Action Against Hunger/ACF International
14 January 2020
Calculating the GHG Footprint of Food Aid using Cash Transfers
Case Study
In early 2021, Action Against Hunger (ACF) France is launching a GHG emissions assessment with other members of the Humanitarian Environment Network (REH). The scope of accounting target all emissions, and very quickly some activities, which can generate considerable variability in the results, are identified. Among these, one item seems to represent more than 20% of ACF-France’s overall...
15 January 2024
Cash and Voucher Assistance to Improve Maternal and Child Nutrition Outcomes in Emergency Contexts of Nigeria
Case Study
In Nigeria, nearly 12 per cent of children under 5 years are wasted according to the National Food Consumption and Micronutrient Survey (2021). Wasting is largely concentrated in the North with 58 per cent of all cases residing there. In the Northeast and Northwest regions of Nigeria, the prevalence of wasting is 17 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively. In 2023, it was projected that nearly...
July 2023
Understanding the Impact of a Humanitarian Cash Transfer (HCT) Program in Colombia
Case Study
The Venezuelan humanitarian crisis represents one of the largest displacement crises in the world, on the order of 6.1 million people (UNHCR 2022a). Colombia currently hosts more than 1.82 million Venezuelans, 60 percent of whom are in irregular situations that prevent them from accessing public services, putting a strain on the Government of Colombia’s (GOC’s) capacity to deliver...
May 2023
Accessing Social Protection in Iraq: Mapping of Programs and Analysis of Barriers
Social protection programmes play a key role in addressing poverty, inequality, and vulnerability in societies. In Iraq, a range of social protection initiatives have been implemented to support diverse segments
of the population, including women, children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and displaced persons. However, despite these efforts, many individuals and households continue to...
April 2023
Consultation process with local actors to develop CALP’s learning and training strategy
To support the delivery of impactful, effective and high-quality cash and voucher assistance (CVA), CALP works with others to develop and deliver a variety of learning and training activities. Learning activities are delivered via online-facilitated workshops, face-to-face trainings and self-driven online content. The materials are designed for diverse users with varying knowledge and...
27 March 2023
Kenya Cash Consortium – Four Years On: Locally-led response case study
Case Study
The Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) region in Northern Kenya is ravaged annually by cyclic shocks including drought, flash floods and most recent the desert locus invasion affecting the social economic status of vulnerable communities. To address the immediate humanitarian needs, the Kenya Cash Consortium (KCC) – composed of the ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN), ACTED, Concern Worldwide, Oxfam, and...
December 2022
Rapid Market Assessment and Price Monitoring Report – Huehuetenango Department Guatemala
Methodology: This rapid assessment of markets and prices was based on an adapted version of the IFRC’s Rapid Assessment for Markets, elements of the EMMA toolkit’s market system approach and the consortium of NGO’s price monitoring format. The methodology was chosen to give a basic and rapid snapshot of the capacity of markets to provide people with food products in the aftermath of...
21 April 2021
Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Linking humanitarian Cash and Social Protection in practise
This paper seeks to demonstrate practical ways in which NGOs are linking their humanitarian work to social protection and the added importance of this in the context of COVID-19, following from the earlier work of CCD outlining the role of NGOs to
improve the access to and delivery of social protection in crises and the COVID-19 advocacy paper. This is written for signatories of the Grand...
27 July 2020
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – COVID-19 and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programming
Guidelines and Tools
This document has enlisted some key questions and their possible solutions in relation to COVID-19 response through cash and/or vouchers. This is a live document, which will be updated periodically.
29 March 2020
Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Nigeria du 28 novembre 2019
January 2020
Analysis of social and power dynamics of stakeholders for the implementation of multi-year MultiPurpose Cash Transfers in North Mali
Six INGOs (Hunger Against Action, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International, Oxfam, Solidarités International and International Rescue Committee) have been implementing a MultiPurpose Cash Transfers programme in Mali; the second phase of this social safety net intervention targets the communes the most affected by crises and which have a vulnerability index between very vulnerable and...
Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network Global Collaboration Agreement
Guidelines and Tools
The annual meeting of the Grand Bargain (GB) – a facilitation group made up of global humanitarian leaders from Sweden, the US, OCHA, UNICEF, IFRC and InterAction – held on 27th June saw the presentation of a letter of intent endorsed by the CEOs of the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network partnership. The 15 international non-governmental organisations operate in every crisis context...
Are there gendered impacts to multi-purpose cash transfers intended to build resilience?
Brief from full report “The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience” extracting the specific gendered findings from a study on the impact of an EU funded project that used a “Cash Plus” approach, combining ten monthly multi-purpose cash (MPC) transfers with the rehabilitation of vital community assets and livelihoods skills support. You can find the...
The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience
In 2017, in response to the mounting humanitarian crisis in Yemen, CARE Yemen and Action Contra la Faim (ACF) implemented a cash transfer program and community asset rehabilitation and skill building programing in the governorates of Abyan and Amran. This European Union (EU)-funded program integrated these interventions to enhance resilience building at household and community levels.
Consultation on Cash and Voucher Assistance to the Main Spanish NGOs Funded by Aecid – Executive Summary
This executive report summarizes the results obtained from a study of the cash and voucher assistance (CVA) practices of eight Spanish NGOs in the field of humanitarian assistance. You can read the full report in Spanish here.
Targeting in social protection systems: comparative study on two “HEA” methods and a “PMT” targeting method for cash transfer programmes in Gao circle, Mali, 2016-17
Social safety nets are becoming a key instrument of povery reduction policies in Sub-Saharan Africa; they are a basic element of social protection systems that include adaptive social protection. Social protection systems aim to target both chronically poor households and those who are slightly better off but vulnerable to shocks and who can easily fall into cyclical food insecurity. In most...
February 2018
Assessing the effects of a combined economic and social intervention in Uganda on child protection and economic outcomes
Presentation showing preliminary findings from USAID-funded Aspires Family Care Project, implemented by FHI360, ChildFund International and AVSI. Economic strengthening activities including cash transfers, VSLAs, matched savings accounts and others were shown to reduce families’ economic vulnerability and increase child protection and well being.
Can limited-term cash transfers confer (lasting) child protection benefits?
The USAID-funded Aspires project, implemented by FHI360, ChildFund International and AVSI, developed evidence and programming guidance on how economic interventions can facilitate the reintegration of separated children into families, and also prevent unnecessary separation of children from their families.
Impacts of Cash on Nutrition outcomes
Following the presentation of the Grand Bargain agreement at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, the use of cash transfers has become a key component of humanitarian assistance and humanitarian actors and policy-makers increasingly recognize the need for more evidence-based interventions to support their programmes and policies. Action Against Hunger, in partnership with the World Food...
Lessons from Northern Uganda in addressing gender based violence
This case study summarises Action Against Hunger work in North Uganda. ACF aims to empower women in Northern Uganda using a two pronged strategy; a) cash transfers, skills training and VSLAs for income generating activities, and b) interventions to prevent violence against women at the household and community level. These interventions combine to become a transformative learning
Northeast Nigeria joint livelihoods and market recovery assessment
Mercy Corps Nigeria, in conjunction with Action Against Hunger, Cooperazione Internazionale, Catholic Relief Services, the International Rescue Committee and Oxfam undertook the assessment across the three most affected states in Northeast Nigeria; Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, to better understand post-insurgency livelihood and market recovery strategies and identify opportunities for future...
Multi-Sector Market Environment Analysis – Haiti. To what extent can markets meet the basic needs of the population affected by Hurricane Matthew
Relief interventions in Haiti, including those to the 2010 earthquake, have been criticised for their (potential) harmful effect on the national market systems (ALNAP 2011 Humanitarian Coalition 2012). This multi-sector report intends to strengthen the understanding of the market environment in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. More specifically, the objective of this review is to:
Provide a...
October 2016
Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Bangladesh
The Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) launched research to build an evidence base around connecting emergency electronic transfer (e-transfer) recipients with additional financial services. They wanted to learn if, when, and how e-transfers can promote sustained uptake and use of e-transfer services including mobile money. This case study explores two humanitarian...
