Transferts monétaires et mobilité humaine
Les transferts monétaires sont souvent utilisés lors de crises afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes migrantes. Dans cette page, vous trouverez des ressources sur les transferts monétaires et la migration.
La Croix-Rouge se prépare à fournir une aide humanitaire aux migrant·es de la caravane sur le point de quitter le Honduras pour le Guatemala.
©Johannes Chinchilla / FICR.
Conflits, crises économiques et catastrophes sont autant de raisons ayant contraint des personnes à fuir et à traverser des frontières dans des conditions éprouvantes et risquées, en quête de sécurité et de moyens de subsistance. En 2020, le nombre de personnes déplacées de force s’est envolé au niveau sans précédent de plus de 80 millions de personnes, soit près du double du nombre enregistré il y a une dizaine d’année. Cette tendance s’aggrave et les effets du changement climatique menacent de déplacer jusqu’à 200 millions de personnes d’ici 2050.
L’assistance monétaire est de plus en plus utilisée afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes en situation de déplacement. On y a eu recours à grande échelle dans différents contextes de migration, en Europe en 2015 jusqu’au Venezuela pour « los caminantes ». Elle a également été utilisée dans d’autres crises migratoires, notamment en Amérique centrale, au Sahel, en Méditerranée et dans la Corne de l’Afrique. L’assistance monétaire est à l’heure actuelle l’une des principales formes d’aide apportée aux populations déplacées en Ukraine et dans les pays voisins.
Il existe une myriade de perspectives et de définitions concernant le mot « migrant·e » et la façon dont les humanitaires doivent agir. C’est pourquoi nous ne choisissons pas une définition unique pour le moment, étant donné que les discussions sur l’assistance monétaire et la migration en sont encore à leurs prémices et que le langage évolue encore.
Documenter et partager les données probantes donnera lieu à des interventions plus efficaces. Cette page contient une sélection de ressources utiles concernant la migration et le recours à l’assistance monétaire. Elle sera mise à jour au fil des discussions ayant lieu dans les espaces humanitaires des transferts monétaires.
Priorités actuelles
Afin de contribuer aux progrès relatifs à cet enjeu, nous nous engageons à :
- soutenir la création de données probantes aux niveaux régional et mondial ;
- contribuer aux solutions pratiques visant à mettre en œuvre les transferts monétaires auprès des personnes migrantes ;
- organiser des discussions sur les enjeux majeurs basées sur des données probantes.
Contenu récent
Afghanistan Cash & Voucher Working Group (CVWG) Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and Setting the Transfer Value (TV) – Guidance Document
Guidelines and Tools
The objective of this guideline is to provide direction to the CVA Actors in Afghanistan on the calculation of the transfer values (TVs) for sectoral responses in addition to Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) by using the MEB. This is a living document which will be amended as per the evolving context...
HNPW Linking humanitarian assistance and social protection – common principles and country experiences
Webinar recording
More and more people are living in contexts of protracted crises, driven by conflict, climate vulnerability and socio-economic fragility, requiring new ways of working together and stronger coherence between interventions across the HDP nexus. Linking HA and SP provides a clear entry point for development...
Route-based Programming in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mid-term report. May 2024
This document serves as a mid-term report of CashCap’s
Route-Based Programming deployment in Latin America
and the Caribbean, exploring the fundamental question:
How might we design humanitarian interventions
that effectively address the critical needs of mobile
populations, and mitigate protection...
Strengthening Cash Assistance in Ukraine: Collaborative digital solutions in action
Case Study
The escalation of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, combined with harsh winter temperatures, has exacerbated living conditions for affected communities. In response, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has come together, with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society at its forefront, to deliver effective...
Linking humanitarian assistance and social protection – common principles and country experiences
Members event
About the webinar: More and more people are living in contexts of protracted crises, driven by conflict, climate vulnerability and socio-economic fragility, requiring new ways of working together and stronger coherence between interventions across the HDP nexus. Linking HA and SP provides a clear...
Introduction to Cash Based Interventions (CBIs)
The Monitoring and Evaluation webinar series “Cash Based Interventions and information management” is a series of two live sessions addressed to M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to CBI programming and information systems and see practical examples of information management systems for CBI...
