Transferts monétaires à usages multiples
Les transferts monétaires à usages multiples sont des transferts monétaires non affectés que les personnes vivant en situation de crise peuvent utiliser pour couvrir leurs besoins essentiels. Par nature, il s’agit de la modalité d’aide qui offre le plus de choix, de flexibilité et de dignité aux bénéficiaires. De plus en plus de données montrent qu’il est plus pertinent en termes d’optimisation des coûts et de rapport coût/résultat de répondre à plusieurs besoins à la fois.
Cependant, cette modalité exige aussi des acteurs humanitaires qu’ils mettent en place de nouvelles manières de collaborer, à toutes les étapes du cycle de programme, et entre secteurs. Même s’il existe des outils fiables pour faciliter la collaboration, ils ne sont pas mis en œuvre à grande échelle et le recours aux transferts monétaires à usages multiples est encore ponctuel. Il reste à relever plusieurs défis si nous souhaitons intégrer efficacement les transferts monétaires à usages multiples au système humanitaire.
Contenu associé
Panier de dépenses minimum (MEB) – Outil de prise de décision
Guides et outils
Cet outil de prise de décision est fait pour accompagner les praticiens et les décideurs à travers les étapes clés du processus de calcul du MEB. Elle décrit les différentes étapes et approches possibles du processus d’élaboration du MEB, et donne des liens vers de nombreuses ressources complémentaires.
Orientations opérationnelles et boîte à outils pour les transferts monétaires à usages multiples
Guides et outils
Les présentes orientations opérationnelles et la boîte à outils qui l’accompagne réunissent une expertise mondiale sur les interventions monétaires. Elles apportent aux acteurs humanitaires des orientations complètes et pratiques afin d’évaluer la faisabilité des transferts monétaires, d’en déterminer la conception et d’en structurer la mise en oeuvre. Les...
Définition des Paniers de Dépenses Minimum (MEB) en Afrique de L’Ouest
Au cours de l’année 2017, 5 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest ont lancé un travail collectif de définition du panier de dépenses minimum, afin de mieux comprendre la contribution de l’aide humanitaire à la couverture des besoins de base des populations affectées et d’améliorer son impact. Ce processus, souvent fastidieux, a soulevé des défis techniques, mais également mis en...
Thematic lead
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG
Meeting minutes
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG – 6 September 2023 Watch the recording here:
Cash Working Group régional – Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Vous êtes cordialement invité(e)s à la prochaine réunion du Cash Working Group régional qui aura lieu le mercredi 6 septembre de 9h à 11h (GMT) en présentiel et en ligne. (Inscription via ce lien) Une interprétation simultanée anglais/français vous sera proposée lors de cette...
CALP Network Board Meeting
Members event
The Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. The CALP Board is comprised of between 7 and 13 voting members, who are drawn from CALP member organisations or are independent members of the CALP Network. The Board operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of...
Myan Ku Final Evaluation Report
The Nexus Response Mechanism (NRM), in partnership with sequa gGmbH and Wave Money, and with funding from the European Union, set up the Myan Ku Workers Support Fund in April 2020. The project was created in response to garment factory closures in Myanmar caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the...
Operational Alignment of Humanitarian Cash Programming with Ukraine’s Social Protection System
This paper explores the extent to which humanitarian Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) in Ukraine has been able to leverage different elements of the delivery chain of national social protection (SP) programming. The basis of this paper is the framework developed by Seyfert et al., in their 2019...
Uneven Market Speeds: Exploring the potential for cash programming after the earthquake
The Kahramanmaraş earthquake had a devastating impact on Türkiye’s South-East Anatolia region. In an area within Türkiye already reported as economically vulnerable, the earthquake severely impacted people’s livelihoods, as well as the resilience of markets through the destruction of essential...
What’s Next for Cash: Mercy Corps’ approach to cash and voucher assistance
The brief outlines Mercy Corps' CVA approach & standards applied across our CVA portfolio and sets the direction for CVA in Mercy Corps moving forward.
