International Rescue Committee (IRC)
15 January 2020
Cash Works: Time to act and save lives amid starvation in Sudan
As unprecedented hunger grips Sudan, countless lives hang in the balance. Previous humanitarian efforts have fallen short, but a shift to cash-based interventions such as multi-purpose cash assistance and group cash transfers could be the lifeline needed to prevent widespread deaths.
June 2024
Comparison of Market Analysis Tools
Guidelines and Tools
This document is a short guide intended to help people select appropriate tools for market assessments in humanitarian contexts. It highlights some of the most commonly used tools and approaches but is not comprehensive. New tools are being developed regularly.
31 May 2024
Integrating Livelihoods Support into Emergency Assistance Programming
Guidelines and Tools
This report draws on research and learning to advocate for broader consideration of expanded humanitarian response programming, especially in situations of prolonged crises. Livelihoods programs have a crucial role to play in emergency settings, especially when combined with and aligned with cash assistance. Integrating livelihoods programming into humanitarian cash assistance demands careful...
April 2024
Working with Financial Service Providers to Provide Emergency Cash Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
This report, prepared and published as part of VenEsperanza’s research and learning agenda, presents lessons learned and best practices related to the collaboration between humanitarian actors and financial service providers (FSPs) in delivering multi-purpose cash assistance in emergency contexts. Using VenEsperanza as a case study, this report documents and explores the important role FSPs...
23 October 2023
Acting Before Disaster Strikes: The impacts of anticipatory cash transfers on climate resilience in Northeast Nigeria
Case Study
IRC’s research – the first experimental evidence from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on how anticipatory cash compares to post-shock cash transfers in a conflict-affected environment – highlights that anticipatory action is critical to meeting the short- and longer-term needs of households affected by both climate and crisis, especially as climate shocks continue to worsen and...
25 July 2023
Cash and Voucher Assistance to Improve Maternal and Child Nutrition Outcomes in Emergency Contexts of Nigeria
Case Study
In Nigeria, nearly 12 per cent of children under 5 years are wasted according to the National Food Consumption and Micronutrient Survey (2021). Wasting is largely concentrated in the North with 58 per cent of all cases residing there. In the Northeast and Northwest regions of Nigeria, the prevalence of wasting is 17 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively. In 2023, it was projected that nearly...
July 2023
Livelihoods Cost-Effectiveness Brief – Anticipatory Cash
Case Study
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) implemented an anticipatory action cash-distribution pilot among six agro-pastoralist communities in Northeast Nigeria, focused on reducing the damaging effects of flooding. Prior to the flood season of 2022, the IRC set up an early warning system with local hydrometeorological agencies to trigger pre-flooding cash distribution to resource-constrained...
Livelihoods Cost-Effectiveness Brief – Anticipatory Cash, 2022
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) implemented an anticipatory action cash-distribution pilot among six agro-pastoralist communities in Northeast Nigeria, focused on reducing the damaging effects of flooding. Prior to the flood season of 2022, the IRC set up an early warning system with local hydrometeorological agencies to trigger pre-flooding cash distribution to resource-constrained...
Evidence of impact research study: Cash and voucher assistance in Niger
Case Study
While in-kind assistance constitutes the bulk of humanitarian aid globally, Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is quickly gaining ground among donors and practitioners. Between 2014 and 2020, the share of CVA-based support within the overall humanitarian assistance portfolio) increased 4.5 times — from 5% to 20% of the overall aid distributed. Samuel Hall conducted a study to identify key...
November 2022
Cash consortium guidance: How to launch and manage a cash assistance program and consortium. Lessons from VenEsperanza, Latin America’s largest humanitarian cash consortium
Case Study
The VenEsperanza Consortium is working to expand its research and influence on issues related to the provision of MPCA in emergencies and coordination between humanitarian actors in emergency settings. With this objective in mind, VenEsperanza has prioritized investment in greater evidence generation and analysis to harvest lessons learned for the benefit of humanitarian agencies and cash...
30 September 2022
Risks and safeguarding strategies in multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) programming. Lessons from VenEsperanza, Latin America’s largest cash consortium
Case Study
This report, prepared and published as part of VenEsperanza’s research and learning agenda, provides an account of VenEsperanza’s cash transfer program in Colombia and lessons learned to date. The report describes the five phases of VenEsperanza programming and presents prominent potential risks and safeguarding strategies during each phase, including lessons learned and best practices....