Rapid Assessment for Markets: Bidibidi Refugee Settlement
The Rapid Assessment of Markets (RAM) conducted within the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement and in the surrounding Ugandan towns and trading centres sheds some light upon the rapidly developing network of marketplaces within one of the world’s fastest growing refugee settlements. The RAM highligthed key challenges and opportunities for cash-based interventions and supported decision-making...
The Mam’out Project: Seasonal Multiannual Cash Transfers for the Prevention of Acute Malnutrition in Tapoa
In response to alarming rates of acute malnutrition, Action Against Hunger (ACF) initiated a project to strengthen and evaluate the prevention of acute malnutrition of children younger than 36 months in the Tapoa province, Burkina Faso. Using seasonal and multiannual unconditional cash transfers, ACF’s objective was to contribute to the strengthening of the purchasing power of the poorest...
Research on Food Assistance for Nutritional Impact (REFANI): Literature review
The REFANI literature review identifies existing evidence on the use of Cash Transfer Programmes (CTPs) and the impact of CTPs on acute malnutrition in humanitarian contexts. The review is structured as follows: Section A discusses the global burden of acute malnutrition; Section B highlights traditional foodbased interventions; Section C explores cash-based interventions and...
Report from the Inaugural Markets and WaSH Learning Event
This report summarizes the presentations and discussions that took place during a learning event on market-based programming targeting key humanitarian stakeholders in the WaSH sector. Held on October 13, 2015 at the IFRC office in Nairobi, the event was organized under the umbrella of the Markets in Crises (MiC) Community of Practice and was the result of a cooperative effort between ACF, the...
Cash Learning Partnership
Guidelines and Tools
The CALP Network aims to ensure that, by the end of 2015, timely humanitarian response will routinely consider appropriate and accountable
cash transfer programmes at scale.
Annex 15: Service contract template
Service Contract with Money Transfer Company
Cash for Work Programmes Standard Operating Procedures – Lebanon
Guidelines and Tools
The document intends to define the roles of responsibilities of all the actors involved in the Cash for Work activities being developed by Action Contre la Faim (ACF) and its partners in Lebanon.
February 2014
Cash for Work Fact Sheet – Lebanon
Guidelines and Tools
This fact sheet outlines: – Why opt for CFW intervention in South Lebanon – Selection of beneficiaries, daily wage rate and logistics – Implementing CFW in Lebanon
Understanding the Interaction Between Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Based Violence: Study on ACF’s cash transfer programme in northern Uganda
This paper presents findings of a qualitative study conducted in Northern Uganda, on the effects of a cash transfer programme on gender relations and GBV in a post – conflict context. The intervention in focus is Action Against Hunger |ACF International (ACF)’s ‘Combating Gender Based Violence and Enhancing Economic Empowerment of Women in Northern Uganda’, implemented in Amuru, Nwoya...
Planning for government adoption of a social protection programme in an insecure environment: the Child Grant Development Programme in northern Nigeria
Cash transfer programming (CTP) is increasingly used in West Africa in response to food and nutritional crisis. Beyond emergency situations, cash transfer mechanisms are key mechanisms for national social protection strategies and policies. Despite the rapid development of social protection programmes, and the partnerships established with national institutions for the implementation of...
The CALP Network Level 2 Training – Module 1 – An Introduction to CTP
Guidelines and Tools
The objective of the Level 2 training is to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors in cash transfer programme design and implementation, to share recent research and learning, and encourage advocacy, institutionalisation and coordination in cash transfer programming (CTP). This training follows the project cycle and addresses the challenges and tools to be put in place at each step of...
The CALP Network Level 2 Training – Module 2 – When to use cash transfers?
Guidelines and Tools
The objective of the Level 2 training is to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors in cash transfer programme design and implementation, to share recent research and learning, and encourage advocacy, institutionalisation and coordination in cash transfer programming (CTP). This training follows the project cycle and addresses the challenges and tools to be put in place at each step of...
