: Appropriate, affordable and feasible?
This paper is one of a series of outputs from ODI’s research study (2006–09) “Cash Transfers and their Role in Social Protection”. The study aims to compare cash with other forms of transfers, identifying where cash transfers may be preferable, the preconditions for cash transfers to work well, and how they may best be targeted and sequenced with other initiatives. The study explores a...
August 2007
Cash Workbook: A Practical User’s Guide for the Preparation and Implementation of Cash Projects
Guidelines and Tools
This workbook is a tool that guides managers through the project cycle of managing a cash transfer programme including administrative and database setup, and project management systems and procedures.
Cash Workbook – A Practical User’s Guide for the Preparation and Implementation of Cash Projects
Since 1999, the Humanitarian Aid Department of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), a division of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, has implemented a series of Cash Transfer Projects in different humanitarian contexts. Cash grants provided to more than 100,000 people in need have supported them in covering their most urgent needs.
The SDC Cash Workbook presented...