30 September 2022
Links and bridging mechanisms between cash assistance and livelihoods development/restoration programming. A review of evidence and learning from the VenEsperanza consortium
Case Study
As part of VenEsperanza’s research and learning agenda, this report provides guidance on links and bridging mechanisms between cash assistance and livelihoods development/restoration programming using the VenEsperanza Consortium as a supporting case study. This research adds to a growing body of evidence demonstrating the promise and potential for bridging cash and livelihoods programming....
30 September 2022
Savings Groups in Emergencies Learning Brief
Guidelines and Tools
We know that savings groups work – and that they are powerful. But, in emergencies, we must revisit some of our approaches and assumptions. Integrating savings groups into more humanitarian programming – and doing it better – holds significant potential to improve the outcomes of humanitarian aid. In 2021, 8 organizations – committed to improving and understanding this process – came...
19 September 2022
Savings Groups in Emergencies Training Slide Deck
Guidelines and Tools
This Training Slide deck provides actionable guidance to organizations to promote or work with Savings Groups in emergency settings. We know that Savings Groups work – and that they are powerful. But, in emergencies, we must revisit some of our approaches and assumptions. Integrating Savings Groups into more humanitarian programming – and doing it better – holds significant potential to...
19 September 2022
Northwest Syria Cash and Voucher Assistance Risk and Mitigation Matrix
Guidelines and Tools
This risk matrix is a working document which outlines the key risks that can have an impact on Cash and Voucher Assistance programming in Northwest Syria and identifies mitigation measures that can help aid agencies address these risks. These CVA risks and mitigation measures were identified through an inter-agency collaborative process, thereby reflecting the key risks and feasible mitigation...
30 March 2022
Paving Pathways to Self-Reliance in Iraq: Exploring Referral Pathways from Cash to Livelihoods Assistance to increase program participants’ resilience in conflict-affected areas of Iraq
This piece of research was commissioned to explore and identify best practices for referral pathways from MPCA to livelihoods assistance for programme participants, and subsequently to generate recommendations for programme implementers and donors. The research focused on the operational models used by CLCI partners NRC and DRC in the past for referring socio-economically vulnerable households...
February 2022
Iraq MPCA Vulnerability Model Review 2021: Technical Report
Guidelines and Tools
A new socio-economic vulnerability assessment tool (SEVAT) used to target vulnerable IDP, returnee, and host community households eligible for multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) in Iraq was developed in 2021. Actors delivering MPCA in Iraq have used a harmonised tool to identify households since 2016 and the previous revision took place in 2019. The vulnerability model review process was led...
14 December 2021
Exploring Self-Reliance at the Humanitarian-Development Nexus: A Longer-Term Review of MPCA Outcomes
Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) is provided to extremely socio-economically vulnerable individuals to alleviate financial hardship. In Iraq, MPCA is intended to act as temporary consumption support so that households may eventually be linked with social protection assistance or return to income-generating activities after the period of shock has passed. The long-term effects of the...
30 August 2021
Gender Analysis of Livelihoods Programming and Individual, Household and Community Dynamics in Iraq
Women throughout the world are constrained in their economic activities, and face major challenges trying to pursue better paid and more productive jobs, including in Iraq. Iraq is in a time of change after ISIS and in light of the pandemic. Though economic upheaval brings hardship, it also can open doors for women’s economic empowerment. Understanding how current livelihood and economic...
30 August 2021
Financial Inclusion in Fragility: Wealth, Saving, Borrowing and Lending in Iraq
Access to credit and savings are critical to a household’s resilience to shocks. Socio-economically vulnerable populations in Iraq often bear the brunt of the crises and respond by using accessible financial coping mechanisms. By having access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs, households can use them to cope with crises and invest in pathways out...
25 June 2021
Financial Inclusion in Fragility: Wealth, Saving, Borrowing and Lending in Iraq – Summary Report
Access to credit and savings are critical to a household’s resilience to shocks. Socio-economically vulnerable populations in Iraq often bear the brunt of the crises and respond by using accessible financial coping mechanisms. By having access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs, households can use them to cope with crises and invest in pathways out...