Information Systems for CBIs – Insights from the AVSI Foundation and Danish Refugee Council
Webinar recording
The Monitoring and Evaluation webinar series “Cash Based Interventions and information management” is a series of two live sessions addressed to M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to CBI programming and information systems and see practical examples of information management systems for CBI...
Cash Voucher Assistance, Social Protection and Cash Plus Programmes
In this session, we examine the linkages between CVA and social protection and Cash Plus programmes. We closely follow a Case Study by Mercy Corps that looks into impact programs that combine cash interventions with vocational trainings on violence reduction.
In summary, we explore:
Linkages to...
Introduction aux interventions en espèces pour les professionnels du suivi et de l’évaluation
Guides et outils
Comprendre les interventions en espèces (CBI) et leur rôle dans le suivi et l'évaluation est crucial pour toute personne travaillant dans l'aide humanitaire, le développement ou des domaines connexes. C’est le reflet de l’évolution du paysage de la prestation de soins et une réponse à...
Suivi et évaluation des interventions monétaires en espèce (CBIs)
Guides et outils
Les principes fondamentaux du suivi et de l’évaluation ne diffèrent pas des transferts monétaires de ceux pour tout autre projet. Cependant, nous devons garder à l’esprit que les projets de programmation monétaire présentent certaines caractéristiques spécifiques. L’une des principales...
Cash Based Interventions – Unconditional cash transfer
Guidelines and Tools
This is a database template to explore how ActivityInfo can be used for information management for a Cash Based Intervention (CBI).
The template includes forms to register beneficiaries, conduct vulnerability assessments and monthly verifications, capture indicators related to post distribution status...
Save the Children Cash for Education Impact Evaluation in Malawi
Case Study
Save the Children implemented a Catch-up Club (CuC) project, funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery (SPL), in 20 schools in Lilongwe, Malawi. CuCs are a short-term, data-driven intervention to build foundational skills in literacy, numeracy and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), during learning...
Literature Review: Unconditional CVA ‘plus’ SBC for nutrition outcomes
Over the years, CVA has gained attention in social protection schemes to improve child nutrition outcomes. While much of the existing evidence comes from conditional cash transfers, recent evidence demonstrates a push for more unconditional CVA. Evidence shows that nutrition-sensitive cash assistance can...
Humanitarian Cash Response in Gaza – Sharing experiences and lessons learned
This event will focus on the humanitarian cash response in Gaza, as well as the response in Palestine as a whole amidst the ongoing emergency. We will host the Cash Working Group coordinators where we aim to provide a platform for stakeholders to discuss the work of cash actors in Gaza, the achievements...
Thunes Special Session of the Payment Solution Seekers Group
Meeting minutes
Thunes, a global payments company, presented its strategy and products to the Payment Solution Seekers group, as part of the CALP Network's ongoing initiative to improve private-sector engagement in the payments space.
USA & Canada Community of Practice Meeting
The overall objective of the meeting is to create a space for exchange for CVA actors working in the USA and Canada. Interested CVA professionals based in the USA and Canada are welcome to attend.
Special Session: Thunes Humanitarian payment solutions Working Group (closed)
Session timing, 23rd April 2024 8-9.30 US-EST
The Working Group is hosted by the CALP Network and supports humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) implementing organisations to leverage the latest digital payment infrastructure, to improve the quality, quantity and impact of support. It focuses...
Report Launch and Panel Discussion: Achieving Resilience by Linking Humanitarian CVA to Social Protection in MENA
Webinar recording
This event, held on April 18th 2024, featured CALP’s recent report on the feasibility of achieving resilience by linking vulnerable populations receiving humanitarian CVA to development and social protection.
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in the USA: learning and sharing together
Objective To provide a once off space that facilitates exchange and learning for the actors implementing humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in the United States. We aim to provide an environment to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of their...
MENA Membership Engagement Event
Meeting minutes
This event brought together CALP members in the MENA region and focused on how we can collectively advance Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). Throughout the event, attendees engaged in fruitful breakout room discussions on membership engagement, had a discussion on advancing CVA based on the...