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Linking Humanitarian CVA with Social Protection
Welcome to the course Linking Humanitarian CVA with Social Protection. This 4 to 5 hour course, broken up into short modules, aims to promote informed and on-going dialogue between humanitarian and social protection stakeholders on the ways forward for linking humanitarian CVA and social protection in...
Saving Lives and Assets: The value of nexus “Cash” approaches to Anticipatory Action and Social Protection during climate-induced crises
As a follow-on reflection from an inter-agency panel presentation at the ECHO EHF 2023, panelists highlight the importance of drastically changing « gear » to scale up pre-crisis Anticipatory Action investment, leveraging the « nexus » enabler – cash. Humanitarian needs have reached an...
توجيهات صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان: كيفية تصميم المساعدات النقدية وإعدادها في مجال إدارة حالات العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي
إرشادات وأدوات
لا بدّ من النظر بدقّة في الأحكام المتعلّقة بتوقيت وكيفية استخدام المساعدات النقدية كأداة في إدارة حالات العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي، وذلك من أجل التخفيف من أي...
Cash Based Interventions: Implementation guidelines for light & medium repairs of houses & apartments
Guidelines and Tools
Cash-Based Interventions are a type of market-based intervention that use local markets and services to meet the needs of the people affected by the crisis, in this case, to carry out light and medium repairs to the houses and apartments affected by the conflict. They can be stand-alone or used in...
Economic Drivers of Displacement in Yemen
As Yemen enters its eighth year of conflict, the country faces interconnected social and economic crises, severely limiting the government’s ability to sustain vital public services and a stable employment market. Additionally, Yemenis’ purchasing power has dramatically reduced due to exchange rate...
Investigating Operational Models for Multi-purpose Cash Delivery and Links to Social Protection: Spotlight on the Middle East and North Africa
This piece of research looked at six case studies in the MENA region where CVA is being delivered at scale. It looked at the characteristics of the operational models of delivering multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA), and how that enables (or not) links with existing national social protection...
Understanding the Impact of a Humanitarian Cash Transfer (HCT) Program in Colombia
The Venezuelan humanitarian crisis represents one of the largest displacement crises in the world, on the order of 6.1 million people (UNHCR 2022a). Colombia currently hosts more than 1.82 million Venezuelans, 60 percent of whom are in irregular situations that prevent them from accessing public services,...
زيادة استخدام مساعدات النقد والقسائم الإنسانية: الفرص والعوائق والمعضلات
من خلال التحليل المتعمق لأحدث البيانات والنمذجة الدقيقة، تحدد هذه الدراسة النطاق الحالي لمساعدات النقد والقسائم، وتكشف عن الفرص والتحديات التي تنطوي عليها لتحقق...
In Progress: A Review of Forms of Coordination Between Cash Working Groups and Social Protection Systems in the Americas
This report provides a mapping of the initiatives and scope of coordination efforts aimed at linking humanitarian CVA with social protection in each country in the Americas that has a CWG or maintains similar coordination spaces.
Accessing Social Protection in Iraq: Mapping of Programs and Analysis of Barriers
Social protection programmes play a key role in addressing poverty, inequality, and vulnerability in societies. In Iraq, a range of social protection initiatives have been implemented to support diverse segments
of the population, including women, children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and...
Consultation process with local actors to develop CALP’s learning and training strategy
To support the delivery of impactful, effective and high-quality cash and voucher assistance (CVA), CALP works with others to develop and deliver a variety of learning and training activities. Learning activities are delivered via online-facilitated workshops, face-to-face trainings and self-driven...
عملية التشاور مع الجهات الفاعلة المحلية لتطوير إستراتيجية التعلم والتدريب الخاصة بشبكة CALP
بهدف دعم تقديم مساعدات نقدية وقسائم مؤثرة وفعالة ورفيعة المستوى، تعمل شبكة CALP بالتعاون مع الجهات الأخرى لتطوير وتنفيذ مجموعة متنوعة من أنشطة التعلّم والتدريب. يتم...
الاستجابة لزلزال تركيا وسوريا: نصائح وموارد للممارسين في مجال النقد
Blog Post
بالاعتماد على التعلم من الأزمات المماثلة، قمنا بتجميع معلومات ونصائح مفيدة لأي شخص مشارك في برامج المساعدات النقدية والقسائم (CVA) في تركيا وسوريا في أعقاب الزلازل...
Respuesta al terremoto de Turquía y Siria: consejos y recursos para profesionales de PTM
Blog Post
Basándonos en el aprendizaje de crisis comparables, hemos recopilado información y consejos útiles para cualquier persona involucrada en los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) en Turquía y Siria después de los recientes terremotos.
Turkiye and Syria Earthquake Response: Advice and resources for cash practitioners
Blog Post
Drawing on learning from comparable crises, we have compiled useful information and advice for anyone involved in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programming in Turkiye and Syria following the recent earthquakes.
Réponse aux tremblements de terre en Turquie et en Syrie : Conseils et ressources pour les praticiens travaillant avec les transferts monétaires
Blog Post
En s’appuyant sur les enseignements tirés de crises comparables, nous avons compilé des informations et des conseils utiles pour tous ceux qui travaillent avec les transferts monétaires en Turquie et en Syrie à la suite des récents tremblements de terre.
Ukraine: Unlocking a more effective humanitarian response (Presentation)
This slide deck was used in the 8 February 2023 webinar organised by CALP, Ground Truth Solutions and Humanitarian Outcomes title: « Ukraine: Unlocking a more effective humanitarian response ». Agenda Brief presentations Key findings from Ground Truth Solutions, Marina Key findings from the Ukraine...
How to mitigate gender-based violence (GBV) risks in cash and voucher assistance (CVA)
Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is an important tool to help individuals affected by crises get back on their feet. But just like any other form of assistance, it is vital to ensure that it does not fuel tensions in the household or in the community and that it does not create new risks for women and...
Cómo mitigar los riesgos de violencia basada en género (VBG) en los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM)
La asistencia en efectivo y cupones (AEC) — también se conoce como programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) — es una herramienta importante para ayudar a las personas afectadas por crisis a volver a ponerse en pie. Pero al igual que cualquier otra forma de ayuda, es vital asegurarse de que no...
Comment atténuer les risques de violence basée sur le genre (VBG) dans les transferts monétaires (TM)
Les transferts monétaires (TM) sont un outil important pour aider les personnes touchées par une crise à se remettre sur pied. Mais comme toute autre forme d’assistance, il est essentiel de veiller à ce qu’elle n’alimente pas les tensions au sein du foyer ou de la communauté et qu’elle ne...