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61 – 80 sur 412 résultats
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff Course
Do you aim to continually develop your professional skills around Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA)? The CALP Network's online course will strengthen your CVA expertise and your ability to design and implement high-quality programming.
دورة CALP عبر الإنترنت: مهارات المساعدات النقدية والقسائم الأساسية لموظفي البرنامج
هل تطمحون الى تطويرمهاراتكم المهنية في مجال المساعدات النقدية والقسائم بشكل مستمر؟ سوف تعزز هذه الدورة التعليمية/التدريبية لشبكة CALP عبر الانترنت خبراتكم في مجال...
Transferts Monétaires (TM): Votre rôle en tant que coordinatrice VBG
Guides et outils
Le Bureau humanitaire de l’UNFPA et la Domaine de responsabilité VBG ont élaboré ces orientations sur le thème « TM – Votre rôle de Coordinateur des VBG » à l’intention des responsables et des partenaires du groupe de coordination violence basée sur le genre (VBG) intervenant dans des...
Screening recipients of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance: necessary precaution or wasted resources?
Blog Post
Is screening the recipients of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance an effective way to mitigate against the perceived diversion risk that cash represents? If yes, how? If not, why are conversations growing on the topic? In a recent report for Oxfam and Bond, Nina Newhouse & colleagues from the London...
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Feasibility and Risk Analysis Sudan
Summary findings UN agencies and NGOs are all in the process of starting up or scaling up cash transfers with many other agencies active in the Cash Working Group while WFP is considered as the biggest Cash actor. There is a strong direction from the government at the national level to use cash based...
SPACE Social protection and climate change: scaling up ambition (Summary Brief)
Climate change, once perceived as a long-term environmental issue, is now an immediate threat to safety and prosperity, especially for the most vulnerable people that are hit hardest by increasing weather extremes. The impacts cannot be managed just by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or by small tweaks...
GBV Risk Mitigation: An Analysis of the CARE Somalia Integrated Relief &Recovery Program (ISRP) Multipurpose Cash.
This is a learning brief that highlights the GBV risk mitigation analysis of CARE’s ISRP Project (Economic Recovery Sector ) funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), The CARE Project was applied as one of the case studies for the inter-agency Somalia GBV Risk mapping in CVA projects.
Forecast based financing – lessons learned on early actions with cash transfers
The objective of the document is to present the lessons learned related to the implementation of early actions with cash transfers as part of the forecast-based financing mechanism implemented by the World Food Programme in the Yaque del Norte watershed in the Dominican Republic.
FbF – Aprendizajes sobre las acciones anticipadas con transferencias monetarias en República Dominicana
El objetivo del documento es presentar los aprendizajes relacionados con la implementación de las acciones tempranas con transferencias monetarias, como parte del mecanismo de financiación basada en pronósticos implementado por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos en la Cuenca Yaque del Norte en la...
Rapid Market Assessment and Price Monitoring Report – Huehuetenango Department Guatemala
Methodology: This rapid assessment of markets and prices was based on an adapted version of the IFRC’s Rapid Assessment for Markets, elements of the EMMA toolkit’s market system approach and the consortium of NGO’s price monitoring format. The methodology was chosen to give a basic and rapid...
Asistencia en efectivo y cupones (AEC): Su papel como coordinador/a de VBG
Guía y herramientas
La Oficina Humanitaria del UNFPA y el Área de Responsabilidad de VBG han elaborado las presentes directrices sobre «AEC: su papel como Coordinadora de VBG» para los responsables de los grupos de coordinación de VBG y los socios en contextos humanitarios. Su finalidad es esbozar las formas prácticas...
“Doing no harm” in the digital age: What the digitalization of cash means for humanitarian action
Cash transfers have changed the way the humanitarian sector delivers assistance, and at the same time, digitalization is changing the way our world works in fundamental ways. The digitalization of cash means that the simple click of a button can put money in the hands of hundreds of thousands, if not...
Sudan – Gedaref Joint Cash Risk assessment
Since the crisis in the Tigray region of Ethiopia in November 2020 over 60,000 people have sought refuge in neighbouring Sudan and were mostly accommodated in camps re-established in Gedaref State. Cash is has been utilised as a response modality and is being considered further by several agencies. This...
2020 Cash and Voucher Programming (CVP): Roadmap and milestone achieved
In 2020, World Vision has implemented cash and voucher programming like never before – not least due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related social protection transfer scale-ups. From 2019 to 2020, we have seen a 28 % increase of our cash, voucher based programming, moving towards enabling affected...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Bangladesh
The COVID-19 crisis is likely to have a staggering impact on poverty in Bangladesh. This report documents the social protection responses by the Government of Bangladesh to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable populations. Analysing factors that enabled and constrained the effectiveness of...
Pinning Down Moving Targets: Research Note Medium-term priorities for cash assistance in Lebanon
Whilst most humanitarian responses across the globe have had to navigate the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, in Lebanon the challenges related to COVID-19 emerged on top of an unprecedented protest movement, political instability, a rapid deterioration of the economy and the increasingly protracted...
Dossier stratégique du cluster mondial pour l’éducation liste de contrôle sur les transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
La présente liste de contrôle fournit des orientations qui vous aideront à envisager les modalités d’exécution des transferts monétaires tout au long du document de stratégie du Cluster et du processus d’élaboration de celle-ci, de la même façon que pour l’aide en nature. Les transferts...
Safer Cash Toolkit (Français)
Guides et outils
La trousse pour une gestion sûre des espèces a été conçue dans
le but d’apporter une solution au problème de manque de données
pour l’évaluation systématique des risques encourus par les individus
qui reçoivent et utilisent l’assistance en espèces de programmes
humanitaires. Cette trousse...
Safer Cash Toolkit (Español)
Guía y herramientas
El Conjunto de Herramientas Efectivo Más Seguro ha sido diseñado
para abordar el desafío de la información insuficiente para identificar
sistemáticamente los riesgos que enfrentan las personas al recibir
y utilizar efectivo en programas humanitarios. El conjunto de
herramientas está diseñado para...
مجموعة أدوات النقد الآمن (العربية)
إرشادات وأدوات
تم تصميم مجموعة أدوات النقد الأكثر أمانًا ، التي تمولها الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية ، للحصول على الحد الأدنى من المعلومات المتعلقة بالحماية في حالات الطوارئ...