Suivi et évaluation
La plupart des défis liés au suivi et à l’évaluation, comme la quantité insuffisante d’investissements et le manque de capacités, ne sont pas spécifiques à l’assistance monétaire, mais ceux qui le sont concernent principalement le suivi des résultats des transferts non affectés. La flexibilité des transferts monétaires peut compliquer la définition d’indicateurs de résultats appropriés, qui pourraient impliquer un mélange d’indicateurs spécifiques au secteur et transversaux. En parallèle, il existe des limitations au moment de collecter des données précises sur la manière dont les transferts monétaires sont dépensés.
Les signataires du Grand Bargain se sont engagés à garantir que des mécanismes de suivi et d’évaluation pertinents des transferts monétaires soient en place, et à assurer une meilleure compréhension des coûts, avantages, impacts et risques de cette modalité par rapport à d’autres. En partant de cet engagement, le chantier du Grand Bargain sur les transferts monétaires a établi plusieurs points d’action, dont le développement d’indicateurs de résultats communs pour les transferts monétaires à usages multiples, et des indicateurs pour l’analyse de l’optimisation des ressources. L’analyse systématique de l’optimisation des ressources a été rendue difficile par plusieurs facteurs, dont un manque d’approches approuvées, le besoin en données sur les résultats en termes de qualité et le caractère intensif de l’analyse.
Priorités actuelles
Dans le cadre des engagements du chantier du Grand Bargain sur les transferts monétaires, le CALP Network a co-dirigé (avec l’USAID et CRS) la mise au point d’indicateurs de résultats des transferts monétaires à usages multiples. Le projet à tester est actuellement disponible en anglais, espagnol et français, via la bibliothèque.
Initiatives associées
Contenu présenté
Indicateurs de résultats des transferts monétaires à usages multiples : Projet final à tester
Guides et outils
Les indicateurs présentés dans ce document se concentrent sur les principaux objectifs des TMUM humanitaires et sur les résultats auxquels les transferts monétaires à usages multiples peuvent le plus fortement contribuer. (Par exemple, certaines interventions en TMUM visent à relier les personnes aux systèmes de protection sociale après la fin du TMUM; mais nous n’avons pas inclus...
Monitoring 4 CTP: Monitoring Guidance for CTP in Emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
This guidance provides a central resource to promote a common understanding of the most important monitoring considerations for humanitarian projects using cash transfer programming (CTP). The primary audience for this guidance is field-level practitioners, from organisations directly involved in the design, implementation, monitoring, and accountability of projects using cash and vouchers...
Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies
Guidelines and Tools
The Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money Sub-Workstream is pleased to share the final output on Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies (attached).
Cost-efficiency analysis estimates the ratio of program costs to outputs created, allowing you to compare cost-per-output for programs which all produced the same output. Such...
Thematic lead
Contenu récent
Direct cash – A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money directly (‘direct cash’ or ‘cash in envelopes’). Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using direct cash. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Cash transfers for livelihoods in Eastern Sri Lanka
This case study looks at the British Red Cross’ intervention in Eastern Sri Lanka, following the Tsunami, whereby resettled households were provided with the cash equivalent of a food ration in order to bridge the gap before the next harvest and resumption of livelihood activities. The paper discusses...
Analyse et suivi des marches dans le cadre d’interventions de transferts monétaires
Objectifs principaux de l’analyse et du suivi des marchés: Analyser la capacité des marchés à absorber un surplus de demande généré par les activités de transferts monétaires. Emettre des recommandations en temps réel, c’est- à-dire dans le cours du programme. Evaluer l’impact des...
Vouchers – A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A quick delivery guide to using vouchers to implement a market-based emergency response. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using vouchers. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Niger: Unconditional cash transfers in Tanout
This case study documents the one time unconditional cash transfer programme carried out by the British Red Cross, for households vulnerable to food insecurity, as part of its overall emergency and recovery project following the 2004/5 Food crisis in Niger. It details the context, situational analysis,...