The CALP Network Level 2 Training – Module 3 – Selecting, designing and implementing CTPs
Guidelines and Tools
The objective of the Level 2 training is to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors in cash transfer programme design and implementation, to share recent research and learning, and encourage advocacy, institutionalisation and coordination in cash transfer programming (CTP). This training follows the project cycle and addresses the challenges and tools to be put in place at each step of...
Electronic Transfers Scoping Study and Preparedness Plan: ACF Philippines
Policy paper
This piece of work was arranged by Action Against Hunger (ACF), with the intention of understanding the electronic payment services available in a minimum of two country missions and to support ACF in preparing for future humanitarian response in country and globally, with a specific focus on facilitating a shift from paper-based to electronic cash transfers. This is in line with the...
December 2013
Enhancing WFP’s Capacity and Experience to Design, Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate Vouchers and Cash Transfer Programmes: Study summary
With support from the Government of Spain, and in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) evaluated four pilot projects to assess the comparative performance of cash transfers, food payments, and vouchers on household food security and other outcomes of interest to WFP. The studies in Ecuador, Uganda, Niger, and...
Gatekeepers in Mogadishu: Research Consultancy
Since 2011 the Somalia Cash Consortium has been implementing large-scale unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) under the Food Assistance to Vulnerable Households in South Central Somalia. Members of the Consortium have been confronted with the challenge of having to negotiate security and access to IDP sites through informal IDP camp authorities. An important actor among the informal camp...
Logistics and Administration Guideline for Cash Based Interventions – Annexes
Guidelines and Tools
These annexes are designed to be used alongside the Logistics and Administration Guideline for Cash Based Interventions, which aims to support logisticians and administrators to successfully support cash based interventions (CBIs) and to help technical departments too. The annexes include: a the CALP Network case study advantages and disadvantages of different cash delivery options factors...
Study on Cash and Protection in Somalia
The worst drought to hit Somalia in 60 years happened in 2011 and came to be popularly known as ‘The Horn of Africa Hunger Crisis’. The drought happened in a context of active conflict and a weak government that could neither protect its citizens nor the humanitarian actors. The Somalia Cash Consortium (SCC)1 – comprising four agencies – Danish Refugee Council, ADESO – formerly Horn...
Gender Impact Analysis: Unconditional cash transfers in South Central Somalia
Case Study
The Cash Consortium is a group of four NGOs (ACF, Adeso, DRC and Save the Children) that came together in mid-2011 to coordinate their aid response and use unconditional cash grants to meet the basic food and non-food needs of the most vulnerable households in South Central Somalia. The primary objective of this study is to better understand what impact unconditional cash transfers have on...
21 December 2012
Global Learning Event: Coordination of Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies
The CALP Network convened a learning event, hosted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society on 27th November 2012, to explore the issue of the coordination of cash
transfers in emergencies. The meeting provided a platform for dialogue with actors from the UN system, NGOs, donors and other stakeholders.
27 November 2012
Cash Consortium for South/Central Somalia: Combined Risk Analysis
Since mid-2011, the Cash Consortium has been providing access to food and other non-food items through unconditional cash grants for the most vulnerable populations in South Central Somalia. The context is highly challenging, due to continuing conflict, lack of governance, high criminality and low levels of humanitarian access to affected populations. In response to difficulties encountered in...
September 2012
Emerging Good Practice in the use of Fresh Food Vouchers
The purpose of this Good Practice Review is to provide practitioners with information on emerging good practice in the use of Fresh Food Vouchers (FFV), as well as practical examples from the field. In the Introduction, the GPR reiterates the nature of a fresh food voucher and explains some advantages and disadvantages to using the approach, based on learning from ACF and others. Subsequently,...
January 2012
Meta-Evaluation of ACF Fresh Food Voucher Programmes
ACF commissioned a meta-evaluation of five of its fresh food voucher programmes implemented between 2009-2011 during emergencies in Bolivia, Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya, Haiti, Pakistan and the occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT). The programmes were all paper cash vouchers exchanged for fresh foods in local markets. The meta-evaluation examines each of these programmes for:...