25 June 2021
Tunaydbah Cash and Market Assessment – International Rescue Committee
Case Study
Following the influx of refugees from the Tigray region of Ethiopia into Sudan in late 2020, the IRC launched an emergency response focused on primary healthcare, environmental health, and protection. To ensure people can meet their basic needs and avoid negative coping strategies, the IRC secured funding to launch an emergency multipurpose cash assistance response to complement ongoing...
June 2021
Gender Based Violence and Cash and Voucher Assistance: Tools and guidance
Guidelines and Tools
There is increasing momentum among Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) actors in the humanitarian sector to consider linkages between GBV and CVA in all CVA projects at all stages of the project cycle.
Integrating gender and CVA was set as a priority action under the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream in 2018. During the 2020 Grand Bargain meeting, gender...
28 October 2020
Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Linking humanitarian Cash and Social Protection in practise
This paper seeks to demonstrate practical ways in which NGOs are linking their humanitarian work to social protection and the added importance of this in the context of COVID-19, following from the earlier work of CCD outlining the role of NGOs to
improve the access to and delivery of social protection in crises and the COVID-19 advocacy paper. This is written for signatories of the Grand...
27 July 2020
CVA and GBV webinar series for gender and cash subworkstream 2020
Webinar recording
Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is now a common tool in humanitarian action used to meet the diverse needs of those displaced by crisis and conflict, and it is on the rise. Despite a push by several humanitarian actors since 2015, its use for protection outcomes – including to support the prevention of and response to gender-based violence (GBV) – trails behind that of all other sectors....
20 July 2020
COVID-19 impacts on Prices and Markets in Iraq
The COVID-19 crisis in Iraq has caused severe economic disruptions in Iraq that will affect vulnerable households the most. The Cash Consortium for Iraq (CCI) has two streams of ongoing data collection on prices and markets, monitoring the retailer and the consumer perspective across five governorates. This brief analyses the data collected since March 2020 to understand the impact of the...
18 July 2020
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health Outcomes
Webinar recording
The Global Health Cluster, the CALP Network, CARE, IRC and KIT organized a webinar on CVA for health outcomes. The aim of the webinar was to enhance participants’ learning of the use of CVA to address financial barriers to healthcare and improve access to Health with research and projects to date. The agenda was adapted to reflect the COVID-19 situation and provide some considerations for...
2 April 2020
Savings Groups and COVID-19
Guidelines and Tools
COVID-19 poses crucial health and economic risks for Savings Groups as
markets falter, mobility is restricted, and community gathering is restrained. As many members are women, they are likely
to be primary caregivers during the health crisis, which puts them at special risk of additional burdens, as well as increased risk of intimate partner and sexual violence.
These recommendations will...
April 2020
Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies
Guidelines and Tools
The Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money Sub-Workstream is pleased to share the final output on Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies (attached).
Cost-efficiency analysis estimates the ratio of program costs to outputs created, allowing you to compare cost-per-output for programs which all produced the same output. Such...
October 2019
Analysis of social and power dynamics of stakeholders for the implementation of multi-year MultiPurpose Cash Transfers in North Mali
Six INGOs (Hunger Against Action, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International, Oxfam, Solidarités International and International Rescue Committee) have been implementing a MultiPurpose Cash Transfers programme in Mali; the second phase of this social safety net intervention targets the communes the most affected by crises and which have a vulnerability index between very vulnerable and...
Can cash transfers in humanitarian contexts help prevent, mitigate, and respond to gender-based violence? A review of the evidence
Today, approximately 10 percent of humanitarian assistance globally is delivered via cash transfer programming (CTP) and cash is increasingly being scaled across the humanitarian system. Yet the use of cash within the protection sector trails behind the use of cash in all other sectors. Refugee and internally displaced women and girls face risks of and incidents of gender-based violence (GBV)...
Feedback Channels in Cash and Voucher Assistance: How to Apply Best Practices to CVA
Guidelines and Tools
Accountability is at the core of effective humanitarian programming, and it is our duty to ensure that all programs – including those that use CVA to meet outcomes – are responsive to the clients we serve. While CVA is not inherently more risky than other forms of assistance, there are specific practices we should consider when designing client feedback channels for CVA programs. Building...
Beyond Basic Needs: Using Cash and Voucher Assistance to Support the Transition from Basic Survival to Livelihoods Recovery in a Resource-Strapped World
Guidelines and Tools
Do you think of yourself as a “cash” person OR as a “livelihoods” person? An “emergency” practitioner OR a “recovery” practitioner? Or do you find yourself unsatisfied with the often narrow implications of these terms? We’ll never have enough funding to provide basic needs support to everyone who needs it for the entire time they are in need, even if we take advantage of the...