The approach outlines how CVA contributes to Mercy Corps Pathway to Possibility strategy by focusing on areas that drive impact & sector leadership,...
Programmes de transferts monétaires et mobilité humaine : Partage d’expériences, de débats et d’apprentissages
Les transferts d’argent liquide sont l’un des engagements du Grand Bargain pour lequel des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés. Il convient de noter queles défis posés par les différents contextes humanitaires nous obligentégalement à améliorer et à réviser ces modalités...
CALP Network Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
Objectives The next TAG Meeting will be on Wednesday, 30th August, 12:00-14:00 UTC, via Zoom. The TAG meets quarterly and helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network. Want to know more? Go to the TAG webpage or apply to...
Layering Cash Into Market Systems Programs: Catalyzing Market-Driven Recovery in Nigeria
Case Study
Mercy Corps has been implementing the USAID funded Feed the Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity (RRA), a market systems development (MSD) program, in Northeast Nigeria since 2019. In response to COVID-19, RRA layered on a short-term cash transfer activity to help households cope, jumpstart local...
Cash Programming Kenya Review 2018 – 2022
Case Study
Acted in Kenya is predominantly providing humanitarian assistance in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties where the main source of livelihood is pastoralism apart from their other uniqueness in terms of population characteristics, geographical features and seasonality. These counties have been...
Building Capital in Crisis: How women in CARE’s VSLAs in Emergencies increase savings and solidarity
Since 2017, CARE has piloted and refined our VSLA in Emergencies model to reach people in need of humanitarian assistance and provide an approach that can reduce long term vulnerability while being more sustainable. In this second report on our pilot research, we provide insights from three pilots in...
The Humanitarian Transfer Platform raises the level of daily service to include the distribution of more than 100 thousand humanitarian assistance per day, benefiting more than half a million Yemenis
In early August, the level of access to the Humanitarian Transfer Platform, a platform for the management of humanitarian action and the distribution of conditional and unconditional cash assistance and in-kind assistance, was increased to 100 thousand assistance per day with a value exceeding 4 billion...
Humanitarian Cash Transfers and Intimate Partner Violence in South Sudan
Case Study
Cash-based programming, an intervention commonly provided to people affected by humanitarian crisis, has the potential to affect IPV positively or negatively. This study, however, found no evidence that this cash-based project had any significant effect on IPV. However, the relationship between cash...
Does Cash Assistance Help During Acute Food Insecurity?
Case Study
Cash-based programming is an intervention commonly provided to people affected by humanitarian crisis. Although focusing on the relationship between cash transfers and intimate partner violence, this study also explored links between cash and food insecurity. It finds that seasonal cash for work may not...
In conversation with humanitarians: Are we doing enough to put people in crisis first?
Blog Post
We interviewed Heba and Santosh, to hear their views about involving recipients in the design and implementation of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance. Well worth a read!
Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) – Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance
Case Study
Starting August 2022, WFP collaborated with the Ministry of Social Policy (MoSP) to serve people who had registered for humanitarian assistance through the E-dopomoga platform. Using the E-dopomoga registry, WFP oriented its cash assistance towards parts of the country closest to the frontline and most...
Alignment Options for Humanitarian Cash with the Ukrainian Social Protection System
Cash assistance, and multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) specifically, are a vital part of the humanitarian response in Ukraine. Over half of the projects listed in the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan have a cash transfer or voucher component. By June 2023, approximately 8 million people received...
Overcoming power imbalances: Community recommendations for breaking the cycle
Ground Truth Solutions has been tracking people’s perceptions in Somalia since 2017. Following a recent quantitative survey with cash and voucher recipients, as part of our Cash Barometer project, we carried out focus group discussions to discuss our findings with community members and gather their...
“Men have the power to say everything, women don’t.” Women’s perceptions of cash and voucher assistance in Maiduguri’s outskirts
Case Study
In northeast Nigeria, women and girls constitute approximately two-thirds of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) recipients. However, stark gender inequalities in the region make it difficult to hear women’s perspectives. This study aims to amplify their voices and concerns to inform decision-making...