Suivi et évaluation
La plupart des défis liés au suivi et à l’évaluation, comme la quantité insuffisante d’investissements et le manque de capacités, ne sont pas spécifiques à l’assistance monétaire, mais ceux qui le sont concernent principalement le suivi des résultats des transferts non affectés. La flexibilité des transferts monétaires peut compliquer la définition d’indicateurs de résultats appropriés, qui pourraient impliquer un mélange d’indicateurs spécifiques au secteur et transversaux. En parallèle, il existe des limitations au moment de collecter des données précises sur la manière dont les transferts monétaires sont dépensés.
Les signataires du Grand Bargain se sont engagés à garantir que des mécanismes de suivi et d’évaluation pertinents des transferts monétaires soient en place, et à assurer une meilleure compréhension des coûts, avantages, impacts et risques de cette modalité par rapport à d’autres. En partant de cet engagement, le chantier du Grand Bargain sur les transferts monétaires a établi plusieurs points d’action, dont le développement d’indicateurs de résultats communs pour les transferts monétaires à usages multiples, et des indicateurs pour l’analyse de l’optimisation des ressources. L’analyse systématique de l’optimisation des ressources a été rendue difficile par plusieurs facteurs, dont un manque d’approches approuvées, le besoin en données sur les résultats en termes de qualité et le caractère intensif de l’analyse.
Priorités actuelles
Dans le cadre des engagements du chantier du Grand Bargain sur les transferts monétaires, le CALP Network a co-dirigé (avec l’USAID et CRS) la mise au point d’indicateurs de résultats des transferts monétaires à usages multiples. Le projet à tester est actuellement disponible en anglais, espagnol et français, via la bibliothèque.
Initiatives associées
Contenu présenté
Indicateurs de résultats des transferts monétaires à usages multiples : Projet final à tester
Guides et outils
Les indicateurs présentés dans ce document se concentrent sur les principaux objectifs des TMUM humanitaires et sur les résultats auxquels les transferts monétaires à usages multiples peuvent le plus fortement contribuer. (Par exemple, certaines interventions en TMUM visent à relier les personnes aux systèmes de protection sociale après la fin du TMUM; mais nous n’avons pas inclus...
Monitoring 4 CTP: Monitoring Guidance for CTP in Emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
This guidance provides a central resource to promote a common understanding of the most important monitoring considerations for humanitarian projects using cash transfer programming (CTP). The primary audience for this guidance is field-level practitioners, from organisations directly involved in the design, implementation, monitoring, and accountability of projects using cash and vouchers...
Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies
Guidelines and Tools
The Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money Sub-Workstream is pleased to share the final output on Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies (attached).
Cost-efficiency analysis estimates the ratio of program costs to outputs created, allowing you to compare cost-per-output for programs which all produced the same output. Such...
Thematic lead
Contenu récent
Documentation and Learning: Rapid emergency assistance to Typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) affected communities in the province of Samar, Philippines April 2015
The documentation and learning study identifies good practices and lessons from the implementation of the Rapid Emergency Assistance to Typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) Affected Communities in the Province of Samar by Christian Aid (CA) and its local NGO partners – Coastal Core Incorporated (CCI), Center for...
Impact of Multipurpose Cash Assistance on Outcomes for Children in Lebanon
This report examines the impact of multipurpose cash assistance (MCA) on children, specifically looking at child outcomes and child protection outcomes, in Lebanon. The impact of the Lebanon Cash Consortium MCA program was measured using a variety of indicators for shelter quality and consistency, child...
Bangladesh Cash Working Group: Lessons Learnt From Early Recovery CTPS For Flood Response
The DeSHARI Consortium, NARRI Consortium, German Red Cross, WFP and bKash brought their learning from implementing 3-month-long Cash Transfer Programmings for early recovery for flood response in NW and
Hatiya. From the onset of disaster 13 agencies sought to coordinate under the Cash Working Group in...
Integrating Cash Transfers into Gender-Based Violence Programs in Jordan: Benefits, risks and challenges
With limited global practice and guidance on programming cash transfers to enhance protection in an emergency context, in 2013, the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) started cash transfer programming (CTP) as part of the urban Women’s Protection and Empowerment (WPE) program in Jordan. Three...
The Price Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Transfers
This paper examines the effect of cash versus in-kind transfers on local prices. Both types of transfers increase the demand for normal goods; in-kind transfers also increase supply in recipient communities, which should cause prices to fall relative to cash transfers. We test and confirm this prediction...
Cheaper, Faster, Better? A case study of new technologies in cash transfers from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Over the past decade, there has been a growing consensus in the humanitarian community that cash, as compared to in-kind aid, is the best form of assistance to provide during an emergency. For families that have been displaced by a crisis or natural disaster, cash offers aid recipients more flexibility...