CVA for Protection: A Mapping of IRC’s Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to Help Achieve Protection Outcomes
Guidelines and Tools
The IRC first began to integrate cash into protection programs in 2013, leveraging the flexibility of CVA to support clients living in urban refugee contexts in the Middle East. Since then, IRC has rapidly expanded its use of CVA to help achieve protection outcomes. This scale-up has come with important questions: When can we introduce CVA to help amplify the impact of traditional protection...
Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network Global Collaboration Agreement
Guidelines and Tools
The annual meeting of the Grand Bargain (GB) – a facilitation group made up of global humanitarian leaders from Sweden, the US, OCHA, UNICEF, IFRC and InterAction – held on 27th June saw the presentation of a letter of intent endorsed by the CEOs of the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network partnership. The 15 international non-governmental organisations operate in every crisis context...
Safer Cash Toolkit (English)
Guidelines and Tools
The Safer Cash Toolkit, funded by USAID, is designed to capture the minimum amount of protection-related information in emergency settings to ensure that organizations can make informed decisions on how to design, implement and adjust CVA programs at the field level to prevent and minimize harm.
The Safer Cash Toolkit is a set of three tools and additional guidance to:
1) Generate awareness...
Ecuador CCD Multi-Sectorial Needs Assessment
Ecuador CCD Multi-Sectorial Needs Assessment Key Findings and Advocacy Messages High food insecurity amongst Venezuelan population: 50% had experience moderate to severe hunger in the past months. 23% of PLW had experienced sever hunger. Important proportion of Venezuelans living in public spaces, including women and PLW, notably in border areas, with associated protection and health...
1 October 2018
Cost Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness in Humanitarian Assistance Workshop Report
A report of the Cost Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness workshop held on 9-10 April and organized by USAID, IRC and the CALP Network. The recommendations of the workshop was fed into the Grand Bargain cash workstream.
June 2018
Market Information Framework
Guidelines and Tools
The Market Information Framework aims to clearly spell out the most common questions related to humanitarian programming for which market information is needed and to indicate what types of market-related data are needed to answer each of these questions. It explains why various types of market information are relevant and points users towards specific tools that will help them to gather each...
May 2018
Greece Cash Alliance: Building an Evidence Base on Operational Models for the Delivery Of CTP
The primary aim of this case study is to map out aspects of the Greece Cash Alliance (GCA) operational model influencing key drivers of quality (effectiveness, efficiency and accountability) in the delivery of multipurpose cash grants (MPGs). The GCA was launched in April 2017 with funding from ECHO, in an effort to harmonize the various MPGs implemented in Greece under a single platform...
March 2018
Seven Steps to Scaling Cash Relief: Driving Outcomes and Efficiency
Guidelines and Tools
As we approach the mid-point of our five-year strategy, this briefing explores the way in which the IRC has embraced cash relief programming and is seeking to drive efficiencies and maximise impact. It defines seven steps that the IRC has taken to scale cash relief. It goes on to argue that the humanitarian system would similarly benefit from an expansion in cash relief that is focussed on...
March 2018
Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming and Gender-based Violence Outcomes: Evidence and Future Research Priorities
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash based assistance in humanitarian...
Evidencing the Value for Money of the CCI’s Cash and Legal Programmes
Value for Money (VfM) considerations are an increasingly common requisite in humanitarian programmes. The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) supports the adoption and scale-up of cash programming in humanitarian settings where appropriate, as both a more effective means for people to meet their basic needs in crisis, and a more cost-efficient modality than traditional forms...
Optimizing Benefits and Mitigating Risks of Integrating Cash-Based Initiatives and GBV Programming: Case Studies from Irbid and Mafraq, Jordan
This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities
conducted by Mercy Corps and the International Rescue Committee in partnership with the Women’s Commission to:
a. mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in cash-based interventions
b. utilize cash within a GBV case management approach to support survivors.
This case study describes key findings,...
Toolkit for Optimizing Cash-based Interventions for Protection from Gender-based Violence
Guidelines and Tools
Efforts to prevent and respond to GBV should be a priority for all actors in all humanitarian response operations from the very start. By mainstreaming GBV considerations in CBIs throughout the program cycle and by utilizing cash within GBV case management services, cash can be optimized as a tool to enhance the protection of crisis- and conflict-affected populations and to mitigate risks of...
