Key Aid Consulting
15 January 2020
The Role of Misinformation on Cash and Voucher Assistance for Social Cohesion in Lebanon
This report, commissioned from Key Aid Consulting by CAMEALEON, investigates the role of misinformation surrounding CVA in influencing perceptions and its subsequent effects on social cohesion in Lebanon. It focuses on the social cohesion between and within Lebanese and Syrian communities since the 2019 economic and financial crises in Lebanon. The study aims to contribute to mitigating the...
October 2024
CashCap /NORCAP Support to Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies Pilot Review. Ukraine and Syria. Final report.
Over the past two years NORCAP’s CashCap programme in collaboration with British Red Cross, invested efforts in an initiative to test whether NORCAP/CashCap’s expertise in coordination, facilitating multistakeholder collaboration processes, capacity-strengthening, policy influence and advocacy for quality Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) adds value to ongoing system-wide localisation...
6 June 2024
Rapid Reflection on the Optimal Use of CVA for the Ukraine Response by DEC Member Charities and their Partners
Since February 2022, Ukraine and the neighbouring countries are facing a humanitarian crisis of unparalleled scale, ranking among the fastest-growing crises observed in the past decade and the largest in Europe since the end of World War II. In the first two months of conflict, more than 30 percent of Ukraine’s population had been coercively displaced and by fall 2023, 6,240,400 refugees had...
December 2023
Evidence and Practice Review of the Use of Cash Transfers in Contexts of Acute Food Insecurity
The Global Food Security Cluster (GFSC) commissioned an operational research to explore the untapped and/or underused potential of cash transfers, and strengthen evidence of the use of cash transfers for food security outcomes in contexts of acute food insecurity (IPC/Cadre Harmonisé (CH) Phase 3-5, or CARI moderate or severe (3 or 4)). The research used Nigeria, Somalia and Syria as...
19 January 2023
Cash Transfer Programmes Review in Kachin/Northern Shan and Rakhine States
The use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Myanmar dates to 2008, with the first CVA emergency response to Cyclone Nargis. By 2020, more than one million people received a total of 35.6 million USD worth of CVA, distributed by 63 organisations nationwide. Even so, government acceptance of CVA was not uniform in all contexts and sectors of implementation. On 1st February 2021, the Myanmar...
January 2022
Enablers and Gaps: Gender Equality, Gender-Based Violence Response and Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance at Response levels: analysis on three case studies
The Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream identified three case studies that illustrate how Cash Working Groups, GBV Sub-Clusters, gender focal points (e.g. Gender in Humanitarian Action Working groups at country and regional level) and humanitarian partnerships can enable meaningful and wider engagement on gender equity and GBV response in CVA. The case studies all show different aspects of linking...
26 April 2021
Comparative study of the effects of different cash modalities on gender dynamics and people with disabilities in Aleppo, Syria
In 2020/2021, the Syria Joint Response partners (ZOA, Oxfam, Cordaid, Dorcas and Terre des Hommes) completed a comparative research to showcase the different effects of different modalities on the most deprived and marginalised groups, in particular women and People With Disabilities (PWD) in order to inform more appropriate CVA programming in the Syrian context.
Besides the in-depth findings,...
14 April 2021
Comparative study of the effects of different cash modalities on gender dynamics and people with disabilities in Aleppo, Syria – Executive summary
In 2020/2021, the Syria Joint Response partners (ZOA, Oxfam, Cordaid, Dorcas and Terre des Hommes) completed a comparative research to showcase the different effects of different modalities on the most deprived and marginalised groups, in particular women and People With Disabilities (PWD) in order to inform more appropriate CVA programming in the Syrian context.
Besides the in-depth findings,...
14 April 2021
Better Gender Outcomes in Food Assistance through Complementary and Multi-Modal Programing
There is now widespread recognition and evidence that CVA can have highly positive socio-economic impacts, ranging from poverty reduction and improved living conditions to enhanced psychosocial well-being. Despite such steps toward food assistance programming that fosters dignity and choice and stimulates markets, there are obvious gaps and limited evidence in understanding how multi-modal,...