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence en milieu urbain: boîte à outils (Annexe 2)
Guides et outils
Cette boîte à outils a été rassemblée dans le cadre de la recherche « Les transferts monétaires en situation d’urgence urbaine« . Vous pouvez soit télécharger l’ensemble de la boîte à outils (fichier .zip) soit sélectionner un outil de la liste ci-dessous: Outil 1: Exemple de...
Making the Case for Cash: A field guide to advocacy for cash transfer programming
Guidelines and Tools
Because cash transfer programming (CTP) is still a relatively new way of delivering aid, practitioners may often find that they need to be able to make the case for using CTP as well as address fears across different audiences. This guide aims to support field-level advocacy for cash transfer programming....
Working with Banks: A field guide to negotiating with banks in cash transfer programming
Guidelines and Tools
When delivering money through a banking system, aid agencies will have to negotiate with banks or other service providers to implement their chosen delivery mechanism. This field guide provides practical advice on how to negotiate with banks and maintain relationships with a financial institution. Much of...
The CALP Network 4th global learning event: Global innovations and lessons learned from response in South and South-East Asia (Complete workshop notes)
The 4th the CALP Network Global Learning Event was held in Bangkok, Thailand on the 16th and 17th February 2011, hosted by the CALP Network in partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). This inter-agency event was designed to present the latest...
A case study of cash transfers in the Red Sea State of Sudan
This case study looks at an Oxfam cash for work and cash for recovery programme in the Red Sea State of North Sudan. The report details the context, the response analysis, programme choice rationale, programme implementation details, the impacts and benefits, and highlights the lessons learned.
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence urbaine – Boîte à outils destinées aux praticiens
Guides et outils
Reconnaissant la croissance de la population urbaine dans le monde et leur vulnérabilité croissante aux catastrophes, le CALP Network se propose d’examiner l’état actuel et l’impact des programmes d’intervention en milieu urbain faisant appel aux transferts monétaires. Cette étude vise...
Cash & Voucher Technical Working Group Discussion Primers
Guidelines and Tools
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to Cash and Voucher Technical Working Groups (TWGs) on possible issues for TWG discussion. This guide includes 9 key topics that a TWG may need to discuss, and for each outlines why the issue is important, possible discussion points, and suggested...
A case study of the consortium transfer programme in Somalia
This case study looks at a consortium cash transfer programme in Somalia in response to the humanitarian crisis of 2006. Details of the context, response analysis and rationale for choosing cash for work and direct cash relief interventions are given along with the programme summary. Perceived impacts and...
Learning from Cash Responses to the Tsunami: Issue Paper 6: Monitoring and Evaluation
This is the last of six issue papers which form part of a project to document learning around cash-based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide. This Issue Paper focuses on the question of...
Water Access by Voucher
This document presents an overview of the use of vouchers to connect vulnerable people in Somalia with water during an emergency response. The document provides thorough and practical guidance to implementing a water voucher programme, covering all phases of the project cycle including: programme...
Evaluation of OGB and HR Cash Consortium in Southern Somalia
In response to the humanitarian emergency of 2006 in southern Somalia, a consortium of five agencies – Oxfam GB, Horn Relief, AFREC, WASDA and Development Concern – implemented the Emergency Drought Response Action (EDRA) programme. This was a cash-based intervention using an innovative approach with...
DFID Cash Transfers Literature Review
This paper provides a synthesis of current global evidence on the impact of cash transfers in developing countries, and of what works in different contexts, or for different development objectives. Cash transfers are direct, regular and predictable non-contributory cash payments that help poor and...
Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas: Review of Urban Humanitarian Challenges in Port-au-Prince, Manila, Nairobi, Eldoret
Following recommendations of the IASC Task Force on MHCUA, Nairobi, Eldoret and Manila and Port au Prince were adopted as representative case studies. They reflect recent and different types of sudden onset emergencies and disasters (urban violence, severe flooding and hurricanes, earthquakes) impacting...
Evaluation of Livelihoods Projects Sri Lanka Tsunami Specific Plan
Spanish Red Cross has wide experience in livelihoods programming mainly in South America and South Africa over the last twenty years. However the projects that were developed in response to the impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami were the first time that the SRC used cash grants as a modality for its...
Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO
An overview of discussions of the Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO – Niamey 09 &10 Dec 2010.