Taking Market Analysis Beyond Theory: Practices that Facilitate the Use of Market Information in Humanitarian Programming
Guidelines and Tools
Although strong examples of emergency programming that considers and responds to local market dynamics are out there, they are relatively few in number, and there is no consolidated review of these programs to inform good practice. Under the Improving the Uptake of Market Analysis project, a USAID/OFDA-funded effort that IRC conducted in partnership with Mercy Corps and CRS, the IRC reviewed...
Evaluation Brief: Experience and Learning from Pilots of Good Practices in Humanitarian Market Analysis
Guidelines and Tools
As part of the “Improving the Uptake of Humanitarian Market Analysis” project, the IRC, CRS and Mercy Corps teamed up to pilot practices that were thought to help humanitarian teams better understand and use market information in programming. In Niger and Nigeria, IRC and CRS teams explored how incorporating non-price indicators into market monitoring could provide a more comprehensive...
Enacting urban cash for work programmes in Lebanon in response to the Syrian refugee crisis
Guidelines and Tools
Humanitarian crises in cities require responses that reflect the urban context,address urban challenges, and provide urbanised solutions. This paper focuses on providing guidance on good practice in cash for work (CfW) programmes. Focusing on Lebanon and the Syrian refugee crisis, the paper provides nine principles for better programming outcomes. The principles include issues such as...
Improving the Uptake of Humanitarian Market Analysis
Guidelines and Tools
Market assessments and market-based programming are now widely considered best practice in humanitarian programming, especially among food security and livelihoods actors. They are embedded in various standard-bearing initiatives, and there are a number of tools for emergency market analysis and monitoring aimed at non-specialist practitioners, including the well-known Emergency Market Mapping...
Northeast Nigeria joint livelihoods and market recovery assessment
Mercy Corps Nigeria, in conjunction with Action Against Hunger, Cooperazione Internazionale, Catholic Relief Services, the International Rescue Committee and Oxfam undertook the assessment across the three most affected states in Northeast Nigeria; Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, to better understand post-insurgency livelihood and market recovery strategies and identify opportunities for future...
Improving Uptake of Multi-Sector CTP in West Africa: Learning Event Report
In December 2017, the CALP Network and the IRC came together to organize a two-day learning event to align understanding and share experiences of countries working on the definition of Minimum Expenditure Baskets, and to contribute to bridging capacity gaps in Market Analysis, a critical step for CTP feasibility assessment and design. The event gathered more than 80 participants from Senegal,...
Untapped Humanitarian Demand: A Business Case for Expanding Digital Financial Services
The International Rescue Committee, commissioned Strategy Impact Advisors to build a return on investment (ROI) model to estimate whether or not a business case exists for expanded coverage of digital financial services in crisis-prone areas (Lebanon and the Philippines). This analysis provides insights into: what DFS providers can expect as a return on investment in sufficient...
18 August 2016
Making Electronic Payments Work for Humanitarian Response
The dialogue leading up to the WHS has cast a spotlight on humanitarian cash transfers. Significant global attention has centered on the role of cash transfers in bringing efficiency to the humanitarian system and improving outcomes for crisis-affected populations. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for cash-based programming to be the default method of support for affected...
17 August 2016
Finding Economic Opportunity in the City: Lessons from IRC’s Cash and Livelihoods Programmes in Cities within Lebanon and Jordan
This report looks at IRC’s experiences in cash assistance and livelihoods programming in Lebanon and Jordan in the context of the Syrian regional response. It explores opportunities and challenges inherent to cash and livelihoods programming, identifying good practices and ways to integrate other relevant sectors in order to produce better outcomes for clients. Specifically, it addresses the...
9 July 2016
Revised Pre-Crisis Market Analysis (PCMA)
Guidelines and Tools
The purpose of this guidance is to provide field practitioners, across the different sectors, with a practical step-by-step process of how to plan, carry out, and update pre-crisis market mapping and analysis, leading to response/programme design and implementation as well as surveillance, early warning system (EWS), and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Market analysis used in pre-crisis...