January 2012
Logistics and Administration Guideline for Cash Based Interventions
Guidelines and Tools
Cash-based interventions (CBIs) are increasingly included in humanitarian relief efforts as alternatives or complements to in-kind assistance. This guideline is mainly dedicated to logisticians and administrators to successfully support CBIs but also to technical departments. The objectives of this guideline are to: Understand the roles and responsibilities but also necessary interactions...
ACF Cash-based Interventions 2003-2011 (Poster)
A one-pager / poster showing ACF’s cash-based interventions between 2003-2011, showing source of funding and type of intervention.
ACF Côte d’Ivoire: Unconditional grants via mobile phones (poster)
This one-pager (poster) provides an overview of ACF’s experience transferring cash by mobile phone in the Ivory Coast (a WFP programme).
ACF Meta Evaluation: Fresh food vouchers (poster)
This one-page poster shows a summary of the meta evaluation of 5 Fresh Food Voucher programmes in Bolivia, Haiti, Daadab Kenya, the oPT and Pakistan.
ACF Mongolia Commodity Vouchers (Poster)
This one-page poster provides an overview of ACF’s commodity voucher programme in Mongolia.
Vouchers for Flood Relief in Cotobato City and Sultan Kudarat, ARMM (Mindanao), the Philippines
Case Study
In response to a rapid-onset emergency, Action Against Hunger / ACF International, with funding from AECID, implemented a cash transfer program in Cotobato City, situated in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao in the Philippines. The project established a cash voucher program through local supermarkets to provide flood-affected people with essential food and non-food items. The program...
Afghanistan: Hawala cash transfers for food assistance and livelihood protection
Case Study
In response to repeated flooding, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in the Samangan and Day Kundi Provinces of Afghanistan. The project applied cash for work activities as well as unconditional cash transfers and made use of the local Hawala system to securely transfer money to beneficiaries. The cash was meant to provide access to basic needs and support livelihood asset maintenance....
Kenya: Cash grants to support post-election violence livelihood recovery
Case Study
In response to post-election violence starting in late December 2007, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in Nakuru, South Rift Valley, Kenya. This programme supported the local displaced and host population, who had been excluded from aid provided to internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in organised camps. Beneficiaries received unconditional cash grants through bank accounts, to...
South Sudan: Cash grants to support income generating activities
Case Study
In response to chronic malnutrition, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in Twic and Gogrial West Counties of Warrap State, South Sudan, using group cash grants to promote income generating activities. The programme addressed chronic livelihood vulnerability, which is a contributing factor to global acute malnutrition in the local context.
Uganda: Cash grants to strengthen returnee livelihoods
Case Study
In support of the return and recovery effort of formerly war affected populations, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in Otuke District of Northern Uganda. This programme assisted internally displaced persons (IDPs) with the return home and re-establishing their livelihoods. Vulnerable households received unconditional cash grants through bank accounts and trainings to support their...
Uganda Cash Transfer Impact Evaluation: Livelihoods and economic recovery in Northern Uganda (Learn 1 & 2)
Case Study
Numerous evaluations have examined different aspects of the LEARN projects since their inception. This report is the first to focus on the impact of cash transfers on household-level food security and livelihoods. Previous reports suggested that it would take time for this impact to be measureable, since beneficiaries would first need to capitalize on the assets they had acquired (e.g., by...
November 2011
Afghanistan Cash Transfer Evaluation: Evaluation of cash transfer components of two ACF projects in Samangan and Day Kundi provinces, Afghanistan
Case Study
ACF commissioned the evaluation of cash transfer components in two Food Security projects in Afghanistan. ACF was interested in understanding the effectiveness of the cash distribution methodology using the hawala system of moneychangers. Furthermore, ACF wanted to know whether specific targeting of women was appropriate and effective. The teams capacity to undertake quality assessments,...
November 2011
Evaluation Report Fresh Food Voucher – ACF Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Case Study
This report presents and discusses the results of a pilot study to deliver vouchers, which can be exchanged for fresh foods, to indigenous communities in rural areas of the Bolivian Chaco. This intervention is meant as an emergency measure as a result of the prolonged drought that had endangered the food security of poorer rural populations.