20 January 2021
Better Gender Outcomes in Food Assistance through Complementary and Multi-Modal Programing: Promising Practices Tip Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
This Tip Sheet is excerpted from the research report, “Better Gender Outcomes in Food Assistance through Complementary and Multi-Modal programming,” and gives promising practices by the cycles of project cycle management, as well as at the response level. Additionally, there are expert tips and wisdom practices that support the use of a gendered approach in development or humanitarian...
20 January 2021
Cash and Voucher Assistance, Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence Integration in Humanitarian Response Plans: Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants Case Study
The case study was created with the inputs of the Regional Cash Working Group, supported by CashCap, and UNWOMEN’s regional gender focal point in the Response for Venezuelans. It demonstrates an example of meaningfully integrating gender and cash and voucher assistance at a response level. In October 2020, the Regional Cash Working Group in Response for Venezuelans (CWG-R4V) conducted a...
16 December 2020
Establishing a Cash Working Group and GBV Sub-Cluster task force: NW Syria Case Study
The case study was created with the inputs of two Cash Working Group leads and the GBV Turkey cross-border Sub-Cluster leads in the Northwest Syria response. The case study demonstrates an example of meaningful linking of gender-based violence response and cash and voucher assistance. As Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) becomes increasingly relevant in responding to gender-based violence...
16 December 2020
Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance: Vanuatu Case study
The case study was created with the inputs of Oxfam Vanuatu and UNFPA Vanuatu. It demonstrates the meaningful connection of cash and voucher assistance and gender at a response level. Vanuatu is one of the world’s most remote locations and particularly vulnerable to cyclones and other natural hazards. More than 70% of the population is dependent on subsistence agriculture. The risks of...
16 December 2020
Cash Assistance: How design influences value for money – How to note
Guidelines and Tools
This ‘how to note’ offers guidance on the key value-for-money considerations when making critical design decisions related to the operational models for CVA delivery. The guidance in this ‘how to note’ is summarised from the evidence presented in the accompanying research report Cash assistance: how design influences value for money.
8 December 2020
Cash assistance: how design influence VfM?
Watch the video here
In a context where the needs are increasing and funding is likely to drop, how do we make sure that every penny is bringing value to the users?
This short video presents the main findings of the Key Aid report on the question of how specific design decisions related to cash assistance influences such value.
Want to know more? Have a look at the full report & listen to...
27 November 2020
Gender Based Violence and Cash and Voucher Assistance: Tools and guidance
Guidelines and Tools
There is increasing momentum among Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) actors in the humanitarian sector to consider linkages between GBV and CVA in all CVA projects at all stages of the project cycle.
Integrating gender and CVA was set as a priority action under the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream in 2018. During the 2020 Grand Bargain meeting, gender...
28 October 2020
Cash assistance: How design influences value for money?
This research aims to contribute to the proof-of-concept on how to design and deliver cash assistance that aligns with end-users’
expectations and maximises Value-for-Money. It seeks to answer the question: to what extent is the value for money of cash assistance influenced by the design of the programme?
This research examines three design decisions in particular: (1) using a unified...
14 October 2020
Emergency Response Capacity (ERC) Consortium – Ethiopia: Building an evidence base on operational models for the delivery of CTP
The Emergency Response Capacity (ERC) Consortium for the Uptake of MPGs is formed by Save the Children, the CALP Network, Danish Refugee Council, Mercy Corps, and OCHA with ECHO financing. Its primary aim is the improvement of capacity, coordination and evidence for multi-purpose cash grants through the design of collaborative tools and mechanisms to enhance the capacity of agencies to set up...
April 2018
CTP in Challenging Contexts: Case study on CTP and risks in northern Mali
This case study was commissioned by the the CALP Network as the first output under the 2018–2019 workstream on cash transfer programming (CTP) and associated risks. The study aims to contribute to the body of evidence on CTP-related risks and mitigation strategies by drawing lessons learnt and identifying recommendations in challenging contexts, as with northern Mali post-2012. Mali was...