Pre-Crisis Market Analysis: Credit, Drinking Water and Wheat Flour Market Systems
Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, was captured by ISIS in June 2014 and remains under their control. The Iraqi army has vowed to recapture Mosul and the speculation is that a counter-offensive is imminent – a military operation which could have dramatic humanitarian implications. A large influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing towards the Ninewa plains would have an impact...
Scale Right: Coordinating Improved Cash Assistance in Greece
Europe is still reeling from the largest refugee crisis it has experienced since World War II. During the first half of 2015 Greece saw an average of 3,000 refugees arriving daily by sea onto the island of Lesvos. While the number of new arrivals—fleeing war in Syria, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere—into Europe through Greece has ebbed significantly since the closing of the...
Cash transfer resilience tool
Guidelines and Tools
The objective of this tool is to help humanitarian agencies at the country level better prepare for emergency response using cash transfers. This tool aims to guide humanitarian organizations to preposition cash transfer services and implement partnership (framework) agreements with FSPs by assessing: The likely impact that future crisis-related shocks may have on a given FSP’s CT...
Operationalizing Emergency MPCA: Learning from the Ramadi displacement, May to July 2015
Case Study
Iraq is an upper middle-income country with high literacy rates, sound infrastructure, functioning markets, and a comprehensive hawala network that covers all 18 governorates, making it a potentially appropriate context for cash transfer programs. Despite this apparent enabling environment, cash transfers have remained on the periphery of the Iraq humanitarian response. This report focuses on...
Report from the Inaugural Markets and WaSH Learning Event
This report summarizes the presentations and discussions that took place during a learning event on market-based programming targeting key humanitarian stakeholders in the WaSH sector. Held on October 13, 2015 at the IFRC office in Nairobi, the event was organized under the umbrella of the Markets in Crises (MiC) Community of Practice and was the result of a cooperative effort between ACF, the...
Integrating Cash Transfers into Gender-Based Violence Programs in Jordan: Benefits, risks and challenges
With limited global practice and guidance on programming cash transfers to enhance protection in an emergency context, in 2013, the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) started cash transfer programming (CTP) as part of the urban Women’s Protection and Empowerment (WPE) program in Jordan. Three years into the program, the IRC sought to reflect on its experiences to inform future use of...
An Impact Evaluation of the 2013-2014 Winter Cash Assistance Program for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
This report describes the impacts of the winter cash transfer program run by UNHCR and partners from November 2013 to April 2014. The program gave 575 USD via ATM cards to 87,700 registered Syrian refugees in Lebanon with the objective of keeping people warm and dry during cold winter months.
August 2014
Using Ona and Open Data Kit to Build Mobile-based EMMA Market Assessment Questionnaires
Purpose of this document
• To build a mobile data collection system to improve the speed and quality of market assessment data collection and analysis.
• To provide field assessment teams with ready-to-use guidance on developing and/or adapting market questionnaires without the need for in-person technical support. Pre-built questionnaires can be used as is, or
adapted using this document...
DRC Cash and Vouchers Food Security Evaluation (2014)
People in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have long faced protracted conflict and instability resulting in the displacement of populations. In order to provide households affected by new displacements with timely access to food, ECHO funded the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), the Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC)...
Cross-Sector Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Lebanon: An IRC programme
Case Study
This case study illustrates the challenges encountered and successes achieved during the implementation of cross sector cash transfer programming (CTP) in Lebanon. It examines issues including tensions between host and refugee households, the use of ATMs, market analysis and monitoring and evaluation.
January 2014
Community Baseline: A Survey On Resilience In South Central Somalia
A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental context of intervention is essential to the success of any resilience-building program. Based on this premise, the BRCiS has taken a series of steps to strengthen its knowledge and understanding of key variables and dynamics in its areas of operations in Somalia. The community baseline here presented is an integral part of...
Community Baseline: A Survey On Resilience In South Central Somalia Summary
A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental context of intervention is essential to the success of any resilience-building program. Based on this premise, the BRCiS has taken a series of steps to strengthen its knowledge and understanding of key variables and dynamics in its areas of operations in Somalia. The community baseline here presented is an integral part of...
An Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis study Changing Responses to the Haiti Earthquake
Good practice standards guidelines and evaluations all emphasise the importance of including markets in emergency situation and response analysis. While this approach has become more widely accepted by international organisations in recent years, in practice it is clear that support is still needed to develop the skills of humanitarian workers to ensure that they don’t overlook the role of...