June 2011
The CALP Network 4th Global Learning Event: Global innovations and lessons learned from response in South and South-East Asia (Final report)
The 4th CALP Network Global Learning Event was held in Bangkok, Thailand on the 16th and 17th February 2011, hosted by the CALP Network in partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). This inter-agency event was designed to present the latest thinking and evidence-based research in cash transfer and voucher programming (CTP) as well as to...
February 2011
Humanitarian Exchange No. 49: Unconditional cash transfers: Giving choice to people in need
This article in Humanitarian Exchange magazine (article begins on page 19) explains how Action Against Hunger has moved towards unconditional cash grants as a food security and livelihoods response in Northern Uganda. The article describes the technical features of the programme (transfer amount, financial partner, seasonal timing), and presents the results of monitoring and impact evaluation...
January 2011
External Evaluation: Fresh Food Voucher Project by Action Against Hunger in Dadaab Refugee Camps, Kenya
The town of Dadaab in North Eastern Kenya is home to three refugee camps: Hagadera, Dagahaley and Ifo hosting over 240,000 people. The camps were established in mid-1992 after the closure of the Liboi camp, which was too close to the Kenya/Somali border to ensure adequate security. Continued insecurity in Somalia means there are still regular influxes of people into the camps, with the...
Cash-for-Work in Urban Setting: a Guinean experience
Case Study
Action Against Hunger-Spain (ACF-E) is implementing a project to support low-income populations in urban areas of Guinea. This case study focuses on the organization of cash-for-work with a focus on sanitation and more specifically solid waste collection. The project specific objective is to reduce food and economic vulnerabilities of the poorest community groups of Conakry. This case...
Integrated Community Based Response for Vulnerable Conflict and Flood Affected Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan
A presentation discussing objectives, modalities, target beneficiaries and best practices of integrated community-based response for vulnerable conflict and flood-affected population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.
Cash Delivery Service Providers in Zimbabwe
Over the past few years Zimbabwe has witnessed a significant increase in the use of cash transfers within policies and programs providing humanitarian aid. This has resulted is an increasing desire on the part of humanitarian agencies to partner with private sector financial service providers in the delivery of cash to the beneficiaries within relief and recovery programs. In order to...
Philippines: Cash vouchers via debit cards
This one-page poster provides an overview of ACF’s programme to provide cash vouchers via debit cards in Cotabato City and Sultan Kudarat, Autonomous Regions of Muslim Mindanao, Republic of the Philippines
Lessons Learned from the Post Election Violence Early Recovery Programme in Kenya 2008-2009
Case Study
The Kenya Post Election Violence (PEV) Early Recovery Programme was an ECHO-supported response by six international NGOs to the ethnic and political violence which severely affected livelihoods in the Rift Valley, Nyanza and Central Provinces after the disputed national elections in late December 2007. Over 1,200 people died and as many as 500,000 were displaced at the peak of the crisis....
August 2009
Fresh food vouchers for refugees in Kenya
Read the report here This article in Field Exchange magazine outlines an intervention by ACF in Dadaab to improve the nutritional intake and dietary diversity of the refugee population of Dadaab, Kenya, through a complementary food voucher scheme targeted at malnourished children.
July 2009
Direct Cash Transfer to Post Election Violence affected Host Population: Nakuru, South Rift Valley, Kenya. Internal Evaluation
Post-election violence in Kenya started in late December 2007 and led to a large-scale destruction of property, disruption of transportation and labour markets, and displacement of an estimated 250.000 to 300.000 people throughout the country. Homes and shops were burnt or looted; farms were affected as they did not have available labour to harvest or process crops, or the transportation...
Implementing cash-based interventions: A guideline for aid workers
Guidelines and Tools
This is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of cash-based interventions in the field, covering cash grants, vouchers, and labour-based interventions (cash for work). It also includes practical templates including examples of questionnaires, market surveys, beneficiary cards, voucher formats and staff TORs. The guideline is written in a way that will allow readers to focus on areas...