Humanitarian Innovation: The state of the art
The humanitarian system faces grave challenges, as record numbers of people are displaced for longer periods by natural disasters and escalating conflicts. At the same time new technologies, partners, and concepts allow humanitarian actors to understand and address problems quickly and effectively....
An Impact Evaluation of the 2013-2014 Winter Cash Assistance Program for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
This report describes the impacts of the winter cash transfer program run by UNHCR and partners from November 2013 to April 2014. The program gave 575 USD via ATM cards to 87,700 registered Syrian refugees in Lebanon with the objective of keeping people warm and dry during cold winter months.
A Guide to Calculating the Cost of Delivering Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Emergencies – With reference to case studies in Kenya and Somalia
The emergence of cash transfers as a viable alternative to in-kind aid – such as food or shelter materials – for households affected by humanitarian disasters has been documented for some years now. Under certain conditions, when local markets are able to accommodate increased demand and prices will...
Cash Transfer Programming for Urban Displacement: Lessons learned from electronic-transfers in response to the Syria-crisis
In urban displacement contexts with functioning markets and developed banking systems, humanitarian agencies are increasingly using electronic-transfers (e-transfers) as the preferred cash delivery mechanism. Based on the Danish Refugee Council’s response to the Syria crisis, this Evaluation and...
The Impact of Cash and Food Transfers: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Niger
There is little rigorous evidence on the comparative impacts of cash and food transfers on food security and food-related outcomes. This paper assesses the relative impacts of receiving cash versus food transfers using a randomized design. Drawing on data collected in eastern Niger, the paper finds that...
Household Response to Income Changes: Evidence from an unconditional cash transfer program in Kenya
This paper studies the response of poor rural households in rural Kenya to large temporary income changes. Using a randomized controlled trial, households were randomly assigned to receive unconditional cash transfers of at least USD 404 from the NGO GiveDirectly. We designed the experiment to address...
Understanding the Interaction Between Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Based Violence: Study on ACF’s cash transfer programme in northern Uganda
This paper presents findings of a qualitative study conducted in Northern Uganda, on the effects of a cash transfer programme on gender relations and GBV in a post – conflict context. The intervention in focus is Action Against Hunger |ACF International (ACF)’s ‘Combating Gender Based Violence and...
Philippines Typhoon Appeal: Contribution to Change Evaluation
Typhoon Yolanda (known internationally as Haiyan), hit Eastern Samar, Leyte and Central Visayas in the Philippines on November 8, 2013, and is one of the strongest typhoons ever recorded. A total of 16 million people were affected; 6,300 died, 4.1 million were displaced, and 1.1 million houses were...
Economic Impact Study: Direct and Indirect Effects of the WFP Value-Based Food Voucher Programme in Lebanon
This study examines the direct and indirect impacts of WFP’s e-card programme on the Lebanese economy. It is part of a broader United Nations initiative to assess the economic impacts of humanitarian assistance in Lebanon. The e-card programme is an important element of the international humanitarian...
Evaluation des impacts socio-anthropologiques liés aux interventions d’urgence à modalité « transferts d’argents » dans le Kanem – Rapport d’orientations stratégiques
Ce rapport donne des orientations stratégiques et programmatiques ainsi que des recommandations sur les évolutions des programmes de transferts monétaires non conditionnées dans la région du Kanem. Il se base sur une analyse des ressources locales, des liens externes à la région, des positions des...
Cash-Based Assistance Programmes for Internally Displaced Persons in the Kabul Informal Settlements
To improve aid delivery and effectiveness, Welthungerhilfe (WHH) piloted during the 2013/2014 winter a mobile-based cash assistance programme aimed at supporting IDP families living in the Kabul informal settlements (KIS) using Roshan’s M-PAISA service. To assess the strengths and...
Evaluation of Oxfam GB’s Cash for Rent Programme in Lebanon
In March 2013 the DEC launched an appeal to respond to the humanitarian crisis caused by the deepening civil war in Syria. Oxfam GB was allocated a total of £1,189,797 of the £12 million raised, of which it apportioned £237,951 to assisting Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This evaluation found that Oxfam...
Poster – Rapid Assessment for Market (RAM)
Guidelines and Tools
This poster provides a basic understanding of the capacity of selected markets to provide people with key commodities in the immediate aftermath of a sudden shock. It is an instrument allowing humanitarian practitioners with limited market expertise and time to develop a rapid and basic understanding of...
Cash and Vouchers Manual – Second edition
Guidelines and Tools
This second edition of the Cash and Vouchers Manual captures the latest corporately endorsed business processes and procedures, providing the most up-to-date tools (i.e. analytical, assessment, monitoring) that have been developed through close intra-departmental collaboration between Headquarters...