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401 – 420 sur 423 résultats
Cash transfers in emergencies: A synthesis of World Vision’s experience and learning
This HPG study report, commissioned by World Vision, looks at the shifting view towards cash programming by the humanitarian community, and focuses on the specific challenges and needs which World Vision would have to address when considering the use of cash in emergencies. A general background of cash...
Beneficiary perceptions of corruption in humanitarian assistance: A Sri Lanka case study
This case study, based on a number of chosen villages in Sri Lanka, examines the views of beneficiaries on corruption in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. It begins by outlining some of the corruption risks that agencies may face during emergency responses, particularly in conflict-affected...
Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Assistance
This report by Transparency International describes the research on the problem of corruption in humanitarian assistance, based on evidence from seven major international NGOs. It does not try to assess the degree of corruption in any one agency, or country, rather it seeks to document perceptions of...
Lignes directrices sur les programmes de transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
Un guide pratique, qui comprend aussi les fiches d’orientation et une section sur les outils pratiques. S’appuyant sur le large éventail d’expériences en transferts monétaires au sein du Mouvement de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge, et dans le secteur humanitaire en général, ces directives...
Cash Transfers for Disaster Risk Reduction in Niger: A Feasibility Study
This HPG study report, commissioned by CARE, examines the appropriateness, cost-effectiveness and feasibility of cash transfer programming as part of a disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategy in Niger. It gives a general livelihood context of Niger and then looks at the feasibility and appropriateness,...
Cash transfers in Sierra Leone: Appropriate, affordable and feasible?
This paper is one of a series of outputs from ODI’s research study (2006–09) “Cash Transfers and their Role in Social Protection”. The study aims to compare cash with other forms of transfers, identifying where cash transfers may be preferable, the preconditions for cash transfers to work well,...
Mise en oeuvre des interventions monetaires: un manuel pour les professionels du terrain
Guides et outils
Ceci est un guide complet de la théorie et la pratique des interventions monétaires, couvrant les subventions en espèces, bons/coupons, et l’argent contre le travail. Il comprend également des outils pratiques, y compris des exemples de questionnaires, enquêtes de marché, les cartes de...
Implementing cash-based interventions: A guideline for aid workers
Guidelines and Tools
This is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of cash-based interventions in the field, covering cash grants, vouchers, and labour-based interventions (cash for work). It also includes practical templates including examples of questionnaires, market surveys, beneficiary cards, voucher formats...
Guide to Cash-for-Work Programming
Guidelines and Tools
Cash-for-Work is a short-term intervention used by humanitarian assistance organizations to provide temporary employment in public projects (such as repairing roads, clearing debris or re-building infrastructure) to the most vulnerable segments of a population. The methodology is relatively new, but its...
Guidelines for cash transfer programming
Guidelines and Tools
A practical guide, including guidance sheets and a section on practical tools. Building on the broad range of cash experiences within the Movement and in the humanitarian sector, these guidelines provide practical, step-by-step support to the design and implementation of cash programmes.
Cash Workbook: A Practical User’s Guide for the Preparation and Implementation of Cash Projects
Guidelines and Tools
This workbook is a tool that guides managers through the project cycle of managing a cash transfer programme including administrative and database setup, and project management systems and procedures.
Learning from cash responses to the tsunami: Issue paper 3: Setting the value
This is the third of six issue papers which form part of a project to document learning around cash-based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide. A key question in the design of cash transfer...
Learning from cash responses to the tsunami: Issue Paper 4: Cash and shelter
This is the fourth of six issue papers which form part of a project to document learning around cash-based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide. This Issue Paper highlights some of the key...
Learning from cash responses to the tsunami: Issue Paper 5: Livelihoods recovery
This is the fifth of six issue papers which form part of a project to document learning around cash-based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide. This Issue Paper looks at the use of cash in...
Independent Evaluation of Oxfam GB Malawi’s Emergency Cash – Transfer Programme
Poor rainfall in Malawi in the 2004/2005 growing season resulted in significantly reduced cereal and non-cereal food production in the country, leaving up to 4 million people in need of assistance. In response, Oxfam planned a programme in southern Malawi, which included a ‘pilot’ cash-transfer...
Transferts d’argent: Programmation pour les situations d’urgences
Guides et outils
Un guide compact et concis visant à soutenir les gestionnaires de programmes afin d’évaluer si le cash est la réponse la plus appropriée en cas d’urgence et de choisir entre différents types d’interventions monétaires. Ce guide est basé sur l’expérience d’Oxfam GB sur cinq ans...
Cash Transfers in Emergencies: A Review Drawing upon the Tsunami and Other Experience
This 2006 document from the Social Policy and Economic Analysis office of UNICEF (East Asia and the Pacific Region) draws upon examples from the tsunami and other contexts to explore cash transfer experience in emergencies. It presents existing evidence of impact of cash transfers on children; reasons...
Mapping the Risks of Corruption in Humanitarian Action
The issue of corruption in emergency relief and rehabilitation is a key concern for practitioners, who invest considerable resources and energy in trying to minimise it. However, it has barely been discussed in policy terms, and little researched. This paper aims to map the risks of corruption in the...
Cash-transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A compact and concise guide aimed at supporting programme managers to assess whether cash is the most appropriate response in an emergency and choose between different types of cash-based interventions. This guide is based on the experience of Oxfam GB over five years (2000–2005) in a variety of...
ODI/UNDP Cash Learning Project Workshop in Aceh, Indonesia
This is a report from a workshop on sharing experiences and learning for cash-based interventions. The workshop was held in Aceh, Indonesia in July 2005. The workshop included case studies from Mercy Corps, Panglima Laot, Save the Children, British Red Cross, Swiss Development Corporation, Oxfam and...